The playbook will automatically install `Docker`, `docker-compose`, `Python`, `Git` and it dependencies (such as `curl`, `ca-certificates`, `apt-transport-https`, etc.) to the node. Also this playbooks creates an additional non-sudo docker user to run service as.
## Running the playbook
ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml site.yml
## Useful arguments
To be used with the ansible-playbook command, for example:
If the bridge does not handle an event properly (i.e. a transaction stalls due to a low gas price), the Redis DB can be rolled back. You must identify which watcher needs to re-run. For example, if the validator signatures were collected but the transaction with signatures was not sent to the Foreign network, the `collected-signatures` watcher must look at the block where the corresponding `CollectedSignatures` event was raised.
Execute the `` script in the bridge root directory. For example, if you've installed your bridge with this deployment script and all the default parameters, use the following set of commands:
If the `syslog_server_port` option in the hosts.yml file is not set, all logs will be stored in `/var/log/docker/` folder in the set of folders with the `bridge_` prefix.
If the `syslog_server_port` is set, logs will be redirected to the specified server and cannot be accessed on the bridge machine.
syslog_server_port: "<protocol>://<ip>:<port>" # When this parameter is set all bridge logs will be redirected to the <ip>:<port> address.