import * as bench from 'micro-bmark'; const { run, mark } = bench; // or bench.mark import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; // Curves import { secp256k1 } from '../lib/secp256k1.js'; import { P256 } from '../lib/p256.js'; import { P384 } from '../lib/p384.js'; import { P521 } from '../lib/p521.js'; import { ed25519 } from '../lib/ed25519.js'; import { ed448 } from '../lib/ed448.js'; import { bls12_381 as bls } from '../lib/bls12-381.js'; // Others import { hmac } from '@noble/hashes/hmac'; import { sha256 } from '@noble/hashes/sha256'; import { sha512 } from '@noble/hashes/sha512'; import * as old_secp from '@noble/secp256k1'; import * as old_bls from '@noble/bls12-381'; import { concatBytes, hexToBytes } from '@noble/hashes/utils'; import * as starkwareCrypto from '@starkware-industries/starkware-crypto-utils'; import * as stark from '../lib/stark.js'; old_secp.utils.sha256Sync = (...msgs) => sha256 .create() .update(concatBytes(...msgs)) .digest(); old_secp.utils.hmacSha256Sync = (key, ...msgs) => hmac .create(sha256, key) .update(concatBytes(...msgs)) .digest(); import * as noble_ed25519 from '@noble/ed25519'; noble_ed25519.utils.sha512Sync = (...m) => sha512(concatBytes(...m)); // BLS const G2_VECTORS = readFileSync('../test/bls12-381/bls12-381-g2-test-vectors.txt', 'utf-8') .trim() .split('\n') .map((l) => l.split(':')); let p1, p2, oldp1, oldp2; // /BLS for (let item of [secp256k1, ed25519, ed448, P256, P384, P521, old_secp, noble_ed25519]) { item.utils.precompute(8); } const ONLY_NOBLE = process.argv[2] === 'noble'; function generateData(namespace) { const priv = namespace.utils.randomPrivateKey(); const pub = namespace.getPublicKey(priv); const msg = namespace.utils.randomPrivateKey(); const sig = namespace.sign(msg, priv); return { priv, pub, msg, sig }; } export const CURVES = { secp256k1: { data: () => { return generateData(secp256k1); }, getPublicKey1: { samples: 10000, secp256k1_old: () => old_secp.getPublicKey(3n), secp256k1: () => secp256k1.getPublicKey(3n), }, getPublicKey255: { samples: 10000, secp256k1_old: () => old_secp.getPublicKey(2n ** 255n - 1n), secp256k1: () => secp256k1.getPublicKey(2n ** 255n - 1n), }, sign: { samples: 5000, secp256k1_old: ({ msg, priv }) => old_secp.signSync(msg, priv), secp256k1: ({ msg, priv }) => secp256k1.sign(msg, priv), }, verify: { samples: 1000, secp256k1_old: ({ sig, msg, pub }) => { return old_secp.verify(new old_secp.Signature(sig.r, sig.s), msg, pub); }, secp256k1: ({ sig, msg, pub }) => secp256k1.verify(sig, msg, pub), }, getSharedSecret: { samples: 1000, secp256k1_old: ({ pub, priv }) => old_secp.getSharedSecret(priv, pub), secp256k1: ({ pub, priv }) => secp256k1.getSharedSecret(priv, pub), }, recoverPublicKey: { samples: 1000, secp256k1_old: ({ sig, msg }) => old_secp.recoverPublicKey(msg, new old_secp.Signature(sig.r, sig.s), sig.recovery), secp256k1: ({ sig, msg }) => sig.recoverPublicKey(msg), }, }, ed25519: { data: () => { function to32Bytes(numOrStr) { const hex = typeof numOrStr === 'string' ? numOrStr : numOrStr.toString(16); return hexToBytes(hex.padStart(64, '0')); } const priv = to32Bytes(0x9d61b19deffd5a60ba844af492ec2cc44449c5697b326919703bac031cae7f60n); const pub = noble_ed25519.sync.getPublicKey(priv); const msg = to32Bytes('deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef'); const sig = noble_ed25519.sync.sign(msg, priv); return { pub, priv, msg, sig }; }, getPublicKey: { samples: 10000, old: () => noble_ed25519.sync.getPublicKey(noble_ed25519.utils.randomPrivateKey()), noble: () => ed25519.getPublicKey(ed25519.utils.randomPrivateKey()), }, sign: { samples: 5000, old: ({ msg, priv }) => noble_ed25519.sync.sign(msg, priv), noble: ({ msg, priv }) => ed25519.sign(msg, priv), }, verify: { samples: 