2022-12-04 07:02:30 +01:00

362 lines
9.8 KiB

<div :class="$style.accountModal">
<h2 :class="$style.accountModal__title">Account data</h2>
<p :class="$style.accountModal__text">You can check your account details and transactions details here.</p>
<base-switcher :tabs="tabs">
<div slot="profile" :class="$style.accountModal__content">
<div :class="$style.accountModal__bodyWrapper">
<template v-if="isConnected">
<div :class="$style.accountModal__info">
<h5 :class="$style.accountModal__infoTitle">Wallet address</h5>
<span :class="$style.accountModal__infoValue">
<base-button type="link" size="medium" free-size @click="onWalletAddressCopy">
{{ walletAddress }}
<base-icon :name="copyAddressIcon" size="small" :class="$style.accountModal__copyButton" />
<div :class="$style.accountModal__info">
<h5 :class="$style.accountModal__infoTitle">Wallet balance</h5>
<span v-if="!mismatchNetwork && walletChainConfig" :class="$style.accountModal__infoValue">
{{ formattedWalletBalance }} {{ walletChainConfig.symbol }}
<span v-else :class="$style.accountModal__infoValue"> - </span>
<div :class="$style.accountModal__info">
<h5 :class="$style.accountModal__infoTitle">Shielded address</h5>
<span :class="$style.accountModal__infoValue">
<base-button type="link" size="medium" free-size @click="onAccountAddressCopy">
{{ accountAddress }}
<base-icon :name="copySignAddressIcon" size="small" :class="$style.accountModal__copyButton" />
<div :class="$style.accountModal__info">
<h5 :class="$style.accountModal__infoTitle">Shielded balance</h5>
<span :class="$style.accountModal__infoValue">{{ formattedAccountBalance }} {{ chainConfig.symbol }}</span>
<div :class="$style.accountModal__actionWrapper">
<div :class="$style.accountModal__warningMessage">
<p :class="$style.accountModal__warningMessageText">
You can save the shielded key to your secured device in order to use the transfer or withdrawal function later by
logging in with the shielded key in another browser.
<div :class="$style.accountModal__action">
<h5 :class="$style.accountModal__actionTitle">Shielded key</h5>
<span :class="$style.accountModal__actionButtons">
<base-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="onKeyDownload">Download</base-button>
<base-button type="link" size="medium" free-size @click="onKeyCopy">
<base-icon v-if="showKeyIcon" name="tick" size="small" :class="$style.accountModal__copyButton" />
<div slot="transactions" :class="$style.accountModal__content">
<div :class="[$style.accountModal__bodyWrapper, $style.accountModal__bodyWrapper_noBorder]">
<TransactionHistory />
<button :class="$style.buttonClose" @click="$modal.hide('AccountModal')">
<base-icon name="cross" size="fill" />
import { mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import { CHAINS, numbers } from '@/constants'
import { copyToClipboard, fromWei, saveAsFile } from '@/utilities'
import TransactionHistory from './TransactionHistory.vue'
export default {
name: 'AccountModal',
components: {
props: {
modalName: {
type: String,
required: true,
data: function () {
return {
privateKey: '',
showKeyIcon: false,
copyAddressIcon: 'copy',
copySignAddressIcon: 'copy',
tabs: [{ name: 'profile' }, { name: 'transactions', tooltip: 'Transaction history' }],
computed: {
...mapGetters('wallet', ['walletAddress', 'walletBalance', 'chainId', 'chainConfig', 'isConnected', 'mismatchNetwork']),
...mapGetters('account', ['accountAddress', 'accountBalance']),
walletChainConfig() {
return CHAINS[this.chainId]
formattedWalletBalance() {
return fromWei(this.walletBalance)
formattedAccountBalance() {
return fromWei(this.accountBalance)
async mounted() {
const keyPair = await this.getAccountKeypair()
if (keyPair) {
this.privateKey = keyPair.privkey
methods: {
...mapActions('account', ['getAccountKeypair']),
onWalletAddressCopy() {
onAccountAddressCopy() {
onIconChange(iconName) {
this[iconName] = 'tick'
setTimeout(() => {
this[iconName] = 'copy'
}, numbers.SECOND * numbers.TWO)
onKeyDownload() {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-magic-numbers
saveAsFile(`Shielded private key \n${this.privateKey}`, `TornadoCash-Nova-key-${this.accountAddress.slice(0, 8)}`)
onKeyCopy() {
this.showKeyIcon = true
setTimeout(() => {
this.showKeyIcon = false
}, numbers.SECOND * numbers.TWO)
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