
546 lines
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use crate::frontend::authorization::Authorization;
use super::blockchain::Web3ProxyBlock;
use super::many::Web3Rpcs;
use super::one::Web3Rpc;
use anyhow::Context;
use ethers::prelude::{H256, U64};
use hashbrown::{HashMap, HashSet};
use log::{debug, trace, warn};
use serde::Serialize;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::Arc;
/// A collection of Web3Rpcs that are on the same block.
/// Serialize is so we can print it on our debug endpoint
#[derive(Clone, Default, Serialize)]
pub struct ConsensusWeb3Rpcs {
pub(super) head_block: Option<Web3ProxyBlock>,
// TODO: this should be able to serialize, but it isn't
pub(super) conns: Vec<Arc<Web3Rpc>>,
pub(super) backups_voted: Option<Web3ProxyBlock>,
pub(super) backups_needed: bool,
impl ConsensusWeb3Rpcs {
pub fn num_conns(&self) -> usize {
pub fn sum_soft_limit(&self) -> u32 {
self.conns.iter().fold(0, |sum, rpc| sum + rpc.soft_limit)
// TODO: sum_hard_limit?
impl fmt::Debug for ConsensusWeb3Rpcs {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
// TODO: the default formatter takes forever to write. this is too quiet though
// TODO: print the actual conns?
.field("head_block", &self.head_block)
.field("num_conns", &self.conns.len())
impl Web3Rpcs {
// TODO: return a ref?
pub fn head_block(&self) -> Option<Web3ProxyBlock> {
.map(|x| x.borrow().clone())
// TODO: return a ref?
pub fn head_block_hash(&self) -> Option<H256> {
self.head_block().map(|x| *x.hash())
// TODO: return a ref?
pub fn head_block_num(&self) -> Option<U64> {
self.head_block().map(|x| *x.number())
pub fn synced(&self) -> bool {
pub fn num_synced_rpcs(&self) -> usize {
pub struct ConnectionsGroup {
rpc_name_to_block: HashMap<String, Web3ProxyBlock>,
// TODO: what if there are two blocks with the same number?
highest_block: Option<Web3ProxyBlock>,
impl Default for ConnectionsGroup {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
rpc_name_to_block: Default::default(),
highest_block: Default::default(),
impl ConnectionsGroup {
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
fn remove(&mut self, rpc_name: &str) -> Option<Web3ProxyBlock> {
if let Some(removed_block) = self.rpc_name_to_block.remove(rpc_name) {
match self.highest_block.as_mut() {
None => {}
Some(current_highest_block) => {
if removed_block.hash() == current_highest_block.hash() {
for maybe_highest_block in self.rpc_name_to_block.values() {
if maybe_highest_block.number() > current_highest_block.number() {
*current_highest_block = maybe_highest_block.clone();
} else {
fn insert(&mut self, rpc: &Web3Rpc, block: Web3ProxyBlock) -> Option<Web3ProxyBlock> {
// TODO: what about a reorg to the same height?
if Some(block.number()) > self.highest_block.as_ref().map(|x| x.number()) {
self.highest_block = Some(block.clone());
self.rpc_name_to_block.insert(rpc.name.clone(), block)
// // TODO: do this during insert/remove?
