const sinon = require('sinon') const chai = require('chai') const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised') const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js') const proxyquire = require('proxyquire') const { addExtraGas, applyMinGasFeeBump, chooseGasPriceOptions, syncForEach, promiseAny } = require('../src/utils/utils') chai.use(chaiAsPromised) chai.should() const { expect } = chai describe('utils', () => { describe('addExtraGas', () => { it('should return a BigNumber', () => { const result = addExtraGas(100, 0.25) expect(BigNumber.isBigNumber(result)).to.equal(true) }) it('should work with numbers', () => { const result = addExtraGas(100, 0.25) expect(result.toString()).to.equal('125') }) it('should work with BigNumbers', () => { const result = addExtraGas(new BigNumber(100), 0.25) expect(result.toString()).to.equal('125') }) it('should accept factors bigger than 1', () => { const result = addExtraGas(new BigNumber(100), 1.25) expect(result.toString()).to.equal('225') }) it('should handle maxGasLimit', () => { const result1 = addExtraGas(new BigNumber(100), 0.25, 110) const result2 = addExtraGas(new BigNumber(100), 0.25, 150) expect(result1.toString()).to.equal('110') expect(result2.toString()).to.equal('125') }) }) describe('checkHTTPS', () => { let utils const logger = { warn: sinon.stub() } beforeEach(() => { logger.warn.reset() utils = proxyquire('../src/utils/utils', { '../services/logger': logger }) }) it('should do nothing if HTTP is allowed and the URL is https', () => { utils.checkHTTPS('yes', logger)('home')('') expect(logger.warn.called).to.equal(false) }) it('should emit a warning if HTTP is allowed and the URL is http', () => { utils.checkHTTPS('yes', logger)('home')('') expect(logger.warn.called).to.equal(true) }) it('should do nothing if HTTP is not allowed and the URL is https', () => { utils.checkHTTPS('no', logger)('home')('') expect(logger.warn.called).to.equal(false) }) it('should throw an error if HTTP is not allowed and the URL is http', () => { expect(() => utils.checkHTTPS('no', logger)('home')('')).to.throw() }) }) describe('syncForEach', () => { it('should execute callback sequentially', async () => { const xs = [] await syncForEach( [1, 2, 3], x => new Promise(resolve => { xs.push(x) resolve() }) ) expect(xs).to.deep.equal([1, 2, 3]) }) it('should receive the index and the full array', async () => { const xs = [] const is = [] const arrays = [] await syncForEach( [1, 2, 3], (x, i, array) => new Promise(resolve => { xs.push(x) is.push(i) arrays.push(array) resolve() }) ) expect(xs).to.deep.equal([1, 2, 3]) expect(is).to.deep.equal([0, 1, 2]) expect(arrays).to.deep.equal([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]) }) it('should fail and stop when the callback fails', () => { const xs = [] const promise = syncForEach( [1, 2, 3], x => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (x === 2) { return reject() } xs.push(x) return resolve() }) ) return expect(promise) => { expect(xs).to.deep.equal([1]) }) }) it('should work with an empty array', () => { const xs = [] const promise = syncForEach( [], x => new Promise(resolve => { xs.push(x) return resolve() }) ) return expect(promise) => { expect(xs).to.deep.equal([]) }) }) }) describe('promiseAny', () => { const f = x => new Promise((res, rej) => setTimeout(() => (x > 0 ? res : rej)(x), 10 * x)) it('should return first obtained result', async () => { const array = [2, 1, 3] const result = await promiseAny( expect(result).to.equal(1) }) it('should return first obtained result with one reject', async () => { const array = [2, -1, 3] const result = await promiseAny( expect(result).to.equal(2) }) it('should return first obtained result with several rejects', async () => { const array = [2, -1, -3] const result = await promiseAny( expect(result).to.equal(2) }) it('should reject if all functions failed', async () => { const array = [-2, -1, -3] await promiseAny( }) }) describe('applyMinGasFeeBump', () => { it('should bump pre-eip1559 fee', () => { const job = { gasPriceOptions: { gasPrice: '100000000000' } } const newJob = applyMinGasFeeBump(job) expect(newJob.gasPriceOptions.gasPrice)'110000000000') }) it('should bump eip1559 fee', () => { const job = { gasPriceOptions: { maxFeePerGas: '100000000000', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '20000000000' } } const newJob = applyMinGasFeeBump(job) expect(newJob.gasPriceOptions.maxFeePerGas)'110000000000') expect(newJob.gasPriceOptions.maxPriorityFeePerGas)'22000000000') }) }) describe('chooseGasPriceOptions', () => { it('should choose max pre-eip1559 fee', () => { const opts1 = { gasPrice: '100000000000' } const opts2 = { gasPrice: '101000000000' } expect(chooseGasPriceOptions(opts1, opts2).gasPrice)'101000000000') expect(chooseGasPriceOptions(opts2, opts1).gasPrice)'101000000000') expect(chooseGasPriceOptions(opts2, undefined).gasPrice)'101000000000') expect(chooseGasPriceOptions(undefined, opts2).gasPrice)'101000000000') }) it('should choose max eip1559 fee', () => { const opts1 = { maxFeePerGas: '100000000000', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '21000000000' } const opts2 = { maxFeePerGas: '101000000000', maxPriorityFeePerGas: '20000000000' } expect(chooseGasPriceOptions(opts1, opts2).maxFeePerGas)'101000000000') expect(chooseGasPriceOptions(opts1, opts2).maxPriorityFeePerGas)'21000000000') expect(chooseGasPriceOptions(opts2, opts1).maxFeePerGas)'101000000000') expect(chooseGasPriceOptions(opts2, opts1).maxPriorityFeePerGas)'21000000000') expect(chooseGasPriceOptions(opts2, undefined).maxFeePerGas)'101000000000') expect(chooseGasPriceOptions(opts2, undefined).maxPriorityFeePerGas)'20000000000') expect(chooseGasPriceOptions(undefined, opts2).maxFeePerGas)'101000000000') expect(chooseGasPriceOptions(undefined, opts2).maxPriorityFeePerGas)'20000000000') }) }) })