
494 lines
15 KiB

import type { EventEmitter } from 'stream';
import {
} from 'ethers';
import type { Dispatcher, RequestInit, fetch as undiciFetch } from 'undici-types';
import { isNode, sleep } from './utils';
import type { Config, NetIdType } from './networkConfig';
declare global {
interface Window {
ethereum?: Eip1193Provider & EventEmitter;
// Update this for every Tor Browser release
export const defaultUserAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:128.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/128.0';
export type DispatcherFunc = (retry?: number) => Dispatcher;
export interface fetchDataOptions extends Omit<RequestInit, 'headers'> {
* Overriding RequestInit params
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
headers?: HeadersInit | any;
* Expanding RequestInit params
maxRetry?: number;
retryOn?: number;
userAgent?: string;
timeout?: number;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-function-type
debug?: Function;
returnResponse?: boolean;
cancelSignal?: FetchCancelSignal;
dispatcherFunc?: DispatcherFunc;
export async function fetchData<T>(url: string, options: fetchDataOptions = {}): Promise<T> {
const MAX_RETRY = options.maxRetry ?? 3;
const RETRY_ON = options.retryOn ?? 500;
const userAgent = options.userAgent ?? defaultUserAgent;
let retry = 0;
let errorObject;
if (!options.method) {
if (!options.body) {
options.method = 'GET';
} else {
options.method = 'POST';
if (!options.headers) {
options.headers = {};
if (isNode && !options.headers['User-Agent']) {
options.headers['User-Agent'] = userAgent;
if (typeof globalThis.fetch !== 'function') {
throw new Error('Fetch API is not available, use latest browser or nodejs installation!');
while (retry < MAX_RETRY + 1) {
let timeout;
if (!options.signal && options.timeout) {
const controller = new AbortController();
options.signal = controller.signal;
// Define timeout in seconds
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, options.timeout);
// Support Ethers.js style FetchCancelSignal class
if (options.cancelSignal) {
// assert(_signal == null || !_signal.cancelled, "request cancelled before sending", "CANCELLED");
if (options.cancelSignal.cancelled) {
throw new Error('request cancelled before sending');
options.cancelSignal.addListener(() => {
if (typeof options.debug === 'function') {
options.debug('request', {
try {
const dispatcher = options.dispatcherFunc ? options.dispatcherFunc(retry) : options.dispatcher;
const resp = await (globalThis.fetch as unknown as typeof undiciFetch)(url, {
if (options.debug && typeof options.debug === 'function') {
options.debug('response', resp);
if (!resp.ok) {
const errMsg = `Request to ${url} failed with error code ${resp.status}:\n` + (await resp.text());
throw new Error(errMsg);
if (options.returnResponse) {
return resp as T;
const contentType = resp.headers.get('content-type');
// If server returns JSON object, parse it and return as an object
if (contentType?.includes('application/json')) {
return (await resp.json()) as T;
// Else if the server returns text parse it as a string
if (contentType?.includes('text')) {
return (await resp.text()) as T;
// Return as a response object
return resp as T;
} catch (error) {
if (timeout) {
errorObject = error;
await sleep(RETRY_ON);
} finally {
if (timeout) {
if (options.debug && typeof options.debug === 'function') {
options.debug('error', errorObject);
throw errorObject;
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
export const fetchGetUrlFunc =
(options: fetchDataOptions = {}): FetchGetUrlFunc =>
async (req, _signal) => {
const init = {
method: req.method || 'POST',
headers: req.headers,
body: req.body || undefined,
timeout: options.timeout || req.timeout,
cancelSignal: _signal,
returnResponse: true,
const resp = await fetchData<Response>(req.url, init);
const headers = {} as Record<string, any>;
resp.headers.forEach((value: any, key: string) => {
headers[key.toLowerCase()] = value;
const respBody = await resp.arrayBuffer();
