require('../env') const { isAddress } = require('web3').utils const { privateKeyToAddress, setIntervalAndRun } = require('../src/utils/utils') const { EXIT_CODES } = require('../src/utils/constants') const { web3Home } = require('../src/services/web3') const { sendTx } = require('../src/tx/sendTx') const privateKey = process.env.INTEREST_FETCHER_PRIVATE_KEY const interval = process.env.INTERVAL ? parseInt(process.env.INTERVAL, 10) : 3600 * 1000 const contractAddress = process.env.INTEREST_FETCH_CONTRACT_ADDRESS if (!privateKey) { console.error('Environment variable INTEREST_FETCHER_PRIVATE_KEY is not set') process.exit(EXIT_CODES.GENERAL_ERROR) } if (interval < 300 * 1000) { console.error('Interval is to small, should be at least 5 minutes') process.exit(EXIT_CODES.GENERAL_ERROR) } if (!isAddress(contractAddress)) { console.error('Invalid contract address provided', contractAddress) process.exit(EXIT_CODES.GENERAL_ERROR) } const gasPrice = process.env.COMMON_HOME_GAS_PRICE_FALLBACK || '1000000000' async function main() { // assuming that we are using this contract - const contract = new web3Home.eth.Contract([{ name: 'fetchInterest', type: 'function', inputs: [] }], contractAddress) const chainId = await web3Home.eth.getChainId() const data = contract.methods.fetchInterest().encodeABI() const senderAddress = privateKeyToAddress(privateKey) console.log( `Initialized, chainId=${chainId}, data=${data}, contract=${contractAddress}, interval=${interval / 1000}s` ) await setIntervalAndRun(async () => { let gasLimit try { gasLimit = await contract.methods.fetchInterest().estimateGas() } catch (e) { console.log('Gas limit estimation failed, will retry later', new Date()) return } const nonce = await web3Home.eth.getTransactionCount(senderAddress) const txHash = await sendTx({ privateKey, to: contractAddress, data, nonce, gasPrice, gasLimit: Math.round(gasLimit * 1.5), amount: '0', chainId, web3: web3Home }) console.log('Sent transaction with fetch interest', txHash, new Date()) }, interval) } main()