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2024-11-23 18:45:02 +00:00
import { BigNumberish } from 'ethers';
import { TransactionData, TxType, ITornadoFeeOracle, LegacyGasPriceKey, GasPriceParams, GetGasParamsRes, HexadecimalStringifiedNumber, GetGasInput, GetGasParamsInput } from './types';
import { JsonRpcProvider } from '@ethersproject/providers';
import { ChainId, InstanceTokenSymbol } from './config';
import { GetWithdrawalFeeViaRelayerInput } from './types';
export declare abstract class TornadoFeeOracle implements ITornadoFeeOracle {
version: 4 | 5 | 6;
protected chainId: ChainId;
protected provider: JsonRpcProvider;
constructor(version: 4 | 5 | 6, chainId: ChainId, rpcUrl: string);
* Because Optimism transaction published on Mainnet, for each OP transaction we need to calculate L1 security fee:
* @param {TransactionData} [tx] Transaction data to estimate L1 additional fee
* @returns {Promise<HexadecimalStringifiedNumber>} Fee in WEI (MATIC), '0' if chain is not Optimism
fetchL1OptimismFee(tx?: TransactionData): Promise<HexadecimalStringifiedNumber>;
* Estimate gas price, gas limit and l1Fee for sidechain (if exists)
* @param {GetGasParamsInput} [params] Function input arguments object
* @param {TransactionData} [params.tx] Transaction data in web3 / ethers format
* @param {TxType} [params.txType=other] Tornado transaction type: withdrawal by user, withdrawal by relayer or 'other'
* @param {number} [params.predefinedGasLimit] Predefined gas limit, if already calculated (no refetching)
* @param {number} [params.predefinedGasPrice] Predefined gas price, if already calculated (no refetching)
* @param {number} [params.bumpGasLimitPercent] Gas limit bump percent to prioritize transaction (if gas limit not predefined, recenlty used)
* @param {number} [params.bumpGasPricePercent] Gas price bump percent to prioritize transaction (if gas limit not predefined, rarely used)
* @param {LegacyGasPriceKey} [params.speed] Preferred transaction speed, if uses legacy gas (before EIP-1559)
* @param {boolean} [params.includeL1FeeToGasLimit=true] Include L1 additional fee on Optimism to gas limit (get fee and divide by gas price)
* @returns {Promise<GetGasParamsRes>} Object with fields 'gasPrice' and 'gasLimit', L1 fee, if exists, included in gasLimit
getGasParams(params?: GetGasParamsInput): Promise<GetGasParamsRes>;
* Estimates next block gas for signed, unsigned or incomplete Tornado transaction
* @param {GetGasInput} [params] Function input arguments object
* @param {TransactionData} [params.tx] Transaction data in web3 / ethers format
* @param {TxType} [params.txType] Tornado transaction type: withdrawal by user, withdrawal by relayer or 'other'
* @param {number} [params.predefinedGasLimit] Predefined gas limit, if already calculated (no refetching)
* @param {number} [params.predefinedGasPrice] Predefined gas price, if already calculated (no refetching)
* @param {number} [params.bumpGasLimitPercent] Gas limit bump percent to prioritize transaction (if gas limit not predefined, recenlty used)
* @param {number} [params.bumpGasPricePercent] Gas price bump percent to prioritize transaction (if gas price not predefined, rarely used)
* @param {LegacyGasPriceKey} [params.speed] Preferred transaction speed, if uses legacy gas (before EIP-1559)
* @returns {Promise<HexadecimalStringifiedNumber>} Gas value in WEI (hex-format)
getGas(params?: GetGasInput): Promise<HexadecimalStringifiedNumber>;
* Estimate next block gas price
* @param {LegacyGasPriceKey} [speed] Preferred transaction speed, if uses legacy gas (before EIP-1559)
* @param {number} [bumpPercent=0] Gas bump percent to prioritize transaction
* @returns {Promise<GasPriceParams>} Estimated gas price info in WEI (hexed) - legacy object with gasPrice property or
* EIP-1559 object with maxFeePerGas and maxPriorityFeePerGas properties
* NOTICE: It is recommended to bump fees for EIP-1559 transactions, because they can bump 12.5% per block
getGasPriceParams(speed?: LegacyGasPriceKey, bumpPercent?: number): Promise<GasPriceParams>;
* Estimate next block gas price
* @param {LegacyGasPriceKey} [speed] Preferred transaction speed, if uses legacy gas (before EIP-1559)
* @param {number} [bumpPercent] Gas bump percent to prioritize transaction
* @returns {Promise<HexadecimalStringifiedNumber>} Gas price in WEI (hex string)
getGasPrice(speed?: LegacyGasPriceKey, bumpPercent?: number): Promise<HexadecimalStringifiedNumber>;
* Estimates gas limit for transaction (or basic gas limit, if no tx data provided)
* @param {TransactionData} [tx] Transaction data (object in web3 / ethers format)
* @param {TxType} [type] Tornado transaction type: withdrawal by user, withdrawal by relayer, relayer fee check or 'other'
* @param {number} [bumpPercent] Gas bump percent to prioritize transaction
* @returns {Promise<number>} Gas limit
abstract getGasLimit(tx?: TransactionData, type?: TxType, bumpPercent?: number): Promise<number>;
* If user withdraw non-native tokens on ETH or Goerli, we need to calculate refund value:
* if the withdrawal is successful, this amount will be returned to the user after the transfer to the relayer,
* and if the relayer pays a commission and the transfer of tokens fails, this commission will remain to the relayer.
