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2022-08-06 08:49:52 +03:00
//! Web3_proxy is a fast caching and load balancing proxy for web3 (Ethereum or similar) JsonRPC servers.
//! Signed transactions (eth_sendRawTransaction) are sent in parallel to the configured private RPCs (eden, ethermine, flashbots, etc.).
//! All other requests are sent to an RPC server on the latest block (alchemy, moralis, rivet, your own node, or one of many other providers).
//! If multiple servers are in sync, the fastest server is prioritized. Since the fastest server is most likely to serve requests, slow servers are unlikely to ever get any requests.
2022-05-29 17:50:08 +03:00
2022-07-25 21:21:58 +03:00
2022-05-16 08:16:32 +03:00
use parking_lot::deadlock;
2022-05-05 22:07:09 +03:00
use std::fs;
2022-05-12 21:49:57 +03:00
use std::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicUsize};
2022-05-16 08:16:32 +03:00
use std::thread;
2022-05-12 21:49:57 +03:00
use tokio::runtime;
2022-08-07 09:48:57 +03:00
use tokio::time::Duration;
2022-07-22 22:30:39 +03:00
use tracing::{debug, info};
2022-05-20 08:27:18 +03:00
use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter;
2022-08-05 22:22:23 +03:00
use web3_proxy::app::{flatten_handle, Web3ProxyApp};
2022-08-12 22:07:14 +03:00
use web3_proxy::config::{CliConfig, TopConfig};
2022-08-05 22:22:23 +03:00
use web3_proxy::frontend;
use web3_proxy::stats::AppStatsRegistry;
2022-06-16 05:53:37 +03:00
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
fn run(
shutdown_receiver: flume::Receiver<()>,
cli_config: CliConfig,
2022-08-12 22:07:14 +03:00
top_config: TopConfig,
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
2022-08-12 22:07:14 +03:00
debug!(?cli_config, ?top_config);
2022-05-05 22:07:09 +03:00
2022-05-16 08:16:32 +03:00
// spawn a thread for deadlock detection
thread::spawn(move || loop {
let deadlocks = deadlock::check_deadlock();
if deadlocks.is_empty() {
println!("{} deadlocks detected", deadlocks.len());
for (i, threads) in deadlocks.iter().enumerate() {
println!("Deadlock #{}", i);
for t in threads {
println!("Thread Id {:#?}", t.thread_id());
println!("{:#?}", t.backtrace());
2022-07-14 02:24:47 +03:00
// set up tokio's async runtime
let mut rt_builder = runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread();
2022-08-12 22:07:14 +03:00
let chain_id = top_config.app.chain_id;
2022-07-14 02:24:47 +03:00
rt_builder.enable_all().thread_name_fn(move || {
static ATOMIC_ID: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
// TODO: what ordering? i think we want seqcst so that these all happen in order, but that might be stricter than we really need
let worker_id = ATOMIC_ID.fetch_add(1, atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
// TODO: i think these max at 15 characters
format!("web3-{}-{}", chain_id, worker_id)
if cli_config.workers > 0 {
2022-07-08 21:27:06 +03:00
// start tokio's async runtime
let rt = rt_builder.build()?;
2022-07-09 02:02:32 +03:00
// we use this worker count to also set our redis connection pool size
// TODO: think about this more
let num_workers = rt.metrics().num_workers();
2022-05-12 21:49:57 +03:00
rt.block_on(async {
let app_stats_registry = AppStatsRegistry::new();
2022-06-14 08:43:28 +03:00
let app_stats = app_stats_registry.stats.clone();
let app_frontend_port = cli_config.port;
let app_prometheus_port = cli_config.prometheus_port;
let (app, app_handle) = Web3ProxyApp::spawn(app_stats, top_config, num_workers).await?;
let frontend_handle = tokio::spawn(frontend::serve(app_frontend_port, app));
let prometheus_handle = tokio::spawn(app_stats_registry.serve(app_prometheus_port));
2022-06-14 08:43:28 +03:00
2022-06-16 05:53:37 +03:00
// if everything is working, these should both run forever
// TODO: try_join these instead? use signal_shutdown here?
2022-06-16 05:53:37 +03:00
tokio::select! {
2022-06-16 20:51:49 +03:00
x = app_handle => {
2022-07-08 21:27:06 +03:00
match x {
Ok(_) => info!("app_handle exited"),
Err(e) => {
return Err(e);
2022-06-14 08:43:28 +03:00
2022-06-16 05:53:37 +03:00
x = flatten_handle(frontend_handle) => {
2022-07-08 21:27:06 +03:00
match x {
Ok(_) => info!("frontend exited"),
Err(e) => {
return Err(e);
2022-06-14 08:43:28 +03:00
x = flatten_handle(prometheus_handle) => {
match x {
Ok(_) => info!("prometheus exited"),
Err(e) => {
return Err(e);
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
_ = shutdown_receiver.recv_async() => {
// TODO: think more about this. we need some way for tests to tell the app to stop
info!("received shutdown signal");
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
// TODO: wait for outstanding requests to complete. graceful shutdown will make our users happier
return Ok(())
2022-06-16 05:53:37 +03:00
2022-05-05 22:07:09 +03:00
2022-06-14 08:43:28 +03:00
2022-05-18 19:35:06 +03:00
2022-05-05 22:07:09 +03:00
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// if RUST_LOG isn't set, configure a default
// TODO: is there a better way to do this?
if std::env::var("RUST_LOG").is_err() {
std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "info,web3_proxy=debug");
// install global collector configured based on RUST_LOG env var.
