611 lines
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611 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
import { IHasher } from '../Classic/interfaces/IHasher.sol';
import { IVerifier } from '../Classic/interfaces/IVerifier.sol';
import { IWETH } from '../Classic/interfaces/IWETH.sol';
import { IERC20, SafeERC20 } from "../Classic/libraries/SafeERC20.sol";
import { ReentrancyGuard } from '../Classic/libraries/ReentrancyGuard.sol';
import { IVault } from './interfaces/IVault.sol';
import { ISignatureTransfer } from './interfaces/ISignatureTransfer.sol';
import { ParseSignature } from './libraries/ParseSignature.sol';
* @notice (WIP) Singleton Tornado Cash contract
* @author tornadocontrib.eth
contract TornadoV2 is ReentrancyGuard {
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
enum SignatureType {
struct PermitCommitments {
bytes32 instancesHash;
bytes32 commitmentsHash;
bytes public constant COMMITMENT_TYPE = "PermitCommitments(bytes32 instancesHash,bytes32 commitmentsHash)";
bytes32 public constant COMMITMENT_TYPEHASH = keccak256(bytes(COMMITMENT_TYPE));
string public constant WITNESS_TYPE_STRING = string(abi.encodePacked("PermitCommitments witness)", COMMITMENT_TYPE, "TokenPermissions(address token,uint256 amount)"));
// https://docs.uniswap.org/contracts/v3/reference/deployments/ethereum-deployments
ISignatureTransfer public constant permit2 = ISignatureTransfer(0x000000000022D473030F116dDEE9F6B43aC78BA3);
uint256 public constant FIELD_SIZE = 21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617;
uint256 public constant ZERO_VALUE = 21663839004416932945382355908790599225266501822907911457504978515578255421292; // = keccak256("tornado") % FIELD_SIZE
uint32 public constant ROOT_HISTORY_SIZE = 30;
uint16 public constant REVISION = 0;
IWETH public weth;
IHasher public hasher;
IVerifier public verifier;
uint32 public levels;
address public feeTo;
uint16 public constant feeRate = 30;
event Deposit(
uint256 indexed id,
address from,
bytes32 indexed commitment,
uint32 leafIndex,
uint256 timestamp
event Withdrawal(
uint256 indexed id,
address to,
bytes32 nullifierHash,
address indexed relayer,
uint256 fee,
uint256 timestamp
struct InstanceStorage {
mapping(uint256 => bytes32) filledSubtrees;
mapping(uint256 => bytes32) zeros;
mapping(uint256 => bytes32) roots;
uint32 currentRootIndex;
uint32 nextIndex;
IERC20 token;
uint256 denomination;
// total deposits - total withdrawals
uint32 delta;
uint256 rewards;
IVault vault;
struct InstanceView {
uint32 currentRootIndex;
uint32 nextIndex;
IERC20 token;
bool native;
uint256 denomination;
// total deposits - total withdrawals
uint32 delta;
uint256 rewards;
IVault vault;
mapping(uint256 => InstanceStorage) internal instances;
mapping(bytes32 => bool) public hasInstance;
mapping(bytes32 => bool) public nullifierHashes;
mapping(bytes32 => bool) public commitments;
uint256 public instanceIndex;
error Initialized();
error DuplicatedInstance();
error InvalidSignatureType();
receive() external payable {
require(msg.sender == address(weth), 'Not from WETH');
function initialize(
IWETH _weth,
IVerifier _verifier,
IHasher _hasher,
uint32 _levels,
address _feeTo,
CreateInstance[] memory _instances
) external virtual {
if (address(hasher) != address(0)) {
revert Initialized();
require(_levels > 0, "_levels should be greater than zero");
require(_levels < 32, "_levels should be less than 32");
weth = _weth;
levels = _levels;
hasher = _hasher;
verifier = _verifier;
feeTo = _feeTo;
for (uint256 i; i < _instances.length; ++i) {
CreateInstance memory _instance = _instances[i];
createInstance(_instance.token, _instance.denomination, _instance.vault);
struct CreateInstance {
IERC20 token;
uint256 denomination;
IVault vault;
function createInstance(IERC20 _token, uint256 _denomination, IVault _vault) public virtual nonReentrant returns (uint256 id) {
