import { deepStrictEqual } from 'assert'; import { should } from 'micro-should'; import * as nist from '../lib/nist.js'; import { default as rfc6979 } from './fixtures/rfc6979.json' assert { type: 'json' }; function hexToBigint(hex) { return BigInt('0x' + hex) } should('RFC6979', () => { for (const v of rfc6979) { const curve = nist[v.curve]; deepStrictEqual(curve.CURVE.n, hexToBigint(v.q)); const pubKey = curve.getPublicKey(v.private); const pubPoint = curve.Point.fromHex(pubKey); deepStrictEqual(pubPoint.x, hexToBigint(v.Ux)); deepStrictEqual(pubPoint.y, hexToBigint(v.Uy)); for (const c of v.cases) { const h = curve.CURVE.hash(c.message); const sigObj = curve.sign(h, v.private); deepStrictEqual(sigObj.r, hexToBigint(c.r), 'R'); deepStrictEqual(sigObj.s, hexToBigint(c.s), 'S'); deepStrictEqual(curve.verify(sigObj.toDERRawBytes(), h, pubKey), true, 'verify(1)'); deepStrictEqual(curve.verify(sigObj, h, pubKey), true, 'verify(2)'); } } }); // ESM is broken. import url from 'url'; if (import.meta.url === url.pathToFileURL(process.argv[1]).href) {; }