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2022-09-15 20:57:24 +03:00
use moka::future::Cache;
use redis_rate_limiter::{RedisRateLimitResult, RedisRateLimiter};
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::cmp::Eq;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};
2022-09-15 20:57:24 +03:00
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::{atomic::AtomicU64, Arc};
use tokio::time::Instant;
use tracing::error;
2022-09-15 20:57:24 +03:00
/// A local cache that sits in front of a RedisRateLimiter
/// Generic accross the key so it is simple to use with IPs or user keys
pub struct DeferredRateLimiter<K>
K: Send + Sync,
local_cache: Cache<K, Arc<AtomicU64>>,
prefix: String,
rrl: RedisRateLimiter,
pub enum DeferredRateLimitResult {
impl<K> DeferredRateLimiter<K>
K: Copy + Debug + Display + Hash + Eq + Send + Sync + 'static,
2022-09-15 20:57:24 +03:00
pub fn new(cache_size: u64, prefix: &str, rrl: RedisRateLimiter) -> Self {
Self {
local_cache: Cache::new(cache_size),
prefix: prefix.to_string(),
/// if setting max_per_period, be sure to keep the period the same for all requests to this label
pub async fn throttle(
key: &K,
max_per_period: Option<u64>,
count: u64,
) -> anyhow::Result<DeferredRateLimitResult> {
let max_per_period = max_per_period.unwrap_or(self.rrl.max_requests_per_period);
if max_per_period == 0 {
return Ok(DeferredRateLimitResult::RetryNever);
let arc_new_entry = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
let arc_retry_at = Arc::new(Cell::new(None));
let redis_key = format!("{}:{}", self.prefix, key);
2022-09-15 20:57:24 +03:00
// TODO: DO NOT UNWRAP HERE. figure out how to handle anyhow error being wrapped in an Arc
// TODO: i'm sure this could be a lot better. but race conditions make this hard to think through. brain needs sleep
let arc_key_count: Arc<AtomicU64> = {
// clone things outside of the
2022-09-15 20:57:24 +03:00
let arc_new_entry = arc_new_entry.clone();
let arc_retry_at = arc_retry_at.clone();
let redis_key = redis_key.clone();
let rrl = Arc::new(self.rrl.clone());
self.local_cache.get_with(*key, async move { todo!() });
let x = self
.get_with(*key, move {
async move {
arc_new_entry.store(true, Ordering::Release);
// we do not use the try operator here because we want to be okay with redis errors
let redis_count = match rrl
.throttle_label(&redis_key, Some(max_per_period), count)
Ok(RedisRateLimitResult::Allowed(count)) => count,
Ok(RedisRateLimitResult::RetryAt(retry_at, count)) => {
Ok(RedisRateLimitResult::RetryNever) => unimplemented!(),
Err(x) => 0, // Err(err) => todo!("allow rate limit errors"),
// Err(RedisSomething)
// if we get a redis error, just let the user through. local caches will work fine
// though now that we do this, we need to reset rate limits every minute!
2022-09-15 20:57:24 +03:00
todo!("write more")
2022-09-15 20:57:24 +03:00
if arc_new_entry.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
// new entry. redis was already incremented
// return the retry_at that we got from
2022-09-15 20:57:24 +03:00
if let Some(retry_at) = arc_retry_at.get() {
} else {
} else {
// we have a cached amount here
let cached_key_count = arc_key_count.fetch_add(count, Ordering::Acquire);
// assuming no other parallel futures incremented this key, this is the count that redis has
let expected_key_count = cached_key_count + count;
if expected_key_count > max_per_period {
// rate limit overshot!
let now = self.rrl.now_as_secs();
// do not fetch_sub
// another row might have queued a redis throttle_label to keep our count accurate
2022-09-15 20:57:24 +03:00
// show that we are rate limited without even querying redis
let retry_at = self.rrl.next_period(now);
return Ok(DeferredRateLimitResult::RetryAt(retry_at));
} else {
// local caches think rate limit should be okay
// prepare a future to increment redis
let increment_redis_f = {
let rrl = self.rrl.clone();
async move {
let rate_limit_result = rrl
.throttle_label(&redis_key, Some(max_per_period), count)
2022-09-15 20:57:24 +03:00
// TODO: log bad responses?
2022-09-15 20:57:24 +03:00
Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(rate_limit_result)
2022-09-15 20:57:24 +03:00
// if close to max_per_period, wait for redis
// TODO: how close should we allow? depends on max expected concurent requests from one user
if expected_key_count > max_per_period * 98 / 100 {
// close to period. don't risk it. wait on redis
// match increment_redis_f.await {
// Ok(RedisRateLimitResult::Allowed(redis_count)) => todo!("1"),
// Ok(RedisRateLimitResult::RetryAt(retry_at, redis_count)) => todo!("2"),
// Ok(RedisRateLimitResult::RetryNever) => todo!("3"),
// Err(err) => {
// // don't let redis errors block our users!
// // error!(
// // // ?key, // TODO: this errors
// // ?err,
// // "unable to query rate limits. local cache available"
// // );
// todo!("4");
// }
// };
todo!("i think we can't move f around like this");
} else {
// rate limit has enough headroom that it should be safe to do this in the background
let new_count = arc_key_count.fetch_add(count, Ordering::Release);
todo!("check new_count");
// increment our local count and check what happened
// THERE IS A SMALL RACE HERE, but thats the price we pay for speed. a few queries leaking through is okay
// if it becomes a problem, we can lock, but i don't love that. it might be short enough to be okay though
2022-09-15 20:57:24 +03:00
todo!("write more");