2023-02-09 21:26:24 +01:00

406 lines
19 KiB

import { deepStrictEqual, strictEqual, throws } from 'assert';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { hexToBytes, bytesToHex, randomBytes } from '@noble/hashes/utils';
import * as fc from 'fast-check';
import { describe, should } from 'micro-should';
import { ed25519, ED25519_TORSION_SUBGROUP } from './ed25519.helpers.js';
import { default as ed25519vectors } from './wycheproof/eddsa_test.json' assert { type: 'json' };
import { default as zip215 } from './ed25519/zip215.json' assert { type: 'json' };
describe('ed25519', () => {
const ed = ed25519;
const hex = bytesToHex;
const Point = ed.ExtendedPoint;
function to32Bytes(numOrStr) {
let hex = typeof numOrStr === 'string' ? numOrStr : numOrStr.toString(16);
return hexToBytes(hex.padStart(64, '0'));
function utf8ToBytes(str) {
if (typeof str !== 'string') {
throw new Error(`utf8ToBytes expected string, got ${typeof str}`);
return new TextEncoder().encode(str);
should('not accept >32byte private keys', () => {
const invalidPriv =
throws(() => ed.getPublicKey(invalidPriv));
should('verify recent signature', () => {
fc.hexaString({ minLength: 2, maxLength: 32 }),
fc.bigInt(2n, ed.CURVE.n),
(message, privateKey) => {
const publicKey = ed.getPublicKey(to32Bytes(privateKey));
const signature = ed.sign(to32Bytes(message), to32Bytes(privateKey));
deepStrictEqual(publicKey.length, 32);
deepStrictEqual(signature.length, 64);
deepStrictEqual(ed.verify(signature, to32Bytes(message), publicKey), true);
{ numRuns: 5 }
should('not verify signature with wrong message', () => {
fc.array(fc.integer({ min: 0x00, max: 0xff })),
fc.array(fc.integer({ min: 0x00, max: 0xff })),
fc.bigInt(1n, ed.CURVE.n),
(bytes, wrongBytes, privateKey) => {
const privKey = to32Bytes(privateKey);
const message = new Uint8Array(bytes);
const wrongMessage = new Uint8Array(wrongBytes);
const publicKey = ed.getPublicKey(privKey);
const signature = ed.sign(message, privKey);
ed.verify(signature, wrongMessage, publicKey),
bytes.toString() === wrongBytes.toString()
{ numRuns: 5 }
const privKey = to32Bytes('a665a45920422f9d417e4867ef');
const wrongPriv = to32Bytes('a675a45920422f9d417e4867ef');
const msg = hexToBytes('874f9960c5d2b7a9b5fad383e1ba44719ebb743a');
const wrongMsg = hexToBytes('589d8c7f1da0a24bc07b7381ad48b1cfc211af1c');
describe('basic methods', () => {
should('sign and verify', () => {
const publicKey = ed.getPublicKey(privKey);
const signature = ed.sign(msg, privKey);
deepStrictEqual(ed.verify(signature, msg, publicKey), true);
describe('sync methods', () => {
should('sign and verify', () => {
const publicKey = ed.getPublicKey(privKey);
const signature = ed.sign(msg, privKey);
deepStrictEqual(ed.verify(signature, msg, publicKey), true);
should('not verify signature with wrong public key', () => {
const publicKey = ed.getPublicKey(wrongPriv);
const signature = ed.sign(msg, privKey);
deepStrictEqual(ed.verify(signature, msg, publicKey), false);
should('not verify signature with wrong hash', () => {
const publicKey = ed.getPublicKey(privKey);
const signature = ed.sign(msg, privKey);
deepStrictEqual(ed.verify(signature, wrongMsg, publicKey), false);
describe('BASE_POINT.multiply()', () => {
should('create right publicKey without SHA-512 hashing TEST 1', () => {
const publicKey =
should('create right publicKey without SHA-512 hashing TEST 2', () => {
const publicKey =
should('create right publicKey without SHA-512 hashing TEST 3', () => {
const publicKey =
should('create right publicKey without SHA-512 hashing TEST 4', () => {
const publicKey =
should('throw Point#multiply on TEST 5', () => {
for (const num of [0n, 0, -1n, -1, 1.1]) {
throws(() => Point.BASE.multiply(num));
const data = readFileSync('./test/ed25519/vectors.txt', 'utf-8');
const vectors = data
.map((line) => line.split(':'));
should('ed25519 official vectors/should match 1024 official vectors', () => {
for (let i = 0; i < vectors.length; i++) {
const vector = vectors[i];
// Extract.