id = instanceIndex;
bytes32 instanceHash = keccak256(abi.encode(address(_token), _denomination, address(_vault)));
if (hasInstance[instanceHash]) {
revert DuplicatedInstance();
hasInstance[instanceHash] = true;
instances[id].token = _token;
instances[id].denomination = _denomination;
instances[id].vault = _vault;
bytes32 currentZero = bytes32(ZERO_VALUE);
for (uint32 i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
instances[id].zeros[i] = currentZero;
instances[id].filledSubtrees[i] = currentZero;
currentZero = hashLeftRight(currentZero, currentZero);
instances[id].roots[0] = currentZero;
function witness(PermitCommitments memory permitData) public pure returns (bytes32) {
return keccak256(
abi.encode(COMMITMENT_TYPEHASH, permitData.instancesHash, permitData.commitmentsHash)
function getSignatureType(bytes memory permitData) public pure returns (SignatureType) {
(bytes1 sigType) = abi.decode(permitData, (bytes1));
if (uint8(sigType) == uint8(0)) {
return SignatureType.PERMIT;
} else if (uint8(sigType) == uint8(1)) {
return SignatureType.PERMIT2;
} else {
revert InvalidSignatureType();
function _parseDeposit(
uint256[] memory _ids,
bytes32[] memory _commitments
) internal view returns (IERC20 _token, uint256 _amount, IVault _vault) {
require(_ids.length == _commitments.length, "Incorrect input");
_token = instances[_ids[0]].token;
_vault = instances[_ids[0]].vault;
for (uint i; i < _ids.length; ++i) {
require(_token == instances[_ids[i]].token, "Incorrect Token");
require(_vault == instances[_ids[i]].vault, "Incorrect Vault");
_amount += instances[_ids[i]].denomination;
* @dev Deposit funds into the contract. The caller must send (for ETH) or approve (for ERC20) value equal to or `denomination` of this instance.
* @param _commitments the note commitment, which is PedersenHash(nullifier + secret)
* @dev Does not support fee-on-transfer tokens
function deposit(
uint256[] memory _ids,
bytes32[] memory _commitments,
bytes memory permitData
) external virtual payable nonReentrant {
(IERC20 _token, uint256 _amount, IVault _vault) = _parseDeposit(_ids, _commitments);
bool native = address(_token) == address(weth);
require(msg.value == 0 || (native && msg.value == _amount), "Please send correct ETH");
// Let Vault handle deposits
if (address(_vault) != address(0)) {
_vault.deposit{ value: msg.value }(
// Handle native ETH deposits
} else if (native && msg.value == _amount) {
weth.deposit{ value: _amount }();
// Handle approved token deposits
} else if (permitData.length == 0) {
_token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
// Handle signature deposits (PERMIT, PERMIT2)
} else {
SignatureType sigType = getSignatureType(permitData);
if (sigType == SignatureType.PERMIT) {
(, address owner, bytes memory signature) = abi.decode(permitData, (bytes1, address, bytes));
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = ParseSignature.parse(signature);
bytes32 commitmentsHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_commitments));
_token.permit(owner, address(this), _amount, uint256(commitmentsHash), v, r, s);
_token.safeTransferFrom(owner, address(this), _amount);
} else {
(, address owner, uint256 nonce, uint256 deadline, bytes memory signature) = abi.decode(
permitData, (bytes1, address, uint256, uint256, bytes)
bytes32 witnessHash;
witnessHash = witness(PermitCommitments({
instancesHash: keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_ids)),
commitmentsHash: keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_commitments))
permitted: ISignatureTransfer.TokenPermissions({
token: address(_token),
amount: _amount
nonce: nonce,
deadline: deadline
to: address(this),
requestedAmount: _amount
for (uint256 i; i < _commitments.length; ++i) {
_processDeposit(_ids[i], _commitments[i]);
function _processDeposit(uint256 id, bytes32 _commitment) internal {
