const Web3 = require('web3') const assert = require('assert') const { user, validator, secondValidator, thirdValidator, nativeToErcBridge, secondUser, thirdUser, fourthUser, homeRPC, foreignRPC } = require('../../e2e-commons/constants.json') const { ERC677_BRIDGE_TOKEN_ABI, HOME_NATIVE_TO_ERC_ABI, FOREIGN_NATIVE_TO_ERC_ABI } = require('../../commons') const { uniformRetry, sleep } = require('../../e2e-commons/utils') const { setRequiredSignatures } = require('./utils') const homeWeb3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(homeRPC.URL)) const foreignWeb3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(foreignRPC.URL)) const { toBN } = foreignWeb3.utils const COMMON_HOME_BRIDGE_ADDRESS = nativeToErcBridge.home const COMMON_FOREIGN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS = nativeToErcBridge.foreign const validatorAddresses = [validator.address, secondValidator.address, thirdValidator.address] homeWeb3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(user.privateKey) homeWeb3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(validator.privateKey) homeWeb3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(secondUser.privateKey) homeWeb3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(secondValidator.privateKey) homeWeb3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(thirdValidator.privateKey) homeWeb3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(thirdUser.privateKey) homeWeb3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(fourthUser.privateKey) foreignWeb3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(user.privateKey) foreignWeb3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(validator.privateKey) foreignWeb3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(secondUser.privateKey) foreignWeb3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(secondValidator.privateKey) foreignWeb3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(thirdValidator.privateKey) foreignWeb3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(thirdUser.privateKey) foreignWeb3.eth.accounts.wallet.add(fourthUser.privateKey) const token = new foreignWeb3.eth.Contract(ERC677_BRIDGE_TOKEN_ABI, nativeToErcBridge.foreignToken) const homeBridge = new homeWeb3.eth.Contract(HOME_NATIVE_TO_ERC_ABI, COMMON_HOME_BRIDGE_ADDRESS) const foreignBridge = new foreignWeb3.eth.Contract(FOREIGN_NATIVE_TO_ERC_ABI, COMMON_FOREIGN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS) describe('native to erc', () => { before(async () => { // Set 2 required signatures for home bridge await setRequiredSignatures({ bridgeContract: homeBridge, web3: homeWeb3, requiredSignatures: 2, options: { from: validator.address, gas: '4000000' } }) // Set 2 required signatures for foreign bridge await setRequiredSignatures({ bridgeContract: foreignBridge, web3: foreignWeb3, requiredSignatures: 2, options: { from: validator.address, gas: '4000000' } }) }) it('should convert eth in home to tokens in foreign', async () => { // check that account has zero tokens in the foreign chain const balance = await token.methods.balanceOf(user.address).call() assert(toBN(balance).isZero(), 'Account should not have tokens yet') // send transaction to home chain await homeWeb3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: user.address, to: COMMON_HOME_BRIDGE_ADDRESS, gasPrice: '1', gas: '50000', value: '1000000000000000000' }) // check that account has tokens in the foreign chain await uniformRetry(async retry => { const balance = await token.methods.balanceOf(user.address).call() if (toBN(balance).isZero()) { retry() } }) }) it('should convert tokens in foreign to eth in home', async () => { const originalBalance = await homeWeb3.eth.getBalance(user.address) // send tokens to foreign bridge await token.methods .transferAndCall(COMMON_FOREIGN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS, homeWeb3.utils.toWei('0.01'), '0x') .send({ from: user.address, gas: '1000000' }) .catch(e => { console.error(e) }) // check that balance increases await uniformRetry(async retry => { const balance = await homeWeb3.eth.getBalance(user.address) if (toBN(balance).lte(toBN(originalBalance))) { retry() } }) }) it('should wait for funds if these are insufficient (Home)', async () => { // check that account has zero tokens in the foreign chain const originalBalance = toBN(await token.methods.balanceOf(user.address).call()) // empty validator funds await sendAllBalance(homeWeb3, validator.address, secondUser.address) await sendAllBalance(homeWeb3, secondValidator.address, thirdUser.address) await sendAllBalance(homeWeb3, thirdValidator.address, fourthUser.address) const nonces = await Promise.all( // send transaction to home chain await homeWeb3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: user.address, to: COMMON_HOME_BRIDGE_ADDRESS, gasPrice: '1', gas: '50000', value: '1000000000000000000' }) // wait two seconds, no new blocks should have been generated await sleep(2000) const newNonces = await Promise.all( const balance = toBN(await token.methods.balanceOf(user.address).call()) assert.deepStrictEqual(nonces, newNonces, "Shouldn't sent new tx") assert(originalBalance.eq(balance), "Token balance shouldn't have changed") // send funds back to validator await sendAllBalance(homeWeb3, secondUser.address, validator.address) await sendAllBalance(homeWeb3, thirdUser.address, secondValidator.address) await sendAllBalance(homeWeb3, fourthUser.address, thirdValidator.address) // check that token balance was incremented in foreign chain await uniformRetry(async retry => { const balance = toBN(await token.methods.balanceOf(user.address).call()) if (! { retry() } }) }) it('should wait for funds if these are insufficient (Foreign)', async () => { // get original tokens balance const originalBalance = toBN(await token.methods.balanceOf(user.address).call()) // empty foreign validator funds await sendAllBalance(foreignWeb3, validator.address, secondUser.address) await sendAllBalance(foreignWeb3, secondValidator.address, thirdUser.address) await sendAllBalance(foreignWeb3, thirdValidator.address, fourthUser.address) const nonces = await Promise.all( // send transaction to home chain await homeWeb3.eth.sendTransaction({ from: user.address, to: COMMON_HOME_BRIDGE_ADDRESS, gasPrice: '1', gas: '50000', value: '1000000000000000000' }) // tokens shouldn't be generated in the foreign chain because the validator doesn't have funds await sleep(2000) const newNonces = await Promise.all( assert.deepStrictEqual(nonces, newNonces, "Shouldn't sent new tx") // send funds back to validator await sendAllBalance(foreignWeb3, secondUser.address, validator.address) await sendAllBalance(foreignWeb3, thirdUser.address, secondValidator.address) await sendAllBalance(foreignWeb3, fourthUser.address, thirdValidator.address) // check that account has tokens in the foreign chain await uniformRetry(async retry => { const balance = toBN(await token.methods.balanceOf(user.address).call()) if (balance.eq(originalBalance)) { retry() } }) }) }) async function sendAllBalance(web3, from, to) { const balance = await web3.eth.getBalance(from) const value = toBN(balance).sub(toBN('21000')) return web3.eth.sendTransaction({ from, to, value, gas: '21000', gasPrice: '1' }) }