const body = respBody == null ? null : new Uint8Array(respBody);
return {
statusCode: resp.status,
statusMessage: resp.statusText,
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
export type getProviderOptions = fetchDataOptions & {
// NetId to check against rpc
netId?: NetIdType;
pollingInterval?: number;
export const FeeDataNetworkPluginName = new FetchUrlFeeDataNetworkPlugin(
() => new Promise((resolve) => resolve(new FeeData())),
export async function getProvider(rpcUrl: string, fetchOptions?: getProviderOptions): Promise<JsonRpcProvider> {
// Use our own fetchGetUrlFunc to support proxies and retries
const fetchReq = new FetchRequest(rpcUrl);
fetchReq.getUrlFunc = fetchGetUrlFunc(fetchOptions);
const fetchedNetwork = await new JsonRpcProvider(fetchReq).getNetwork();
// Audit if we are connected to right network
const chainId = Number(fetchedNetwork.chainId);
if (fetchOptions?.netId && fetchOptions.netId !== chainId) {
const errMsg = `Wrong network for ${rpcUrl}, wants ${fetchOptions.netId} got ${chainId}`;
throw new Error(errMsg);
// Clone to new network to exclude polygon gas station plugin
const staticNetwork = new Network(, fetchedNetwork.chainId);
fetchedNetwork.plugins.forEach((plugin) => {
if ( !== FeeDataNetworkPluginName) {
return new JsonRpcProvider(fetchReq, staticNetwork, {
pollingInterval: fetchOptions?.pollingInterval || 1000,
export function getProviderWithNetId(
netId: NetIdType,
rpcUrl: string,
config: Config,
fetchOptions?: getProviderOptions,
): JsonRpcProvider {
const { networkName, reverseRecordsContract, pollInterval } = config;
const hasEns = Boolean(reverseRecordsContract);
const fetchReq = new FetchRequest(rpcUrl);
fetchReq.getUrlFunc = fetchGetUrlFunc(fetchOptions);
const staticNetwork = new Network(networkName, netId);
if (hasEns) {
staticNetwork.attachPlugin(new EnsPlugin(null, Number(netId)));
staticNetwork.attachPlugin(new GasCostPlugin());
const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(fetchReq, staticNetwork, {
pollingInterval: fetchOptions?.pollingInterval || pollInterval * 1000,
return provider;
export const populateTransaction = async (
signer: TornadoWallet | TornadoVoidSigner | TornadoRpcSigner,
tx: TransactionRequest,
) => {
const provider = ((signer as TornadoRpcSigner).readonlyProvider || signer.provider) as Provider;
if (!tx.from) {
tx.from = signer.address;
} else if (tx.from !== signer.address) {
const errMsg = `populateTransaction: signer mismatch for tx, wants ${tx.from} have ${signer.address}`;
throw new Error(errMsg);
const [feeData, nonce] = await Promise.all([
tx.maxFeePerGas || tx.gasPrice ? undefined : provider.getFeeData(),
tx.nonce || tx.nonce === 0 ? undefined : provider.getTransactionCount(signer.address, 'pending'),
if (feeData) {
// EIP-1559
if (feeData.maxFeePerGas) {
if (!tx.type) {
tx.type = 2;
tx.maxFeePerGas = (feeData.maxFeePerGas * (BigInt(10000) + BigInt(signer.gasPriceBump))) / BigInt(10000);
tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas = feeData.maxPriorityFeePerGas;
delete tx.gasPrice;
} else if (feeData.gasPrice) {
if (!tx.type) {
tx.type = 0;
tx.gasPrice = feeData.gasPrice;
delete tx.maxFeePerGas;
delete tx.maxPriorityFeePerGas;
if (nonce || nonce === 0) {
tx.nonce = nonce;
if (!tx.gasLimit) {
try {
const gasLimit = await provider.estimateGas(tx);
tx.gasLimit =
gasLimit === BigInt(21000)
? gasLimit
: (gasLimit * (BigInt(10000) + BigInt(signer.gasLimitBump))) / BigInt(10000);
} catch (error) {
if (signer.gasFailover) {
console.log('populateTransaction: warning gas estimation failed falling back to 3M gas');
// Gas failover
tx.gasLimit = BigInt('3000000');
} else {
throw error;
return resolveProperties(tx);
export interface TornadoWalletOptions {
gasPriceBump?: number;
gasLimitBump?: number;
gasFailover?: boolean;
bumpNonce?: boolean;
readonlyProvider?: Provider;
export class TornadoWallet extends Wallet {
nonce?: number;
gasPriceBump: number;
gasLimitBump: number;
gasFailover: boolean;
bumpNonce: boolean;
key: string | SigningKey,
provider?: Provider,