// pub(self) async fn highest_block(
// &self,
// authorization: &Arc<Authorization>,
// web3_rpcs: &Web3Rpcs,
// ) -> Option<ArcBlock> {
// let mut checked_heads = HashSet::with_capacity(self.rpc_name_to_hash.len());
// let mut highest_block = None::<ArcBlock>;
// for (rpc_name, rpc_head_hash) in self.rpc_name_to_hash.iter() {
// // don't waste time checking the same hash multiple times
// if checked_heads.contains(rpc_head_hash) {
// continue;
// }
// let rpc_block = match web3_rpcs
// .get_block_from_rpc(rpc_name, rpc_head_hash, authorization)
// .await
// {
// Ok(x) => x,
// Err(err) => {
// warn!(
// "failed getting block {} from {} while finding highest block number: {:?}",
// rpc_head_hash, rpc_name, err,
// );
// continue;
// }
// };
// checked_heads.insert(rpc_head_hash);
// // if this is the first block we've tried
// // or if this rpc's newest block has a higher number
// // we used to check total difficulty, but that isn't a thing anymore on ETH
// // TODO: we still need total difficulty on some other PoW chains. whats annoying is it isn't considered part of the "block header" just the block. so websockets don't return it
// let highest_num = highest_block
// .as_ref()
// .map(|x| x.number.expect("blocks here should always have a number"));
// let rpc_num = rpc_block.as_ref().number;
// if rpc_num > highest_num {
// highest_block = Some(rpc_block);
// }
// }
// highest_block
// }
/// min_consensus_block_num keeps us from ever going backwards.
/// TODO: think about min_consensus_block_num more. i think this might cause an outage if the chain is doing weird things. but 503s is probably better than broken data.
pub(self) async fn consensus_head_connections(
authorization: &Arc<Authorization>,
web3_rpcs: &Web3Rpcs,
min_consensus_block_num: Option<U64>,
) -> anyhow::Result<ConsensusWeb3Rpcs> {
let mut maybe_head_block = match self.highest_block.clone() {
None => return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("no blocks known")),
Some(x) => x,
// TODO: take max_distance_consensus_to_highest as an argument?
// TODO: what if someone's backup node is misconfigured and goes on a really fast forked chain?
let max_lag_consensus_to_highest =
if let Some(min_consensus_block_num) = min_consensus_block_num {
} else {
// TODO: get from app config? different chains probably should have different values. 10 is probably too much
let num_known = self.rpc_name_to_block.len();
if num_known < web3_rpcs.min_head_rpcs {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
"not enough rpcs connected: {}/{}",
let mut primary_rpcs_voted: Option<Web3ProxyBlock> = None;
let mut backup_rpcs_voted: Option<Web3ProxyBlock> = None;
// track rpcs on this heaviest chain so we can build a new ConsensusConnections
let mut primary_consensus_rpcs = HashSet::<&str>::new();
let mut backup_consensus_rpcs = HashSet::<&str>::new();
// a running total of the soft limits covered by the rpcs that agree on the head block
let mut primary_sum_soft_limit: u32 = 0;
let mut backup_sum_soft_limit: u32 = 0;
// TODO: also track the sum of *available* hard_limits. if any servers have no hard limits, use their soft limit or no limit?
// check the highest work block for a set of rpcs that can serve our request load
// if it doesn't have enough rpcs for our request load, check the parent block
// TODO: loop for how many parent blocks? we don't want to serve blocks that are too far behind. probably different per chain
// TODO: this loop is pretty long. any way to clean up this code?
for _ in 0..max_lag_consensus_to_highest {
let maybe_head_hash = maybe_head_block.hash();
// find all rpcs with maybe_head_hash as their current head
for (rpc_name, rpc_head) in self.rpc_name_to_block.iter() {
if rpc_head.hash() != maybe_head_hash {
// connection is not on the desired block
if backup_consensus_rpcs.contains(rpc_name.as_str()) {
// connection is on a later block in this same chain
if primary_consensus_rpcs.contains(rpc_name.as_str()) {
// connection is on a later block in this same chain
if let Some(rpc) = web3_rpcs.conns.get(rpc_name.as_str()) {
if backup_rpcs_voted.is_some() {
// backups already voted for a head block. don't change it
} else {
backup_sum_soft_limit += rpc.soft_limit;
if !rpc.backup {
primary_sum_soft_limit += rpc.soft_limit;
} else {
// i don't think this is an error. i think its just if a reconnect is currently happening
warn!("connection missing: {}", rpc_name);
debug!("web3_rpcs.conns: {:#?}", web3_rpcs.conns);
if primary_sum_soft_limit >= web3_rpcs.min_sum_soft_limit
&& primary_consensus_rpcs.len() >= web3_rpcs.min_head_rpcs
// we have enough servers with enough requests! yey!
