const { toWei, toBN } = require('web3-utils') const { GasPriceOracle } = require('gas-price-oracle') const { BRIDGE_MODES, FEE_MANAGER_MODE, ERC_TYPES } = require('./constants') const { REWARDABLE_VALIDATORS_ABI } = require('./abis') const gasPriceOracle = new GasPriceOracle() function decodeBridgeMode(bridgeModeHash) { switch (bridgeModeHash) { case '0x92a8d7fe': return BRIDGE_MODES.NATIVE_TO_ERC case '0xba4690f5': return BRIDGE_MODES.ERC_TO_ERC case '0x18762d46': return BRIDGE_MODES.ERC_TO_NATIVE case '0x2544fbb9': return BRIDGE_MODES.ARBITRARY_MESSAGE case '0x16ea01e9': return BRIDGE_MODES.STAKE_AMB_ERC_TO_ERC case '0x76595b56': return BRIDGE_MODES.AMB_ERC_TO_ERC default: throw new Error(`Unrecognized bridge mode hash: '${bridgeModeHash}'`) } } const decodeFeeManagerMode = managerModeHash => { switch (managerModeHash) { case '0xf2aed8f7': return FEE_MANAGER_MODE.ONE_DIRECTION case '0xd7de965f': return FEE_MANAGER_MODE.BOTH_DIRECTIONS default: throw new Error(`Unrecognized fee manager mode hash: '${managerModeHash}'`) } } async function getBridgeMode(contract) { try { const bridgeModeHash = await contract.methods.getBridgeMode().call() return decodeBridgeMode(bridgeModeHash) } catch (e) { return BRIDGE_MODES.NATIVE_TO_ERC_V1 } } const getTokenType = async (bridgeTokenContract, bridgeAddress) => { try { const resultBridgeAddress = await bridgeTokenContract.methods.bridgeContract().call() if (resultBridgeAddress === bridgeAddress) { return ERC_TYPES.ERC677 } else { return ERC_TYPES.ERC20 } } catch (e) { try { const isBridge = await bridgeTokenContract.methods.isBridge(bridgeAddress).call() if (isBridge) { return ERC_TYPES.ERC677 } else { return ERC_TYPES.ERC20 } } catch (e) { return ERC_TYPES.ERC20 } } } const isErcToErcMode = bridgeMode => { return ( bridgeMode === BRIDGE_MODES.ERC_TO_ERC || bridgeMode === BRIDGE_MODES.AMB_ERC_TO_ERC || bridgeMode === BRIDGE_MODES.STAKE_AMB_ERC_TO_ERC ) } const isMediatorMode = bridgeMode => { return bridgeMode === BRIDGE_MODES.AMB_ERC_TO_ERC || bridgeMode === BRIDGE_MODES.STAKE_AMB_ERC_TO_ERC } const getUnit = bridgeMode => { let unitHome = null let unitForeign = null if (bridgeMode === BRIDGE_MODES.NATIVE_TO_ERC) { unitHome = 'Native coins' unitForeign = 'Tokens' } else if (bridgeMode === BRIDGE_MODES.ERC_TO_ERC) { unitHome = 'Tokens' unitForeign = 'Tokens' } else if (bridgeMode === BRIDGE_MODES.ERC_TO_NATIVE) { unitHome = 'Native coins' unitForeign = 'Tokens' } else if (bridgeMode === BRIDGE_MODES.STAKE_AMB_ERC_TO_ERC) { unitHome = 'Tokens' unitForeign = 'Tokens' } else { throw new Error(`Unrecognized bridge mode: ${bridgeMode}`) } return { unitHome, unitForeign } } const parseValidatorEvent = event => { if ( event.event === undefined && event.raw && event.raw.topics && (event.raw.topics[0] === '0xe366c1c0452ed8eec96861e9e54141ebff23c9ec89fe27b996b45f5ec3884987' || event.raw.topics[0] === '0x8064a302796c89446a96d63470b5b036212da26bd2debe5bec73e0170a9a5e83') ) { const rawAddress = event.raw.topics.length > 1 ? event.raw.topics[1] : const address = '0x' + rawAddress.slice(26) event.event = 'ValidatorAdded' event.returnValues.validator = address } else if ( event.event === undefined && event.raw && event.raw.topics && event.raw.topics[0] === '0xe1434e25d6611e0db941968fdc97811c982ac1602e951637d206f5fdda9dd8f1' ) { const rawAddress = === '0x' ? event.raw.topics[1] : const address = '0x' + rawAddress.slice(26) event.event = 'ValidatorRemoved' event.returnValues.validator = address } } const processValidatorsEvents = events => { const validatorList = new Set() events.forEach(event => { parseValidatorEvent(event) if (event.event === 'ValidatorAdded') { validatorList.add(event.returnValues.validator) } else if (event.event === 'ValidatorRemoved') { validatorList.delete(event.returnValues.validator) } }) return Array.from(validatorList) } const tryCall = async (method, fallbackValue) => { try { return await } catch (e) { return fallbackValue } } const getDeployedAtBlock = async contract => tryCall(contract.methods.deployedAtBlock(), 0) const getPastEvents = async ( contract, { event = 'allEvents', fromBlock = toBN(0), toBlock = 'latest', options = {} } ) => { let events try { events = await contract.getPastEvents(event, { ...options, fromBlock, toBlock }) } catch (e) { if (e.message.includes('query returned more than') && toBlock !