const { soliditySha3 } = require('web3-utils') function strip0x(input) { return input.replace(/^0x/, '') } /** * Decodes the datatype byte from the AMB message. * First (the most significant bit) denotes if the message should be forwarded to the manual lane. * @param dataType: number datatype of the received AMB message. * @return {{manualLane: boolean}} */ const decodeAMBDataType = dataType => ({ manualLane: (dataType & 128) === 128 }) function parseAMBMessage(message) { message = strip0x(message) const messageId = `0x${message.slice(0, 64)}` const sender = `0x${message.slice(64, 104)}` const executor = `0x${message.slice(104, 144)}` const dataType = parseInt(message.slice(156, 158), 16) return { sender, executor, messageId, dataType, decodedDataType: decodeAMBDataType(dataType) } } const normalizeAMBMessageEvent = e => { let msgData = e.returnValues.encodedData if (!e.returnValues.messageId) { // append tx hash to an old message, where message id was not used // for old messages, e.messageId is a corresponding transactionHash msgData = e.transactionHash + msgData.slice(2) } return parseAMBMessage(msgData) } const ambInformationSignatures = [ 'eth_call(address,bytes)', 'eth_call(address,bytes,uint256)', 'eth_call(address,address,uint256,bytes)', 'eth_blockNumber()', 'eth_getBlockByNumber()', 'eth_getBlockByNumber(uint256)', 'eth_getBlockByHash(bytes32)', 'eth_getBalance(address)', 'eth_getBalance(address,uint256)', 'eth_getTransactionCount(address)', 'eth_getTransactionCount(address,uint256)', 'eth_getTransactionByHash(bytes32)', 'eth_getTransactionReceipt(bytes32)', 'eth_getStorageAt(address,bytes32)', 'eth_getStorageAt(address,bytes32,uint256)' ] const ambInformationSelectors = Object.fromEntries( => [soliditySha3(sig), sig])) const normalizeAMBInfoRequest = e => ({ messageId: e.returnValues.messageId, sender: e.returnValues.sender, requestSelector: ambInformationSelectors[e.returnValues.requestSelector] || 'unknown', data: }) module.exports = { strip0x, parseAMBMessage, normalizeAMBMessageEvent, ambInformationSignatures, normalizeAMBInfoRequest }