primary_rpcs_voted = Some(maybe_head_block.clone());
if backup_rpcs_voted.is_none()
&& backup_consensus_rpcs != primary_consensus_rpcs
&& backup_sum_soft_limit >= web3_rpcs.min_sum_soft_limit
&& backup_consensus_rpcs.len() >= web3_rpcs.min_head_rpcs
// if we include backup servers, we have enough servers with high enough limits
backup_rpcs_voted = Some(maybe_head_block.clone());
// not enough rpcs on this block. check the parent block
match web3_rpcs
.block(authorization, &maybe_head_block.parent_hash(), None)
Ok(parent_block) => {
// trace!(
// child=%maybe_head_hash, parent=%parent_block.hash.unwrap(), "avoiding thundering herd. checking consensus on parent block",
// );
maybe_head_block = parent_block.into();
Err(err) => {
let soft_limit_percent = (primary_sum_soft_limit as f32
/ web3_rpcs.min_sum_soft_limit as f32)
* 100.0;
let err_msg = format!("ran out of parents to check. rpcs {}/{}/{}. soft limit: {:.2}% ({}/{}). err: {:#?}",
if backup_rpcs_voted.is_some() {
warn!("{}", err_msg);
} else {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(err_msg));
// TODO: if consensus_head_rpcs.is_empty, try another method of finding the head block. will need to change the return Err above into breaks.
// we've done all the searching for the heaviest block that we can
if (primary_consensus_rpcs.len() < web3_rpcs.min_head_rpcs
|| primary_sum_soft_limit < web3_rpcs.min_sum_soft_limit)
&& backup_rpcs_voted.is_none()
// if we get here, not enough servers are synced. return an error
let soft_limit_percent =
(primary_sum_soft_limit as f32 / web3_rpcs.min_sum_soft_limit as f32) * 100.0;
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
"Not enough resources. rpcs {}/{}/{}. soft limit: {:.2}% ({}/{})",
// success! this block has enough soft limit and nodes on it (or on later blocks)
let conns: Vec<Arc<Web3Rpc>> = primary_consensus_rpcs
.filter_map(|conn_name| web3_rpcs.conns.get(conn_name).cloned())
let _ = maybe_head_block.hash();
let _ = maybe_head_block.number();
Ok(ConsensusWeb3Rpcs {
head_block: Some(maybe_head_block),
backups_voted: backup_rpcs_voted,
backups_needed: primary_rpcs_voted.is_none(),
/// A ConsensusConnections builder that tracks all connection heads across multiple groups of servers
pub struct ConsensusFinder {
/// backups for all tiers are only used if necessary
/// tiers[0] = only tier 0.
/// tiers[1] = tier 0 and tier 1
/// tiers[n] = tier 0..=n
/// This is a BTreeMap and not a Vec because sometimes a tier is empty
tiers: BTreeMap<u64, ConnectionsGroup>,
/// never serve blocks that are too old
max_block_age: Option<u64>,
/// tier 0 will be prefered as long as the distance between it and the other tiers is <= max_tier_lag
max_block_lag: Option<U64>,
impl ConsensusFinder {
pub fn new(
configured_tiers: &[u64],
max_block_age: Option<u64>,
max_block_lag: Option<U64>,
) -> Self {
// TODO: this will need some thought when config reloading is written
let tiers = configured_tiers
.map(|x| (*x, Default::default()))
Self {
impl ConsensusFinder {
/// get the ConnectionsGroup that contains all rpcs
/// panics if there are no tiers
pub fn all_rpcs_group(&self) -> Option<&ConnectionsGroup> {
/// get the mutable ConnectionsGroup that contains all rpcs
pub fn all_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut ConnectionsGroup> {
pub fn remove(&mut self, rpc: &Web3Rpc) -> Option<Web3ProxyBlock> {
let mut removed = None;
for (i, tier_group) in self.tiers.iter_mut().rev() {
if i < &rpc.tier {
let x = tier_group.remove(rpc.name.as_str());
if removed.is_none() && x.is_some() {
removed = x;
/// returns the block that the rpc was on before updating to the new_block
pub fn insert(&mut self, rpc: &Web3Rpc, new_block: Web3ProxyBlock) -> Option<Web3ProxyBlock> {
let mut old = None;
// TODO: error if rpc.tier is not in self.tiers
for (i, tier_group) in self.tiers.iter_mut().rev() {
if i < &rpc.tier {
// TODO: should new_block be a ref?