// this probably won't matter for us in docker, but better safe than sorry
// initial configuration from flags
let cli_config: CliConfig = argh::from_env();
// advanced configuration is on disk
info!("Loading config @ {}", cli_config.config);
2022-08-12 22:07:14 +03:00
let top_config: String = fs::read_to_string(cli_config.config.clone())?;
let top_config: TopConfig = toml::from_str(&top_config)?;
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
// TODO: this doesn't seem to do anything
2022-08-12 22:07:14 +03:00
proctitle::set_title(format!("web3_proxy-{}", top_config.app.chain_id));
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
2022-08-12 22:07:14 +03:00
// tokio has code for catching ctrl+c so we use that
// this shutdown sender is currently only used in tests, but we might make a /shutdown endpoint or something
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
let (_shutdown_sender, shutdown_receiver) = flume::bounded(1);
2022-08-12 22:07:14 +03:00
run(shutdown_receiver, cli_config, top_config)
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
mod tests {
use ethers::{
2022-07-23 03:19:13 +03:00
prelude::{Block, Http, Provider, TxHash, U256},
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use std::env;
2022-08-12 22:07:14 +03:00
use web3_proxy::config::{AppConfig, Web3ConnectionConfig};
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
use super::*;
async fn it_works() {
// TODO: move basic setup into a test fixture
let path = env::var("PATH").unwrap();
println!("path: {}", path);
2022-07-23 03:36:07 +03:00
// TODO: how should we handle logs in this?
// TODO: option for super verbose logs
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "info,web3_proxy=debug");
// install global collector configured based on RUST_LOG env var.
2022-07-26 07:53:38 +03:00
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
let anvil = Anvil::new().spawn();
println!("Anvil running at `{}`", anvil.endpoint());
2022-07-23 03:36:07 +03:00
let anvil_provider = Provider::<Http>::try_from(anvil.endpoint()).unwrap();
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
// mine a block because my code doesn't like being on block 0
// TODO: make block 0 okay?
2022-07-23 03:36:07 +03:00
let _: U256 = anvil_provider
.request("evm_mine", None::<()>)
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
// make a test CliConfig
let cli_config = CliConfig {
port: 0,
prometheus_port: 0,
2022-07-23 03:19:13 +03:00
workers: 4,
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
config: "./does/not/exist/test.toml".to_string(),
// make a test AppConfig
2022-08-12 22:07:14 +03:00
let app_config = TopConfig {
app: AppConfig {
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
chain_id: 31337,
2022-07-26 07:53:38 +03:00
db_url: None,
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
redis_url: None,
public_rate_limit_per_minute: 0,
response_cache_max_bytes: 10_usize.pow(7),
2022-08-12 22:07:14 +03:00
redirect_public_url: "example.com/".to_string(),
redirect_user_url: "example.com/users/{user_address}".to_string(),
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
balanced_rpcs: HashMap::from([
2022-08-08 22:57:54 +03:00
Web3ConnectionConfig::new(anvil.endpoint(), 100, None, 1),
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
2022-08-08 22:57:54 +03:00
Web3ConnectionConfig::new(anvil.ws_endpoint(), 100, None, 0),
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
private_rpcs: None,
let (shutdown_sender, shutdown_receiver) = flume::bounded(1);
// spawn another thread for running the app
2022-07-23 03:36:07 +03:00
// TODO: allow launching into the local tokio runtime instead of creating a new one?
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
let handle = thread::spawn(move || run(shutdown_receiver, cli_config, app_config));
// TODO: do something to the node. query latest block, mine another block, query again
2022-07-23 03:19:13 +03:00
let proxy_provider = Provider::<Http>::try_from(anvil.endpoint()).unwrap();
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
2022-07-23 03:36:07 +03:00
let anvil_result: Block<TxHash> = anvil_provider
2022-07-23 03:19:13 +03:00
.request("eth_getBlockByNumber", ("latest", true))
let proxy_result: Block<TxHash> = proxy_provider
.request("eth_getBlockByNumber", ("latest", true))
assert_eq!(anvil_result, proxy_result);
let first_block_num = anvil_result.number.unwrap();
2022-07-23 03:36:07 +03:00
let _: U256 = anvil_provider
.request("evm_mine", None::<()>)
2022-07-23 03:19:13 +03:00
2022-07-23 03:36:07 +03:00
let anvil_result: Block<TxHash> = anvil_provider
2022-07-23 03:19:13 +03:00
.request("eth_getBlockByNumber", ("latest", true))
let proxy_result: Block<TxHash> = proxy_provider
.request("eth_getBlockByNumber", ("latest", true))
assert_eq!(anvil_result, proxy_result);
let second_block_num = anvil_result.number.unwrap();
assert_ne!(first_block_num, second_block_num);
// tell the test app to shut down
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00
println!("waiting for shutdown...");
2022-07-23 03:40:15 +03:00
// TODO: panic if a timeout is reached
2022-07-23 02:26:04 +03:00