Checks the "AUTHORIZATION" header for a valid bearer token.
If valid, displays data about the user's keys as JSON.
GET /status
Gives information about the system's status.
GET /status/backups_needed
Indicates if backups are needed for the system.
GET /user/subuser
Modifies (adds or removes) a specific subuser to a certain rpc_key.
Takes in "rpc_key", "subuser_address", "new_status" (one of "upsert", "remove"), "new_role" (one of "owner", "admin", "collaborator") as query-parameters
GET /user/subusers
Retrieves all the subusers of a given user's rpc key, including their roles and addresses.
Takes in "rpc_key" as a query-parameter
GET /subuser/rpc_keys
Retrieves RPC keys for the subuser (i.e. all RPC-keys that were shared with me, being the subuser)
GET /user/deposits
Retrieves the user's deposit history.
GET /user/referral
Fetches a user's referral link.
GET /admin/increase_balance
Increases the balance for a user. This is an administrative endpoint.
Query parameters are:
- "user_address"
- "note"
- "amount" (Decimal)
Can only be called by admins
GET /admin/modify_role
Changes the role of a user. This is an administrative endpoint.
Query parameters are:
- "user_address"
- "user_tier_title"
Can only be called by admins
GET /admin/imitate-login/:admin_address/:user_address
Allows an admin to imitate a login as another user.
Query parameters are:
- "admin_address"
- "user_address"
This creates a login-message, you can use this message and login with the /admin/imitate-login/:admin_address/:user_address/:message_eip to imitate the user
POST /admin/imitate-login
Verifies the admin's imitation login request.
(Similar to the login flow)
POST /admin/imitate-logout
Allows an admin to imitate a logout operation.
POST or PUT /user/keys
Checks the "AUTHORIZATION" header for a valid bearer token.
If valid, allows the user to create a new key or change options on their keys.
The POSTed JSON can have these fields:
key_id: Option<u64>,
description: Option<String>,
private_txs: Option<bool>,
active: Option<bool>,
allowed_ips: Option<String>,
allowed_origins: Option<String>,
allowed_referers: Option<String>,
allowed_user_agents: Option<String>,
The PUTed JSON has the same fields as the POSTed JSON, except for there is no `key_id`
If you do not want to update a field, do not include it in the POSTed JSON.
If you want to delete a string field, include the data's key and set the value to an empty string.
`allowed_ips`, `allowed_origins`, `allowed_referers`, and `allowed_user_agents` can have multiple values by separating them with commas.
`allowed_ips` must be in CIDR Notation (ex: "" for a network, "" for a single address).
The spec technically allows for bytes in `allowed_origins` or `allowed_referers`, but our code currently only supports strings. If a customer needs bytes, then we can code support for them.
`private_txs` are not currently recommended. If high gas is not supplied then they will likely never be included. Improvements to this are in the works
Soon, the POST data will also have a `log_revert_trace: Option<f32>`. This will by the percent chance to log any calls that "revert" to the database. Large dapps probably want this to be a small percent, but development keys will probably want 100%. This will not be enabled until automatic pruning is coded.
GET `/user/revert_logs`
Checks the "AUTHORIZATION" header for a valid bearer token.
If valid, fetches paginated revert logs for the user.
More documentation will be written here once revert logging is enabled.
GET /user/stats/aggregate
Checks the "AUTHORIZATION" header for a valid bearer token.
If valid, fetches paginated aggregated stats for the user.
Pages are limited to 200 entries. The backend config can change this page size if necessary.
Can be filtered by:
`chain_id` - set to 0 for all. 0 is the default.
`query_start` - The start date in unix epoch time.
`query_window_seconds` - How many seconds to aggregate the stats over.
`page` - The page to request. Defaults to 0.
GET /user/stats/detailed
Checks the "AUTHORIZATION" header for a valid bearer token.
If valid, fetches paginated stats for the user with more detail. The request method is included. For user privacy, we intentionally do not include the request's calldata.
Can be filtered the same as `GET /user/stats/aggregate`
Soon will also be filterable by "method"
POST /user/logout
Checks the "AUTHORIZATION" header for a valid bearer token.
If valid, deletes the bearer token from the proxy.
The user will need to `POST /user/login` to get a new bearer token.