== 'latest') { const middle = toBN(fromBlock) .add(toBN(toBlock)) .divRound(toBN(2)) const middlePlusOne = middle.add(toBN(1)) const firstHalfEvents = await getPastEvents(contract, { options, event, fromBlock, toBlock: middle }) const secondHalfEvents = await getPastEvents(contract, { options, event, fromBlock: middlePlusOne, toBlock }) events = [...firstHalfEvents, ...secondHalfEvents] } else { throw new Error(e) } } return events } const getValidatorList = async (address, eth, options) => { options.logger && options.logger.debug && options.logger.debug('getting validatorList') const validatorsContract = new eth.Contract(REWARDABLE_VALIDATORS_ABI, address) // in monitor, BRIDGE_VALIDATORS_ABI was used const validators = await tryCall(validatorsContract.methods.validatorList(), []) if (validators.length) { return validators } options.logger && options.logger.debug && options.logger.debug('getting validatorsEvents') const deployedAtBlock = await tryCall(validatorsContract.methods.deployedAtBlock(), 0) const fromBlock = options.fromBlock || Number(deployedAtBlock) || 0 const toBlock = options.toBlock || 'latest' const validatorsEvents = await getPastEvents(new eth.Contract([], address), { event: 'allEvents', fromBlock, toBlock, options: {} }) return processValidatorsEvents(validatorsEvents) } const gasPriceWithinLimits = (gasPrice, limits) => { if (!limits) { return gasPrice } if (gasPrice < limits.MIN) { return limits.MIN } else if (gasPrice > limits.MAX) { return limits.MAX } else { return gasPrice } } const normalizeGasPrice = (oracleGasPrice, factor, limits = null) => { let gasPrice = oracleGasPrice * factor gasPrice = gasPriceWithinLimits(gasPrice, limits) return toBN(toWei(gasPrice.toFixed(2).toString(), 'gwei')) } // fetchFn has to be supplied (instead of just url to oracle), // because this utility function is shared between Browser and Node, // we use built-in 'fetch' on browser side, and `node-fetch` package in Node. const gasPriceFromSupplier = async (fetchFn, options = {}) => { try { let json if (fetchFn) { const response = await fetchFn() json = await response.json() } else { json = await gasPriceOracle.fetchGasPricesOffChain() } const oracleGasPrice = json[options.speedType] if (!oracleGasPrice) { options.logger && options.logger.error && options.logger.error(`Response from Oracle didn't include gas price for ${options.speedType} type.`) return null } const normalizedGasPrice = normalizeGasPrice(oracleGasPrice, options.factor, options.limits) options.logger && options.logger.debug && options.logger.debug({ oracleGasPrice, normalizedGasPrice }, 'Gas price updated using the API') return normalizedGasPrice } catch (e) { options.logger && options.logger.error && options.logger.error(`Gas Price API is not available. ${e.message}`) } return null } const gasPriceFromContract = async (bridgeContract, options = {}) => { try { const gasPrice = await bridgeContract.methods.gasPrice().call() options.logger && options.logger.debug && options.logger.debug({ gasPrice }, 'Gas price updated using the contracts') return gasPrice } catch (e) { options.logger && options.logger.error && options.logger.error(`There was a problem getting the gas price from the contract. ${e.message}`) } return null } module.exports = { decodeBridgeMode, decodeFeeManagerMode, getBridgeMode, getTokenType, getUnit, parseValidatorEvent, processValidatorsEvents, getValidatorList, getPastEvents, getDeployedAtBlock, normalizeGasPrice, gasPriceFromSupplier, gasPriceFromContract, gasPriceWithinLimits, isErcToErcMode, isMediatorMode }