Przemyslaw Rzad
Ultimate tests for ERC-TO-ERC ( #186 )
* Introduce ultimate erc-to-erc
* Added metamask setup
* Corrected configuration parameters
2019-08-20 10:19:42 +02:00
Przemyslaw Rzad
Ultimate E2E for ERC TO NATIVE ( #182 )
* Introducing ultimate erc-to-native, with ultimate-commons
* Ports
* group
* up
* Addresses
* Typo.
* Redis key
* Redis key as a parameter
* ultimate
* parameters
* job name
* jobs
* Cosmetics
* cosmetics
* cosmetics
* jobs
* Descriptions
2019-08-08 16:09:24 +02:00
Przemyslaw Rzad
Ultimate e2e - Native to erc - UI ( #168 )
* Trying job
* dependency
* Run the tests
* Oracle docker composes
* Fixed networks
* endpoints
* Skip logging
* Try node
* Moved chromedriver from ui to ui-e2e
* Port
* Run
* Install chrome
* minte blocks
* Finishing
* Revert "Skip logging"
* inventory
* Inventory change.
* ui-e2e fix
* ui-e2e fix?
* native-to-erc group
* jobs
* Ports
* Blocks
* yarn
* fix
* fix
* killall
* Try ui-e2e
* no killall
* All jobs.
* Try two
* separate jobs
* all jobs
* One job.
* Removed the oracle-e2e step in ultimate tests.
2019-08-01 09:57:58 +02:00
Przemyslaw Rzad
Add cron schedule to monitor deployment playbook ( #161 )
* Default cron schedule
* Added cron task
* Docs
* Overwriting log files
* Removed deprecated flag
* Default monitor_cron_schedule.
2019-07-26 15:59:30 +02:00
Gerardo Nardelli
Add support for oracle gas price values not expressed in gwei ( #142 )
* Support other oracle's gas price values in Oracle
* Add default gas price factor in Oracle
* Support other oracle's gas price values in UI
* Support other oracle's gas price values in Monitor
2019-07-12 19:10:17 +03:00
Przemyslaw Rzad
Yaml and Ansible linting in Molecule ( #141 )
* Removed old ansible-lint outside of molecule
* Yamlint
* Enabled ansible-lint with minimal rules
* Removed ansible-lint job
2019-07-11 10:17:02 +02:00
Przemyslaw Rzad
Monitor deployment playbook ( #133 )
* Introduced monitor deployment playbook
* Timeouts
* dai deployment block
* wetc deployment blocks
* Corrected path
* Typo.
* Added monitor to execution readme.
* Monitor port.
* Check on start
* Timeouts
* check-and-start
2019-07-09 19:26:40 +02:00
Przemyslaw Rzad
UI deployment ( #126 )
* Introduced UI playbook
* added python3-pip
* Instructions.
* Added tokenbridge_ui service
* python3 interpreter
* tokenbridge-ui service
* Explicit python3 usage.
2019-07-05 14:39:37 +02:00
Przemyslaw Rzad
Deployment structure and documentation ( #113 )
* Moved rollback and logs into main deployment readme
* Removed duplicated section.
* Removed subdir mention
* Merged dependencies and prerequisites
* Lint at bottom
* Added and
* Moved configuration
* Update path
* Moved administrator configuration
* Update name
* Moved execution.
* Moved stuff to
* Moved dependencies and prerequisites to sub-mds
* Moved stuff out of oracle subfolder
* Whitespace
* Simplyfy readme
* Removed backticks
* Whitespace
* Update path.
* Update user info
* Update phrasing
* Phrasing
2019-06-28 11:31:57 +02:00