1000, old: ({ sig, msg, pub }) => noble_ed25519.sync.verify(sig, msg, pub), noble: ({ sig, msg, pub }) => ed25519.verify(sig, msg, pub), }, }, ed448: { data: () => { const priv = ed448.utils.randomPrivateKey(); const pub = ed448.getPublicKey(priv); const msg = ed448.utils.randomPrivateKey(); const sig = ed448.sign(msg, priv); return { priv, pub, msg, sig }; }, getPublicKey: { samples: 5000, noble: () => ed448.getPublicKey(ed448.utils.randomPrivateKey()), }, sign: { samples: 2500, noble: ({ msg, priv }) => ed448.sign(msg, priv), }, verify: { samples: 500, noble: ({ sig, msg, pub }) => ed448.verify(sig, msg, pub), }, }, nist: { data: () => { return { p256: generateData(P256), p384: generateData(P384), p521: generateData(P521) }; }, getPublicKey: { samples: 2500, P256: () => P256.getPublicKey(P256.utils.randomPrivateKey()), P384: () => P384.getPublicKey(P384.utils.randomPrivateKey()), P521: () => P521.getPublicKey(P521.utils.randomPrivateKey()), }, sign: { samples: 1000, P256: ({ p256: { msg, priv } }) => P256.sign(msg, priv), P384: ({ p384: { msg, priv } }) => P384.sign(msg, priv), P521: ({ p521: { msg, priv } }) => P521.sign(msg, priv), }, verify: { samples: 250, P256: ({ p256: { sig, msg, pub } }) => P256.verify(sig, msg, pub), P384: ({ p384: { sig, msg, pub } }) => P384.verify(sig, msg, pub), P521: ({ p521: { sig, msg, pub } }) => P521.verify(sig, msg, pub), }, }, stark: { data: () => { const priv = '2dccce1da22003777062ee0870e9881b460a8b7eca276870f57c601f182136c'; const msg = 'c465dd6b1bbffdb05442eb17f5ca38ad1aa78a6f56bf4415bdee219114a47'; const pub = stark.getPublicKey(priv); const sig = stark.sign(msg, priv); const privateKey = '2dccce1da22003777062ee0870e9881b460a8b7eca276870f57c601f182136c'; const msgHash = 'c465dd6b1bbffdb05442eb17f5ca38ad1aa78a6f56bf4415bdee219114a47'; const keyPair =, 'hex'); const publicKeyStark = keyPair.getPublic(true, 'hex'), 'hex' ); return { priv, sig, msg, pub, publicKeyStark, msgHash, keyPair }; }, pedersen: { samples: 500, old: () => { return starkwareCrypto.default.pedersen([ '3d937c035c878245caf64531a5756109c53068da139362728feb561405371cb', '208a0a10250e382e1e4bbe2880906c2791bf6275695e02fbbc6aeff9cd8b31a', ]); }, noble: () => { return stark.pedersen( '3d937c035c878245caf64531a5756109c53068da139362728feb561405371cb', '208a0a10250e382e1e4bbe2880906c2791bf6275695e02fbbc6aeff9cd8b31a' ); }, }, verify: { samples: 500, old: ({ publicKeyStark, msgHash, keyPair }) => { return starkwareCrypto.default.verify( publicKeyStark, msgHash, starkwareCrypto.default.sign(keyPair, msgHash) ); }, noble: ({ priv, msg, pub }) => { return stark.verify(stark.sign(msg, priv), msg, pub); }, }, }, 'bls12-381': { data: async () => { const priv = '28b90deaf189015d3a325908c5e0e4bf00f84f7e639b056ff82d7e70b6eede4c'; const pubs = => bls.getPublicKey(v[0])); const sigs = => v[2]); const pub = bls.getPublicKey(priv); const pub512 = pubs.slice(0, 512); // .map(bls.PointG1.fromHex) const pub32 = pub512.slice(0, 32); const pub128 = pub512.slice(0, 128); const pub2048 = pub512.concat(pub512, pub512, pub512); const sig512 = sigs.slice(0, 512); // .map(bls.PointG2.fromSignature); const sig32 = sig512.slice(0, 32); const sig128 = sig512.slice(0, 128); const sig2048 = sig512.concat(sig512, sig512, sig512); return { priv, pubs, sigs, pub, pub512, pub32, pub128, pub2048, sig32, sig128, sig512, sig2048, }; }, init: { samples: 1, old: () => { oldp1 = old_bls.PointG1.BASE.multiply( 0x28b90deaf189015d3a325908c5e0e4bf00f84f7e639b056ff82d7e70b6eede4cn ); oldp2 = old_bls.PointG2.BASE.multiply( 0x28b90deaf189015d3a325908c5e0e4bf00f84f7e639b056ff82d7e70b6eede4dn ); old_bls.pairing(oldp1, oldp2); }, noble: () => { p1 = bls.G1.Point.BASE.multiply( 0x28b90deaf189015d3a325908c5e0e4bf00f84f7e639b056ff82d7e70b6eede4cn ); p2 = bls.G2.Point.BASE.multiply( 0x28b90deaf189015d3a325908c5e0e4bf00f84f7e639b056ff82d7e70b6eede4dn ); bls.pairing(p1, p2); }, }, 'getPublicKey (1-bit)': { samples: 1000, old: () => old_bls.getPublicKey('2'.padStart(64, '0')), noble: () => bls.getPublicKey('2'.padStart(64, '0')), }, getPublicKey: { samples: 1000, old: ({ priv }) => old_bls.getPublicKey(priv), noble: ({ priv }) => bls.getPublicKey(priv), }, sign: { samples: 50, old: ({ priv }) => old_bls.sign('09', priv), noble: ({ priv }) => bls.sign('09', priv), }, verify: { samples: 50, old: ({ pub }) => old_bls.verify( '8647aa9680cd0cdf065b94e818ff2bb948cc97838bcee987b9bc1b76d0a0a6e0d85db4e9d75aaedfc79d4ea2733a21ae0579014de7636dd2943d45b87c82b1c66a289006b0b9767921bb8edd3f6c5c5dec0d54cd65f61513113c50cc977849e5', '09', pub ), noble: ({ pub }) => bls.verify( '8647aa9680cd0cdf065b94e818ff2bb948cc97838bcee987b9bc1b76d0a0a6e0d85db4e9d75aaedfc79d4ea2733a21ae0579014de7636dd2943d45b87c82b1c66a289006b0b9767921bb8edd3f6c5c5dec0d54cd65f61513113c50cc977849e5', '09', pub ), }, pairing: { samples: 100, old: () => old_bls.pairing(oldp1, oldp2), noble: () => bls.pairing(p1, p2), }, 'hashToCurve/G1': { samples: 500, old: () => old_bls.PointG1.hashToCurve('abcd'), noble: () => bls.G1.Point.hashToCurve('abcd'), }, 'hashToCurve/G2': { samples: 200, old: () => old_bls.PointG2.hashToCurve('abcd'), noble: () => bls.G2.Point.hashToCurve('abcd'), }, // SLOW PART // Requires points which we cannot init before (data fn same for all) // await mark('sign/nc', 30, () => bls.sign(msgp, priv)); // await mark('verify/nc', 30, () => bls.verify(sigp, msgp, pubp)); 'aggregatePublicKeys/8': { samples: 100, old: ({ pubs }) => old_bls.aggregatePublicKeys(pubs.slice(0, 8)), noble: ({ pubs }) => bls.aggregatePublicKeys(pubs.slice(0, 8)), }, 'aggregatePublicKeys/32': { samples: 50, old: ({ pub32 }) => old_bls.aggregatePublicKeys(, noble: ({ pub32 }) => bls.aggregatePublicKeys(, }, 'aggregatePublicKeys/128': { samples: 20, old: ({ pub128 }) => old_bls.aggregatePublicKeys(, noble: ({ pub128 }) => bls.aggregatePublicKeys(, }, 'aggregatePublicKeys/512': { samples: 10, old: ({ pub512 }) => old_bls.aggregatePublicKeys(, noble: ({ pub512 }) => bls.aggregatePublicKeys(, }, 'aggregatePublicKeys/2048': { samples: 5, old: ({ pub2048 }) => old_bls.aggregatePublicKeys(, noble: ({ pub2048 }) => bls.aggregatePublicKeys(, }, 'aggregateSignatures/8': { samples: 50, old: ({ sigs }) => old_bls.aggregateSignatures(sigs.slice(0, 8)), noble: ({ sigs }) => bls.aggregateSignatures(sigs.slice(0, 8)), }, 'aggregateSignatures/32': { samples: 10, old: ({ sig32 }) => old_bls.aggregateSignatures(, noble: ({ sig32 }) => bls.aggregateSignatures(, }, 'aggregateSignatures/128': { samples: 5, old: ({ sig128 }) => old_bls.aggregateSignatures(, noble: ({ sig128 }) => bls.aggregateSignatures(, }, 'aggregateSignatures/512': { samples: 3, old: ({ sig512 }) => old_bls.aggregateSignatures(, noble: ({ sig512 }) => bls.aggregateSignatures(, }, 'aggregateSignatures/2048': { samples: 2, old: ({ sig2048 }) => old_bls.aggregateSignatures(, noble: ({ sig2048 }) => bls.aggregateSignatures(, }, }, }; const main = () => run(async () => { for (const [name, curve] of Object.entries(CURVES)) { console.log(`==== ${name} ====`); const data = await; for (const [fnName, libs] of Object.entries(curve)) { if (fnName === 'data') continue; const samples = libs.samples; console.log(` - ${fnName} (samples: ${samples})`); for (const [lib, fn] of Object.entries(libs)) { if (lib === 'samples') continue; if (ONLY_NOBLE && lib !== 'noble') continue; await mark(` ${lib}`, samples, () => fn(data)); } } } // Log current RAM bench.logMem(); }); // ESM is broken. import url from 'url'; if (import.meta.url === url.pathToFileURL(process.argv[1]).href) { main(); }