192 lines
6.3 KiB
192 lines
6.3 KiB
const Web3 = require('web3')
const logger = require('./logger')('alerts')
const eventsInfo = require('./utils/events')
const { getBlockNumber } = require('./utils/contract')
const { processedMsgNotDelivered } = require('./utils/message')
const { BRIDGE_MODES } = require('../commons')
const { HOME_RPC_URL, FOREIGN_RPC_URL } = process.env
const homeProvider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(HOME_RPC_URL)
const web3Home = new Web3(homeProvider)
const foreignProvider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(FOREIGN_RPC_URL)
const web3Foreign = new Web3(foreignProvider)
async function main() {
const { foreignDeposits, homeDeposits, homeWithdrawals, foreignWithdrawals, bridgeMode } = await eventsInfo()
let xSignatures
let xAffirmations
xSignatures = foreignDeposits.filter(processedMsgNotDelivered(homeDeposits))
xAffirmations = homeWithdrawals.filter(processedMsgNotDelivered(foreignWithdrawals))
} else {
xSignatures = foreignDeposits.filter(findDifferences(homeDeposits))
xAffirmations = homeWithdrawals.filter(findDifferences(foreignWithdrawals))
logger.debug('building misbehavior blocks')
const [homeBlockNumber, foreignBlockNumber] = await getBlockNumber(web3Home, web3Foreign)
const baseRange = [false, false, false, false, false]
const xSignaturesMisbehavior = buildRangesObject(
xSignatures.map(findMisbehaviorRange(foreignBlockNumber)).reduce(mergeRanges, baseRange)
const xAffirmationsMisbehavior = buildRangesObject(
xAffirmations.map(findMisbehaviorRange(homeBlockNumber)).reduce(mergeRanges, baseRange)
logger.debug('extracting most recent transactionHash')
const { transactionHash: xSignaturesMostRecentTxHash = '' } = xSignatures.sort(sortEvents).reverse()[0] || {}
const { transactionHash: xAffirmationsMostRecentTxHash = '' } = xAffirmations.sort(sortEvents).reverse()[0] || {}
logger.debug('building transaction objects')
const foreignValidators = await Promise.all(xSignatures.map(event => findTxSender(web3Foreign)(event)))
const homeValidators = await Promise.all(xAffirmations.map(event => findTxSender(web3Home)(event)))
const xSignaturesTxs = xSignatures.map(normalizeEventInformation).reduce(buildTxList(foreignValidators), {})
const xAffirmationsTxs = xAffirmations.map(normalizeEventInformation).reduce(buildTxList(homeValidators), {})
return {
executeSignatures: {
misbehavior: xSignaturesMisbehavior,
mostRecentTxHash: xSignaturesMostRecentTxHash,
transactions: xSignaturesTxs
executeAffirmations: {
misbehavior: xAffirmationsMisbehavior,
mostRecentTxHash: xAffirmationsMostRecentTxHash,
transactions: xAffirmationsTxs
lastChecked: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)
* Finds the location for the blockNumber in a specific range starting from currentBlockNumber
* @param {BN} currentBlockNumber
* @returns {function({blockNumber?: *}): boolean[]}
const findMisbehaviorRange = currentBlockNumber => ({ blockNumber }) => {
const minus60 = currentBlockNumber.sub(Web3.utils.toBN(60))
const minus180 = currentBlockNumber.sub(Web3.utils.toBN(180))
const minus720 = currentBlockNumber.sub(Web3.utils.toBN(720))
const minus17280 = currentBlockNumber.sub(Web3.utils.toBN(17280))
return [
minus180.lte(blockNumber) && minus60.gt(blockNumber),
minus720.lte(blockNumber) && minus180.gt(blockNumber),
minus17280.lte(blockNumber) && minus720.gt(blockNumber),
* Merges range arrays into one single array
* @param {Array} acc
* @param {Array} range
* @returns {Array}
const mergeRanges = (acc, range) => acc.map((item, index) => item || range[index])
* Converts an array of boolean into the object representation of the ranges
* @param {Array} range
* @returns {{
* last60blocks: *,
* last60to180blocks: *,
* last180to720blocks: *,
* last720to17280blocks: *,
* last17280blocks: *
* }}
const buildRangesObject = range => ({
last60blocks: range[0],
last60to180blocks: range[1],
last180to720blocks: range[2],
last720to17280blocks: range[3],
before17280blocks: range[4]
* Sorts events by blockNumber from oldest to newest
* @param {Object} prev
* @param {Object} next
* @returns {number}
const sortEvents = ({ blockNumber: prev }, { blockNumber: next }) => prev - next
* Retrieves the transaction object and returns the 'from' key from it using the provided web3 instance
* @param {Object} web3
* @returns {function({transactionHash?: *}): Transaction.from}
const findTxSender = web3 => async ({ transactionHash }) => {
const { from } = await web3.eth.getTransaction(transactionHash)
return from
* Builds a list of transactions information using the txHash as key
* _validatorsList_ is a correlative list of validators addresses for each event processed
* @param {Array} validatorsList
* @returns {{acc[event.txHash]: {
* value: string,
* block: number,
* referenceTx: string,
* recipient: string,
* validator: string
* }}}
const buildTxList = validatorsList => (acc, event, index) => {
acc[event.txHash] = {
value: event.value,
block: event.blockNumber,
referenceTx: event.referenceTx,
recipient: event.recipient,
validator: validatorsList[index]
return acc
* Finds a missing destDeposit in src list if there's any
* @param {Array} src
* @returns {function(*=): boolean}
const findDifferences = src => dest => {
const b = normalizeEventInformation(dest)
return (
.filter(a => a.referenceTx === b.referenceTx && a.recipient === b.recipient && a.value === b.value).length === 0
* Normalizes the different event objects to facilitate data processing
* @param {Object} event
* @returns {{
* txHash: string,
* blockNumber: number,
* referenceTx: string,
* recipient: string | *,
* value: *
* }}
const normalizeEventInformation = event => ({
txHash: event.transactionHash,
blockNumber: event.blockNumber,
referenceTx: event.returnValues.transactionHash || event.transactionHash,
recipient: event.returnValues.recipient || event.returnValues.from,
value: event.returnValues.value
module.exports = main