require(!commitments[_commitment], "The commitment has been submitted");
uint32 insertedIndex = _insert(id, _commitment);
commitments[_commitment] = true;
emit Deposit(id, tx.origin, _commitment, insertedIndex, block.timestamp);
* @dev Withdraw a deposit from the contract. `proof` is a zkSNARK proof data, and input is an array of circuit public inputs
* `input` array consists of:
* - merkle root of all deposits in the contract
* - hash of unique deposit nullifier to prevent double spends
* - the recipient of funds
* - optional fee that goes to the transaction sender (usually a relay)
function withdraw(
uint256 id,
bytes calldata _proof,
bytes32 _root,
bytes32 _nullifierHash,
address payable _recipient,
address payable _relayer,
uint256 _relayerFee,
uint256 _refund,
bytes memory _data
) external virtual payable nonReentrant {
_processWithdraw(id, _proof, _root, _nullifierHash, _recipient, _relayer, _relayerFee, _refund, _data);
_processSend(id, _recipient, _relayer, _relayerFee, _refund, _data);
function _processSend(
uint256 id,
address payable _recipient,
address payable _relayer,
uint256 _relayerFee,
uint256 _refund,
bytes memory _data
) internal {
IERC20 _token = instances[id].token;
bool native = address(_token) == address(weth);
uint256 _denomination = instances[id].denomination;
if (address(instances[id].vault) != address(0)) {
instances[id].vault.withdraw{ value: msg.value }(
if (native) {
uint256 toSend;
(uint256 rewards, uint256 fees) = _processFees(id);
toSend = _denomination + rewards - fees - _relayerFee;
if (native) {
// sanity checks
require(msg.value == 0, "Message value is supposed to be zero for ETH instance");
require(_refund == 0, "Refund value is supposed to be zero for ETH instance");
(bool success, ) = _recipient.call{ value: toSend }(_data);
require(success, "payment to _recipient did not go thru");
if (_relayerFee > 0) {
(success, ) = _relayer.call{ value: _relayerFee }("");
require(success, "payment to _relayer did not go thru");
} else {
require(msg.value == _refund, "Incorrect refund amount received by the contract");
_token.safeTransfer(_recipient, toSend);
if (_relayerFee > 0) {
_token.safeTransfer(_relayer, _relayerFee);
if (_refund > 0 || _data.length != 0) {
(bool success, ) = _recipient.call{ value: _refund }(_data);
require(success, "refund to _recipient did not go thru");
function _processFees(uint256 id) internal returns (uint256, uint256) {
IERC20 _token = instances[id].token;
bool native = address(_token) == address(weth);
uint256 _denomination = instances[id].denomination;
// reward to pay to
uint256 rewards = instances[id].rewards / (instances[id].delta * _denomination);
instances[id].rewards -= rewards;
// withdrawal fees to collect (doesn't collect when this is the last withdrawal)
uint256 fees = (instances[id].delta > 1) ? (_denomination * feeRate / 10000) : 0;
uint256 devFee = (feeTo != address(0)) ? (fees / 2) : 0;
uint256 dividend = fees - devFee;
if (devFee != 0) {
if (native) {
(bool success, ) = feeTo.call{ value: devFee }("");
require(success, "payment to feeTo did not go thru");
} else {
_token.safeTransfer(feeTo, devFee);
instances[id].rewards += dividend;
return (rewards, fees);
function _processWithdraw(
uint256 id,
bytes calldata _proof,
bytes32 _root,
bytes32 _nullifierHash,
address payable _recipient,
address payable _relayer,
uint256 _fee,
uint256 _refund,
bytes memory _data
) internal {
require(_fee <= instances[id].denomination, "Fee exceeds transfer value");
require(!nullifierHashes[_nullifierHash], "The note has been already spent");
require(isKnownRoot(id, _root), "Cannot find your merkle root"); // Make sure to use a recent one
uint256 recipientInt = uint256(uint160(address(_recipient)));
if (_data.length != 0) {
// Make sure the hashed value is under PRIME_Q value
recipientInt = uint256(uint248(bytes31(keccak256(abi.encode(_recipient, _data)))));