* Refund needed that recipient can use tokens after withdrawal (covers gas fee for send/swap)
* @param {BigNumberish} gasPrice Actual gas price
* @param {InstanceTokenSymbol} tokenSymbol Withdrawal token (currency) symbol - for example, 'dai'
* @returns {HexadecimalStringifiedNumber} Refund amount in WEI (in hex format)
calculateRefundInETH(gasPrice: BigNumberish, tokenSymbol: InstanceTokenSymbol): HexadecimalStringifiedNumber;
* Fetched actual gas price and calculates refund amount
* @param {InstanceTokenSymbol} tokenSymbol Withdrawal token (currency) symbol - for example, 'dai'
* @returns {Promise<HexadecimalStringifiedNumber>} Refund amount in WEI (in hex format)
fetchRefundInETH(tokenSymbol: InstanceTokenSymbol): Promise<HexadecimalStringifiedNumber>;
* Get refund amount on ETH or Goerli in non-native token
* @param {BigNumberish} gasPrice Actual gas price in ETH
* @param {BigNumberish} tokenPriceInEth Token price in WEI in ETH
* @param {HexadecimalStringifiedNumber | number} tokenDecimals Token (currency) decimals
* @param {InstanceTokenSymbol} tokenSymbol Withdrawal token (currency) symbol - for example, 'dai'
* @returns {HexadecimalStringifiedNumber} Refund amount in WEI in selected token (hexed number)
calculateRefundInToken(gasPrice: BigNumberish, tokenPriceInEth: BigNumberish, tokenDecimals: HexadecimalStringifiedNumber | number, tokenSymbol: InstanceTokenSymbol): HexadecimalStringifiedNumber;
* Calculates relayer fee in selected currency (ETH, DAI, BNB etc) in WEI
* @param {number | string} relayerFeePercent Relayer percent (0.4 for ETH Mainnet, for example)
* @param {HexadecimalStringifiedNumber | number} amount Amount in selected currency (10 for 10 ETH, 1000 for 1000 DAI)
* @param {string | number} decimals Decimal places in selected token (currency)
* @returns {HexadecimalStringifiedNumber} Fee in WEI (hexed stingified number)
calculateRelayerFeeInWei(relayerFeePercent: number | string, amount: HexadecimalStringifiedNumber | number, decimals: string | number): HexadecimalStringifiedNumber;
* Estimates fee for withdrawal via relayer depending on type: gas bump percent is bigger, if it calculates by user,
* so that the real commission from the relayer side is a little less,
* in order to the relayer can send a transaction without fear that he will go into the red
* @param {GetWithdrawalFeeViaRelayerInput} params Function input arguments object
* @param {TxType} params.txType Tornado transaction type: withdrawal costs calculation from user side or from relayer side
* @param {TransactionData} [params.tx] Transaction data (object in web3 / ethers format)
* @param {number} params.relayerFeePercent Relayer fee percent from the transaction amount (for example, 0.15 for BNB or 0.4 for ETH Mainnet)
* @param {AvailableTokenSymbols | Uppercase<AvailableTokenSymbols>} params.currency Currency symbol
* @param {number | HexadecimalStringifiedNumber } params.amount Withdrawal amount in selected currency
* @param {number | HexadecimalStringifiedNumber } params.decimals Token (currency) decimals
* @param {BigNumberish} [params.refundInEth] Refund in ETH, if withdrawed other tokens on Mainnet (not ETH). Can not be provided, if user-side calculation
* @param {BigNumberish} [params.tokenPriceInEth] If withdrawing other token on Mainnet or Goerli, need to provide token price in ETH (in WEI)
* @param {number} [params.gasLimit] Predefined gas limit, if already calculated (no refetching)
* @param {number} [params.gasPrice] Predefined gas price, if already calculated (no refetching)
* @returns {Promise<HexadecimalStringifiedNumber>} Fee in WEI (hexed string)
calculateWithdrawalFeeViaRelayer({ tx, txType, relayerFeePercent, currency, amount, decimals, refundInEth, tokenPriceInEth, predefinedGasLimit, predefinedGasPrice, bumpGasLimitPercent, bumpGasPricePercent, }: GetWithdrawalFeeViaRelayerInput): Promise<HexadecimalStringifiedNumber>;