const priv = vector[0].slice(0, 64);
const expectedPub = vector[1];
const msg = vector[2];
const expectedSignature = vector[3].slice(0, 128);
// Calculate
const pub = ed.getPublicKey(to32Bytes(priv));
deepStrictEqual(hex(pub), expectedPub);
deepStrictEqual(pub, Point.fromHex(pub).toRawBytes());
const signature = hex(ed.sign(msg, priv));
// console.log('vector', i);
// expect(pub).toBe(expectedPub);
deepStrictEqual(signature, expectedSignature);
should('rfc8032 vectors/should create right signature for 0x9d and empty string', () => {
const privateKey = '9d61b19deffd5a60ba844af492ec2cc44449c5697b326919703bac031cae7f60';
const publicKey = ed.getPublicKey(privateKey);
const message = '';
const signature = ed.sign(message, privateKey);
should('rfc8032 vectors/should create right signature for 0x4c and 72', () => {
const privateKey = '4ccd089b28ff96da9db6c346ec114e0f5b8a319f35aba624da8cf6ed4fb8a6fb';
const publicKey = ed.getPublicKey(privateKey);
const message = '72';
const signature = ed.sign(message, privateKey);
should('rfc8032 vectors/should create right signature for 0x00 and 5a', () => {
const privateKey = '002fdd1f7641793ab064bb7aa848f762e7ec6e332ffc26eeacda141ae33b1783';
const publicKey = ed.getPublicKey(privateKey);
const message =
const signature = ed.sign(message, privateKey);
should('rfc8032 vectors/should create right signature for 0xf5 and long msg', () => {
const privateKey = 'f5e5767cf153319517630f226876b86c8160cc583bc013744c6bf255f5cc0ee5';
const publicKey = ed.getPublicKey(privateKey);
const message =
const signature = ed.sign(message, privateKey);
// const PRIVATE_KEY = 0xa665a45920422f9d417e4867efn;
// const MESSAGE = ripemd160(new Uint8Array([97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103]));
// prettier-ignore
// const MESSAGE = new Uint8Array([
// 135, 79, 153, 96, 197, 210, 183, 169, 181, 250, 211, 131, 225, 186, 68, 113, 158, 187, 116, 58,
// ]);
// const WRONG_MESSAGE = ripemd160(new Uint8Array([98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103]));
// prettier-ignore
// const WRONG_MESSAGE = new Uint8Array([
// 88, 157, 140, 127, 29, 160, 162, 75, 192, 123, 115, 129, 173, 72, 177, 207, 194, 17, 175, 28,
// ]);
// // it("should verify just signed message", async () => {
// // await fc.assert(fc.asyncProperty(
// // fc.hexa(),
// // fc.bigInt(2n, ristretto25519.PRIME_ORDER),
// // async (message, privateKey) => {
// // const publicKey = await ristretto25519.getPublicKey(privateKey);
// // const signature = await ristretto25519.sign(message, privateKey);
// // expect(publicKey.length).toBe(32);
// // expect(signature.length).toBe(64);
// // expect(await ristretto25519.verify(signature, message, publicKey)).toBe(true);
// // }),
// // { numRuns: 1 }
// // );
// // });
// // it("should not verify sign with wrong message", async () => {
// // await fc.assert(fc.asyncProperty(
// // fc.array(fc.integer(0x00, 0xff)),
// // fc.array(fc.integer(0x00, 0xff)),
// // fc.bigInt(2n, ristretto25519.PRIME_ORDER),
// // async (bytes, wrongBytes, privateKey) => {
// // const message = new Uint8Array(bytes);
// // const wrongMessage = new Uint8Array(wrongBytes);
// // const publicKey = await ristretto25519.getPublicKey(privateKey);
// // const signature = await ristretto25519.sign(message, privateKey);
// // expect(await ristretto25519.verify(signature, wrongMessage, publicKey)).toBe(
// // bytes.toString() === wrongBytes.toString()
// // );
// // }),
// // { numRuns: 1 }
// // );
// // });
// // it("should sign and verify", async () => {
// // const publicKey = await ristretto25519.getPublicKey(PRIVATE_KEY);
// // const signature = await ristretto25519.sign(MESSAGE, PRIVATE_KEY);
// // expect(await ristretto25519.verify(signature, MESSAGE, publicKey)).toBe(true);
// // });
// // it("should not verify signature with wrong public key", async () => {
// // const publicKey = await ristretto25519.getPublicKey(12);
// // const signature = await ristretto25519.sign(MESSAGE, PRIVATE_KEY);
// // expect(await ristretto25519.verify(signature, MESSAGE, publicKey)).toBe(false);
// // });