[uint256(_root), uint256(_nullifierHash), recipientInt, uint256(uint160(address(_relayer))), _fee, _refund]
"Invalid withdraw proof"
nullifierHashes[_nullifierHash] = true;
emit Withdrawal(id, _recipient, _nullifierHash, _relayer, _fee, block.timestamp);
* @dev Hash 2 tree leaves, returns MiMC(_left, _right)
function hashLeftRight(
bytes32 _left,
bytes32 _right
) public view returns (bytes32) {
require(uint256(_left) < FIELD_SIZE, "_left should be inside the field");
require(uint256(_right) < FIELD_SIZE, "_right should be inside the field");
uint256 R = uint256(_left);
uint256 C = 0;
(R, C) = hasher.MiMCSponge(R, C);
R = addmod(R, uint256(_right), FIELD_SIZE);
(R, C) = hasher.MiMCSponge(R, C);
return bytes32(R);
function _insert(uint256 id, bytes32 _leaf) internal returns (uint32 index) {
uint32 _nextIndex = instances[id].nextIndex;
require(_nextIndex != uint32(2)**levels, "Merkle tree is full. No more leaves can be added");
uint32 currentIndex = _nextIndex;
bytes32 currentLevelHash = _leaf;
bytes32 left;
bytes32 right;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
if (currentIndex % 2 == 0) {
left = currentLevelHash;
right = instances[id].zeros[i];
instances[id].filledSubtrees[i] = currentLevelHash;
} else {
left = instances[id].filledSubtrees[i];
right = currentLevelHash;
currentLevelHash = hashLeftRight(left, right);
currentIndex /= 2;
uint32 newRootIndex = (instances[id].currentRootIndex + 1) % ROOT_HISTORY_SIZE;
instances[id].currentRootIndex = newRootIndex;
instances[id].roots[newRootIndex] = currentLevelHash;
instances[id].nextIndex = _nextIndex + 1;
return _nextIndex;
* @dev Whether the root is present in the root history
function isKnownRoot(uint256 id, bytes32 _root) public view returns (bool) {
if (_root == 0) {
return false;
uint32 _currentRootIndex = instances[id].currentRootIndex;
uint32 i = _currentRootIndex;
do {
if (_root == instances[id].roots[i]) {
return true;
if (i == 0) {
} while (i != _currentRootIndex);
return false;
* @dev Returns the last root
function nextIndex(uint256 id) public view returns (uint32) {
return instances[id].nextIndex;
function getLastRoot(uint256 id) public view returns (bytes32) {
return instances[id].roots[instances[id].currentRootIndex];
function token(uint256 id) external view returns (address) {
return address(instances[id].token);
function denomination(uint256 id) external view returns (uint256) {
return instances[id].denomination;
function instance(uint256 id) external view returns (InstanceView memory) {
return InstanceView({
currentRootIndex: instances[id].currentRootIndex,
nextIndex: instances[id].nextIndex,
token: instances[id].token,
native: address(instances[id].token) == address(weth),
denomination: instances[id].denomination,
delta: instances[id].delta,
rewards: instances[id].rewards,
vault: instances[id].vault
function filledSubtrees(uint256 id, uint256 index) external view returns (bytes32) {
return instances[id].filledSubtrees[index];
function zeros(uint256 id, uint256 index) external view returns (bytes32) {
return instances[id].zeros[index];
function roots(uint256 id, uint256 index) external view returns (bytes32) {
return instances[id].roots[index];
* @dev whether a note is already spent
* It is discouraged to use function on remote RPC environment
* You should always sync the whole withdrawal events and find from them to ensure privacy
function isSpent(bytes32 _nullifierHash) public view returns (bool) {
return nullifierHashes[_nullifierHash];
/** @dev whether an array of notes is already spent */
function isSpentArray(bytes32[] calldata _nullifierHashes) external view returns (bool[] memory spent) {
spent = new bool[](_nullifierHashes.length);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _nullifierHashes.length; i++) {
if (isSpent(_nullifierHashes[i])) {
spent[i] = true;
} |