{ gasPriceBump, gasLimitBump, gasFailover, bumpNonce }: TornadoWalletOptions = {},
) {
super(key, provider);
// 10% bump from the recommended fee
this.gasPriceBump = gasPriceBump ?? 0;
// 30% bump from the recommended gaslimit
this.gasLimitBump = gasLimitBump ?? 3000;
this.gasFailover = gasFailover ?? false;
// Disable bump nonce feature unless being used by the server environment
this.bumpNonce = bumpNonce ?? false;
static fromMnemonic(mneomnic: string, provider: Provider, index = 0, options?: TornadoWalletOptions) {
const defaultPath = `m/44'/60'/0'/0/${index}`;
const { privateKey } = HDNodeWallet.fromPhrase(mneomnic, undefined, defaultPath);
return new TornadoWallet(privateKey as unknown as SigningKey, provider, options);
async populateTransaction(tx: TransactionRequest) {
const txObject = await populateTransaction(this, tx);
this.nonce = Number(txObject.nonce);
return txObject as Promise<TransactionLike<string>>;
export class TornadoVoidSigner extends VoidSigner {
nonce?: number;
gasPriceBump: number;
gasLimitBump: number;
gasFailover: boolean;
bumpNonce: boolean;
address: string,
provider?: Provider,
{ gasPriceBump, gasLimitBump, gasFailover, bumpNonce }: TornadoWalletOptions = {},
) {
super(address, provider);
// 10% bump from the recommended fee
this.gasPriceBump = gasPriceBump ?? 0;
// 30% bump from the recommended gaslimit
this.gasLimitBump = gasLimitBump ?? 3000;
this.gasFailover = gasFailover ?? false;
// turn off bumpNonce feature for view only wallet
this.bumpNonce = bumpNonce ?? false;
async populateTransaction(tx: TransactionRequest) {
const txObject = await populateTransaction(this, tx);
this.nonce = Number(txObject.nonce);
return txObject as Promise<TransactionLike<string>>;
export class TornadoRpcSigner extends JsonRpcSigner {
nonce?: number;
gasPriceBump: number;
gasLimitBump: number;
gasFailover: boolean;
bumpNonce: boolean;
readonlyProvider?: Provider;
provider: JsonRpcApiProvider,
address: string,
{ gasPriceBump, gasLimitBump, gasFailover, bumpNonce, readonlyProvider }: TornadoWalletOptions = {},
) {
super(provider, address);
// 10% bump from the recommended fee
this.gasPriceBump = gasPriceBump ?? 0;
// 30% bump from the recommended gaslimit
this.gasLimitBump = gasLimitBump ?? 3000;
this.gasFailover = gasFailover ?? false;
// turn off bumpNonce feature for browser wallet
this.bumpNonce = bumpNonce ?? false;
this.readonlyProvider = readonlyProvider;
async sendUncheckedTransaction(tx: TransactionRequest) {
return super.sendUncheckedTransaction(await populateTransaction(this, tx));
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
export type connectWalletFunc = (...args: any[]) => Promise<void>;
export type handleWalletFunc = (...args: any[]) => void;
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
export interface TornadoBrowserProviderOptions extends TornadoWalletOptions {
netId?: NetIdType;
connectWallet?: connectWalletFunc;
handleNetworkChanges?: handleWalletFunc;
handleAccountChanges?: handleWalletFunc;
handleAccountDisconnect?: handleWalletFunc;
export class TornadoBrowserProvider extends BrowserProvider {
options?: TornadoBrowserProviderOptions;
constructor(ethereum: Eip1193Provider, network?: Networkish, options?: TornadoBrowserProviderOptions) {
super(ethereum, network);
this.options = options;
async getSigner(address: string): Promise<TornadoRpcSigner> {
const signerAddress = (await super.getSigner(address)).address;
if (
this.options?.netId &&
this.options?.connectWallet &&
Number(await super.send('net_version', [])) !== this.options?.netId
) {
await this.options.connectWallet(this.options?.netId);
if (this.options?.handleNetworkChanges) {
window?.ethereum?.on('chainChanged', this.options.handleNetworkChanges);
if (this.options?.handleAccountChanges) {
window?.ethereum?.on('accountsChanged', this.options.handleAccountChanges);
if (this.options?.handleAccountDisconnect) {
window?.ethereum?.on('disconnect', this.options.handleAccountDisconnect);
return new TornadoRpcSigner(this, signerAddress, this.options);