// // it("should not verify signature with wrong hash", async () => {
// // const publicKey = await ristretto25519.getPublicKey(PRIVATE_KEY);
// // const signature = await ristretto25519.sign(MESSAGE, PRIVATE_KEY);
// // expect(await ristretto25519.verify(signature, WRONG_MESSAGE, publicKey)).toBe(false);
// // });
should('input immutability: sign/verify are immutable', () => {
const privateKey = ed.utils.randomPrivateKey();
const publicKey = ed.getPublicKey(privateKey);
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
let payload = randomBytes(100);
let signature = ed.sign(payload, privateKey);
if (!ed.verify(signature, payload, publicKey)) {
throw new Error('Signature verification failed');
const signatureCopy = Buffer.alloc(signature.byteLength);
signatureCopy.set(signature, 0); // <-- breaks
payload = payload.slice();
signature = signature.slice();
if (!ed.verify(signatureCopy, payload, publicKey))
throw new Error('Copied signature verification failed');
// Vectors from
should('ZIP-215 compliance tests/should pass all of them', () => {
const str = utf8ToBytes('Zcash');
for (let v of zip215) {
let noble = false;
try {
noble = ed.verify(v.sig_bytes, str, v.vk_bytes);
} catch (e) {
noble = false;
deepStrictEqual(noble, v.valid_zip215, JSON.stringify(v));
should('ZIP-215 compliance tests/disallows sig.s >= CURVE.n', () => {
// sig.R = BASE, sig.s = N+1
const sig =
throws(() => ed.verify(sig, 'deadbeef', Point.BASE));
// should('X25519/getSharedSecret() should be commutative', () => {
// for (let i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
// const asec = ed.utils.randomPrivateKey();
// const apub = ed.getPublicKey(asec);
// const bsec = ed.utils.randomPrivateKey();
// const bpub = ed.getPublicKey(bsec);
// try {
// deepStrictEqual(ed.getSharedSecret(asec, bpub), ed.getSharedSecret(bsec, apub));
// } catch (error) {
// console.error('not commutative', { asec, apub, bsec, bpub });
// throw error;
// }
// }
// });
// should('X25519: should convert base point to montgomery using fromPoint', () => {
// deepStrictEqual(
// hex(ed.montgomeryCurve.UfromPoint(Point.BASE)),
// ed.montgomeryCurve.BASE_POINT_U
// );
// });
should(`Wycheproof/ED25519`, () => {
for (let g = 0; g < ed25519vectors.testGroups.length; g++) {
const group = ed25519vectors.testGroups[g];
const key = group.key;
deepStrictEqual(hex(ed.getPublicKey(,, `(${g}, public)`);
for (let i = 0; i < group.tests.length; i++) {
const v = group.tests[i];
const comment = `(${g}/${i}, ${v.result}): ${v.comment}`;
if (v.result === 'valid' || v.result === 'acceptable') {
deepStrictEqual(hex(ed.sign(v.msg,, v.sig, comment);
deepStrictEqual(ed.verify(v.sig, v.msg,, true, comment);
} else if (v.result === 'invalid') {
let failed = false;
try {
failed = !ed.verify(v.sig, v.msg,;
} catch (error) {
failed = true;
deepStrictEqual(failed, true, comment);
} else throw new Error('unknown test result');
should('Property test issue #1', () => {
const message = new Uint8Array([12, 12, 12]);
const signature = ed.sign(message, to32Bytes(1n));
const publicKey = ed.getPublicKey(to32Bytes(1n)); // <- was 1n
deepStrictEqual(ed.verify(signature, message, publicKey), true);
should('isTorsionFree()', () => {
const orig = ed.utils.getExtendedPublicKey(ed.utils.randomPrivateKey()).point;
for (const hex of ED25519_TORSION_SUBGROUP.slice(1)) {
const dirty = orig.add(Point.fromHex(hex));
const cleared = dirty.clearCofactor();
strictEqual(orig.isTorsionFree(), true, `orig must be torsionFree: ${hex}`);
strictEqual(dirty.isTorsionFree(), false, `dirty must not be torsionFree: ${hex}`);
strictEqual(cleared.isTorsionFree(), true, `cleared must be torsionFree: ${hex}`);
should('ed25519 bug', () => {
const t = 81718630521762619991978402609047527194981150691135404693881672112315521837062n;
const point = ed25519.ExtendedPoint.fromAffine({ x: t, y: t });
throws(() => point.assertValidity());
// Otherwise (without assertValidity):
// const point2 = point.double();
// point2.toAffine(); // crash!
// ESM is broken.
import url from 'url';
if (import.meta.url === url.pathToFileURL(process.argv[1]).href) {;