
162 lines
5.2 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.12;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import { UniswapV3OracleHelper } from "./libraries/UniswapV3OracleHelper.sol";
import { SafeMath } from "@openzeppelin/contracts-v3/math/SafeMath.sol";
import { IERC20, InstanceRegistry, ITornadoInstance } from "./InstanceRegistry.sol";
/// @dev contract which calculates the fee for each pool
contract FeeManager {
using SafeMath for uint256;
uint256 public constant PROTOCOL_FEE_DIVIDER = 10000;
address public immutable torn;
address public immutable governance;
InstanceRegistry public immutable registry;
uint24 public uniswapTornPoolSwappingFee;
uint32 public uniswapTimePeriod;
uint24 public updateFeeTimeLimit;
mapping(ITornadoInstance => uint160) public instanceFee;
mapping(ITornadoInstance => uint256) public instanceFeeUpdated;
event FeeUpdated(address indexed instance, uint256 newFee);
event UniswapTornPoolSwappingFeeChanged(uint24 newFee);
modifier onlyGovernance() {
require(msg.sender == governance);
struct Deviation {
address instance;
int256 deviation; // in 10**-1 percents, so it can be like -2.3% if the price of TORN declined
address _torn,
address _governance,
address _registry
) public {
torn = _torn;
governance = _governance;
registry = InstanceRegistry(_registry);
* @notice This function should update the fees of each pool
function updateAllFees() external {
* @notice This function should update the fees for tornado instances
* (here called pools)
* @param _instances pool addresses to update fees for
* */
function updateFees(ITornadoInstance[] memory _instances) public {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _instances.length; i++) {
* @notice This function should update the fee of a specific pool
* @param _instance address of the pool to update fees for
function updateFee(ITornadoInstance _instance) public {
uint160 newFee = calculatePoolFee(_instance);
instanceFee[_instance] = newFee;
instanceFeeUpdated[_instance] = now;
emit FeeUpdated(address(_instance), newFee);
* @notice This function should return the fee of a specific pool and update it if the time has come
* @param _instance address of the pool to get fees for
function instanceFeeWithUpdate(ITornadoInstance _instance) public returns (uint160) {
if (now - instanceFeeUpdated[_instance] > updateFeeTimeLimit) {
return instanceFee[_instance];
* @notice function to update a single fee entry
* @param _instance instance for which to update data
* @return newFee the new fee pool
function calculatePoolFee(ITornadoInstance _instance) public virtual view returns (uint160) {
(bool isERC20, IERC20 token, , uint24 uniswapPoolSwappingFee, uint32 protocolFeePercentage) = registry.instances(_instance);
if (protocolFeePercentage == 0) {
return 0;
token = token == IERC20(0) && !isERC20 ? IERC20(UniswapV3OracleHelper.WETH) : token; // for eth instances
uint256 tokenPriceRatio = UniswapV3OracleHelper.getPriceRatioOfTokens(
[torn, address(token)],
[uniswapTornPoolSwappingFee, uniswapPoolSwappingFee],
// prettier-ignore
* @notice function to update the uniswap fee
* @param _uniswapTornPoolSwappingFee new uniswap fee
function setUniswapTornPoolSwappingFee(uint24 _uniswapTornPoolSwappingFee) public onlyGovernance {
uniswapTornPoolSwappingFee = _uniswapTornPoolSwappingFee;
emit UniswapTornPoolSwappingFeeChanged(uniswapTornPoolSwappingFee);
* @notice This function should allow governance to set a new period for twap measurement
* @param newPeriod the new period to use
* */
function setPeriodForTWAPOracle(uint32 newPeriod) external onlyGovernance {
uniswapTimePeriod = newPeriod;
* @notice This function should allow governance to set a new update fee time limit for instance fee updating
* @param newLimit the new time limit to use
* */
function setUpdateFeeTimeLimit(uint24 newLimit) external onlyGovernance {
updateFeeTimeLimit = newLimit;
* @notice returns fees deviations for each instance, so it can be easily seen what instance requires an update
function feeDeviations() public view returns (Deviation[] memory results) {
ITornadoInstance[] memory instances = registry.getAllInstanceAddresses();
results = new Deviation[](instances.length);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < instances.length; i++) {
uint256 marketFee = calculatePoolFee(instances[i]);
int256 deviation;
if (marketFee != 0) {
deviation = int256((instanceFee[instances[i]] * 1000) / marketFee) - 1000;
results[i] = Deviation({ instance: address(instances[i]), deviation: deviation });