let x = tier_group.insert(rpc, new_block.clone());
if old.is_none() && x.is_some() {
old = x;
/// Update our tracking of the rpc and return true if something changed
pub(crate) async fn update_rpc(
&mut self,
rpc_head_block: Option<Web3ProxyBlock>,
rpc: Arc<Web3Rpc>,
// we need this so we can save the block to caches. i don't like it though. maybe we should use a lazy_static Cache wrapper that has a "save_block" method?. i generally dislike globals but i also dislike all the types having to pass eachother around
web3_connections: &Web3Rpcs,
) -> anyhow::Result<bool> {
// add the rpc's block to connection_heads, or remove the rpc from connection_heads
let changed = match rpc_head_block {
Some(mut rpc_head_block) => {
// we don't know if its on the heaviest chain yet
rpc_head_block = web3_connections
.try_cache_block(rpc_head_block, false)
.context("failed caching block")?;
// if let Some(max_block_lag) = max_block_lag {
// if rpc_head_block.number() < ??? {
// trace!("rpc_head_block from {} is too far behind! {}", rpc, rpc_head_block);
// return Ok(self.remove(&rpc).is_some());
// }
// }
if let Some(max_age) = self.max_block_age {
if rpc_head_block.age() > max_age {
trace!("rpc_head_block from {} is too old! {}", rpc, rpc_head_block);
return Ok(self.remove(&rpc).is_some());
if let Some(prev_block) = self.insert(&rpc, rpc_head_block.clone()) {
if prev_block.hash() == rpc_head_block.hash() {
// this block was already sent by this rpc. return early
} else {
// new block for this rpc
} else {
// first block for this rpc
None => {
if self.remove(&rpc).is_none() {
// this rpc was already removed
} else {
// rpc head changed from being synced to not
pub async fn best_consensus_connections(
&mut self,
authorization: &Arc<Authorization>,
web3_connections: &Web3Rpcs,
) -> anyhow::Result<ConsensusWeb3Rpcs> {
// TODO: attach context to these?
let highest_known_block = self
.context("no rpcs")?
.context("no highest block")?;
trace!("highest_known_block: {}", highest_known_block);
let min_block_num = self
.map(|x| highest_known_block.number().saturating_sub(x))
// we also want to be sure we don't ever go backwards!
trace!("min_block_num: {:#?}", min_block_num);
// TODO Should this be a Vec<Result<Option<_, _>>>?
// TODO: how should errors be handled?
// TODO: find the best tier with a connectionsgroup. best case, this only queries the first tier
// TODO: do we need to calculate all of them? I think having highest_known_block included as part of min_block_num should make that unnecessary
for (i, x) in self.tiers.iter() {
trace!("checking tier {}", i);
if let Ok(consensus_head_connections) = x
.consensus_head_connections(authorization, web3_connections, min_block_num)
trace!("success on tier {}", i);
// we got one! hopefully it didn't need to use any backups.
// but even if it did need backup servers, that is better than going to a worse tier
return Ok(consensus_head_connections);
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("failed finding consensus on all tiers"));