The UI provides an intuitive interface for assets transfer between networks running the Bridge smart contracts. Users can connect to a web3 wallet such as [Nifty Wallet]( or [MetaMask]( and complete the transfer through a web browser.
- Filter events from a specific block number on both sides of the bridge
- Find a corresponding event on different sides of the bridge
- Submit a transaction from Home to Foreign network
- Submit a transaction from Foreign to Home network
### User Transactions
- Connect to the network you want to transfer coins from using a web3 wallet such as Nifty Wallet or MetaMask. This can be the Home or Foreign network.
The wallet must be funded to cover gas costs related to the transfer. With the Native-to-ERC20 bridge, the wallet must contain the amount to transfer, and with the ERC20-to-ERC20 bridge, the wallet must contain tokens linked with the network you are transferring from.
- Specify the amount to send.
- Click the `Transfer` button.
- Confirm the transaction via the web3 wallet.
The same address is used to send a coin from the Home network and receive a token on the Foreign Network. In order to send assets in the opposite direction, change the network in the web3 wallet. This changes the bridge interface to show the selected network on the left side of the bridge.
The following is an example setup using the POA Sokol testnet as the Home network, and the Ethereum Kovan testnet as the Foreign network. The instructions for the Bridge UI are identical for an `ERC20-to-ERC20` configuration, but the smart contract deployment steps will vary.
1. Create an empty folder for setting up your bridge. In this example we call it `sokol-kovan-bridge`.
`mkdir sokol-kovan-bridge && cd sokol-kovan-bridge`
2. Prepare temporary ETH address(es) for deployment by creating new account(s) in Nifty Wallet or MetaMask. See the [wallet resources](#resources) if you need more information on this step. This account is used:
* for deploying bridge contracts to both networks
* as the bridge contracts management wallet
* as the validator's wallet address(es)
3. Fund the test account(s).
* Fund Home account(s) using the [POA Sokol Faucet](
* Get free Kovan Coins from the [gitter channel]( or [Iracus faucet]( for Foreign account(s). Get 5 Keth to 1 acc, and transfer from there to all other wallets if more than one account is used.
*`DEPLOYMENT_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY`: Export the private key from step 2
* Wallet address(es) for bridge contracts management. For testing, you can use the same address for all address values in the file. This includes:
*`VALIDATORS`_Note: Wallet address(es) for validator(s) are separated by a space. For testing, you can use the same address that was used as the bridge contracts management account._
* When deployment is finished, check that the `bridgeDeploymentResults.json` file exists in the `tokenbridge-contracts/deploy` directory and includes the bridge contract addresses.
* Go to the `sokol-kovan-bridge/tokenbridge` monorepository that was initialized in step **5.**
* Go to `ui` sub-repository
* Create a .env file from the example file [.env.example](.env.example)
cp .env.example .env
* Insert the addresses from the bridgeDeploymentResults.json file (from step 4) into the .env file. No other changes are needed, see [Env Parameter Details](#env-parameter-details) for information about each parameter.