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2022-12-04 09:02:30 +03:00
<div :class="$style.changeAccount">
<div :class="$style.changeAccount__info">
<h2 :class="$style.changeAccount__title">
You changed the <span>{{ walletName }}</span> account
<p v-if="isNotRegisteredInPool" :class="$style.changeAccount__subtitle">
Your current TornadoCash Nova session is associated with the previously linked Web3 account
(<strong>{{ prevAddress }}</strong>). If you would like to switch to the newly detected Web3 account
(<strong>{{ newAddress }}</strong>) for your TornadoCash Nova session, please proceed by clicking the
<strong>Switch</strong> button.
<p v-else :class="$style.changeAccount__subtitle">
If you switch to the <strong>{{ newAddress }}</strong> it will be a completely separate TornadoCash Nova account.
<br />
Proceeding with an active TornadoCash Nova account <strong>{{ prevAddress }}</strong> will allow you to fund it using
<strong>{{ newAddress }}</strong> or transfer/withdraw ETH using the wallet.
<div :class="$style.changeAccount__buttons">
<base-button full-width :disabled="isLoading" @click="onSwitchAccount">Switch</base-button>
<base-button v-if="!isNotRegisteredInPool" type="primary" full-width :disabled="isLoading" @click="continueWithActive">
Continue with active
import { mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import { privateStorage } from '@/services'
import { shortenAddress } from '@/utilities'
export default {
name: 'ChangeAccountModal',
props: {
modalName: {
type: String,
required: true,
address: {
type: String,
required: true,
data: function () {
return {
isActionLoading: false,
computed: {
...mapGetters('wallet', ['nameProvider']),
...mapGetters('account', ['accountAddress', 'isNotRegisteredInPool']),
newAddress() {
return shortenAddress(this.address)
prevAddress() {
return shortenAddress(this.accountAddress)
isLoading() {
return this.isActionLoading
walletName() {
return this.nameProvider ? this.nameProvider.toLowerCase() : ''
methods: {
...mapActions('wallet', ['setWalletParams']),
...mapActions('application', ['errorHandler']),
...mapActions('account', ['setAccountParams']),
async actionHandler(callBack) {
try {
this.isActionLoading = true
await callBack()
} catch (err) {
await this.errorHandler({
title: 'Switch wallet error',
errorMessage: err.message,
console.error('Switch wallet error:', err.message)
} finally {
this.isActionLoading = false
onSwitchAccount() {
this.actionHandler(async () => {
await this.setWalletParams(this.address)
await this.setAccountParams(this.address)
continueWithActive() {
this.actionHandler(async () => {
await this.setWalletParams(this.address)
onDecline() {
<style lang="scss" module>
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.changeAccount {
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color: $color-white;
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