2020-12-20 01:19:49 +03:00
const logger = require('./logger')('stuckTransfers.js')
const { isHomeContract, isForeignContract } = require('./utils/web3Cache')
const eventsInfo = require('./utils/events')
const { getHomeTxSender, getForeignTxSender } = require('./utils/web3Cache')
const { addExecutionStatus } = require('./utils/message')
const { normalizeAMBMessageEvent } = require('../commons')
function countInteractions(requests) {
const stats = {}
requests.forEach(msg => {
if (!stats[msg.sender]) {
stats[msg.sender] = {}
if (!stats[msg.sender][msg.executor]) {
stats[msg.sender][msg.executor] = 0
stats[msg.sender][msg.executor] += 1
return stats
const normalize = event => ({
txHash: event.transactionHash,
logIndex: event.transactionLogIndex
const flat = arrays => Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arrays)
function findPermanentMediators(homeToForeignC2C, foreignToHomeC2C) {
return flat(
Object.entries(homeToForeignC2C).map(([homeMediator, homeStats]) =>
.map(([foreignMediator, foreignStats]) => ({
homeToForeignRequests: homeStats[foreignMediator],
foreignToHomeRequests: foreignStats[homeMediator]
.filter(stats => stats.homeToForeignRequests && stats.foreignToHomeRequests)
function findFloatingMediators(homeToForeignC2C, foreignToHomeC2C) {
return Object.entries(homeToForeignC2C)
.map(([homeMediator, homeStats]) => {
const noResponses = ([executor]) => !foreignToHomeC2C[executor] || !foreignToHomeC2C[executor][homeMediator]
const executorRequestPairs = Object.entries(homeStats).filter(noResponses)
return {
mediator: homeMediator,
executors: executorRequestPairs.map(pair => pair[0]),
requests: executorRequestPairs.map(pair => pair[1])
.filter(stats => stats.executors.length > 0)
function findRemotelyControlledMediators(statsU2C) {
return Object.entries(statsU2C).map(([user, stats]) => ({
executors: Object.keys(stats),
requests: Object.values(stats)
function findUnknown(statsA2U) {
return Object.entries(statsA2U).map(([sender, stats]) => ({
executors: Object.keys(stats),
requests: Object.values(stats)
async function main(mode) {
const {
} = await eventsInfo(mode)
const homeToForeign = homeToForeignRequests
.filter(x => typeof x.status === 'boolean')
const foreignToHome = foreignToHomeRequests
.filter(x => typeof x.status === 'boolean')
for (const event of homeToForeign) {
// AMB contract emits a single UserRequestForSignature event for every home->foreign request.
// If index of such event in logs is not equal to 0x0, then some other events occurred before it,
// meaning that the sender was a contract.
// Alternatively, the sender is a contract, if the message sender is not equal to tx.origin.
event.isSenderAContract = event.logIndex !== '0x0' || (await getHomeTxSender(event.txHash)) !== event.sender
// Executor is definitely a contract if a message execution failed, since message calls to EOA always succeed.
// Alternatively, the executor is checked to be a contract by looking at its bytecode size.
event.isExecutorAContract = !event.status || (await isForeignContract(event.executor))
for (const event of foreignToHome) {
// AMB contract emits a single UserRequestForAffirmation event for every foreign->home request.
// If index of such event in logs is not equal to 0x0, then some other events occurred before it,
// meaning that the sender was a contract.
// Alternatively, the sender is a contract, if the message sender is not equal to tx.origin.
event.isSenderAContract = event.logIndex !== '0x0' || (await getForeignTxSender(event.txHash)) !== event.sender
// Executor is definitely a contract if a message execution failed, since message calls to EOA always succeed.
// Alternatively, the executor is checked to be a contract by looking at its bytecode size.
event.isExecutorAContract = !event.status || (await isHomeContract(event.executor))
const C2C = event => event.isSenderAContract && event.isExecutorAContract
const U2C = event => !event.isSenderAContract && event.isExecutorAContract
const A2U = event => !event.isExecutorAContract
const homeToForeignC2C = countInteractions(homeToForeign.filter(C2C))
const foreignToHomeC2C = countInteractions(foreignToHome.filter(C2C))
const homeToForeignU2C = countInteractions(homeToForeign.filter(U2C))
const foreignToHomeU2C = countInteractions(foreignToHome.filter(U2C))
const homeToForeignA2U = countInteractions(homeToForeign.filter(A2U))
const foreignToHomeA2U = countInteractions(foreignToHome.filter(A2U))
const permanentMediators = findPermanentMediators(homeToForeignC2C, foreignToHomeC2C)
const floatingMediators = {
home: findFloatingMediators(homeToForeignC2C, foreignToHomeC2C),
foreign: findFloatingMediators(foreignToHomeC2C, homeToForeignC2C)
const remotelyControlledMediators = {
home: findRemotelyControlledMediators(homeToForeignU2C),
foreign: findRemotelyControlledMediators(foreignToHomeU2C)
const unknown = {
home: findUnknown(homeToForeignA2U),
foreign: findUnknown(foreignToHomeA2U)
return {
2020-12-24 19:15:51 +03:00
lastChecked: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)
2020-12-20 01:19:49 +03:00
module.exports = main