import { deepStrictEqual, throws } from 'assert'; import { should } from 'micro-should'; import * as fc from 'fast-check'; // Generic tests for all curves in package import { secp192r1, secp224r1, secp256k1, secp256r1, secp384r1, secp521r1 } from '../lib/nist.js'; import { ed25519, ed25519ctx, ed25519ph, ed448, ed448ph } from '../lib/ed.js'; import { starkCurve } from '../lib/starknet.js'; import { pallas, vesta } from '../lib/pasta.js'; import { bn254 } from '../lib/bn.js'; // prettier-ignore const CURVES = { secp192r1, secp224r1, secp256k1, secp256r1, secp384r1, secp521r1, ed25519, ed25519ctx, ed25519ph, ed448, ed448ph, starkCurve, pallas, vesta, bn254, }; for (const name in CURVES) { const C = CURVES[name]; // Generic sanity tests: // - group laws: // G*(CURVE.n-1) + 1 = Point.ZERO // G*(CURVE.n-2) + 2 = Point.ZERO // G*(CURVE.n/2).double() = Point.ZERO or Point.BASE? // rand*G + rand2*G = G*(rand+rand mod N) // - double works // ZERO.double() == zero // - adding zero point works // - add(samePoint) works // - add(-samePoint) works // - 2+2 = 2.double() = 7-5 (should have different Z coordinates, but it is same point) // ToAffine: Point.BASE = Extended/Jacobian.toAffine() // Property tests: // signatures, getSharedKey/etc //const FC_BIGINT = fc.bigInt(1n + 1n, C.n - 1n); should(`${name}/Basic`, () => {}); const POINTS = { Point: C.Point, JacobianPoint: C.JacobianPoint, ExtendedPoint: C.ExtendedPoint }; for (const pointName in POINTS) { const p = POINTS[pointName]; if (!p) continue; const G = [p.ZERO, p.BASE]; for (let i = 2; i < 10; i++) G.push(G[1].multiply(i)); should(`${name}/${pointName}/Basic`, () => { // ... And we dont have it //deepStrictEqual(G[2].double().equals(G[4]), true); //console.log('Z', G); }); } } // ESM is broken. import url from 'url'; if (import.meta.url === url.pathToFileURL(process.argv[1]).href) {; }