sleep if all rate limits hit

This commit is contained in:
Bryan Stitt 2022-04-25 01:12:07 +00:00
parent 49ca541f2c
commit 1a73be7cd2

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@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
use dashmap::DashMap;
use futures::future;
use governor::clock::{QuantaClock, QuantaInstant};
use governor::clock::{Clock, QuantaClock, QuantaInstant};
use governor::middleware::NoOpMiddleware;
use governor::state::{InMemoryState, NotKeyed};
use governor::{NotUntil, RateLimiter};
use std::num::NonZeroU32;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::sync::RwLock;
// use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
use tokio::time::sleep;
use warp::Filter;
type RpcRateLimiter =
RateLimiter<NotKeyed, InMemoryState, QuantaClock, NoOpMiddleware<QuantaInstant>>;
type RateLimiterMap = DashMap<String, RpcRateLimiter>;
type ConnectionsMap = DashMap<String, u32>;
type RpcRateLimiter =
RateLimiter<NotKeyed, InMemoryState, QuantaClock, NoOpMiddleware<QuantaInstant>>;
/// Load balance to the least-connection rpc
struct BalancedRpcs {
rpcs: RwLock<Vec<String>>,
@ -23,21 +23,20 @@ struct BalancedRpcs {
ratelimits: RateLimiterMap,
// TODO: also pass rate limits to this?
impl Into<BalancedRpcs> for Vec<(&str, u32)> {
fn into(self) -> BalancedRpcs {
impl BalancedRpcs {
fn new(servers: Vec<(&str, u32)>, clock: &QuantaClock) -> BalancedRpcs {
let mut rpcs: Vec<String> = vec![];
let connections = DashMap::new();
let ratelimits = DashMap::new();
for (s, limit) in self.into_iter() {
for (s, limit) in servers.into_iter() {
connections.insert(s.to_string(), 0);
if limit > 0 {
let quota = governor::Quota::per_second(NonZeroU32::new(limit).unwrap());
let rate_limiter = governor::RateLimiter::direct(quota);
let rate_limiter = governor::RateLimiter::direct_with_clock(quota, clock);
ratelimits.insert(s.to_string(), rate_limiter);
@ -49,9 +48,7 @@ impl Into<BalancedRpcs> for Vec<(&str, u32)> {
impl BalancedRpcs {
async fn get_upstream_server(&self) -> Result<String, NotUntil<QuantaInstant>> {
let mut balanced_rpcs = self.rpcs.write().await;
@ -114,18 +111,18 @@ struct LoudRpcs {
ratelimits: RateLimiterMap,
impl Into<LoudRpcs> for Vec<(&str, u32)> {
fn into(self) -> LoudRpcs {
impl LoudRpcs {
fn new(servers: Vec<(&str, u32)>, clock: &QuantaClock) -> LoudRpcs {
let mut rpcs: Vec<String> = vec![];
let ratelimits = RateLimiterMap::new();
for (s, limit) in self.into_iter() {
for (s, limit) in servers.into_iter() {
if limit > 0 {
let quota = governor::Quota::per_second(NonZeroU32::new(limit).unwrap());
let rate_limiter = governor::RateLimiter::direct(quota);
let rate_limiter = governor::RateLimiter::direct_with_clock(quota, clock);
ratelimits.insert(s.to_string(), rate_limiter);
@ -133,12 +130,50 @@ impl Into<LoudRpcs> for Vec<(&str, u32)> {
LoudRpcs { rpcs, ratelimits }
impl LoudRpcs {
async fn get_upstream_servers(&self) -> Vec<String> {
async fn get_upstream_servers(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>, NotUntil<QuantaInstant>> {
let mut earliest_not_until = None;
let mut selected_rpcs = vec![];
for selected_rpc in self.rpcs.iter() {
// check rate limits
match self.ratelimits.get(selected_rpc).unwrap().check() {
Ok(_) => {
// rate limit succeeded
Err(not_until) => {
// rate limit failed
// save the smallest not_until. if nothing succeeds, return an Err with not_until in it
if earliest_not_until.is_none() {
earliest_not_until = Some(not_until);
} else {
let earliest_possible =
let new_earliest_possible = not_until.earliest_possible();
if earliest_possible > new_earliest_possible {
earliest_not_until = Some(not_until);
// return the selected RPC
if selected_rpcs.len() > 0 {
return Ok(selected_rpcs);
// return the earliest not_until
if let Some(not_until) = earliest_not_until {
return Err(not_until);
} else {
panic!("i don't think this should happen")
fn as_bool(&self) -> bool {
@ -147,7 +182,9 @@ impl LoudRpcs {
struct Web3ProxyState {
clock: QuantaClock,
client: reqwest::Client,
// TODO: LoudRpcs and BalancedRpcs should probably share a trait or something
balanced_rpc_tiers: Vec<BalancedRpcs>,
private_rpcs: LoudRpcs,
@ -157,11 +194,17 @@ impl Web3ProxyState {
balanced_rpc_tiers: Vec<Vec<(&str, u32)>>,
private_rpcs: Vec<(&str, u32)>,
) -> Web3ProxyState {
let clock = QuantaClock::default();
// TODO: warn if no private relays
Web3ProxyState {
clock: clock.clone(),
client: reqwest::Client::new(),
balanced_rpc_tiers: balanced_rpc_tiers.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(),
private_rpcs: private_rpcs.into(),
balanced_rpc_tiers: balanced_rpc_tiers
.map(|servers| BalancedRpcs::new(servers, &clock))
private_rpcs: LoudRpcs::new(private_rpcs, &clock),
@ -175,37 +218,68 @@ impl Web3ProxyState {
if self.private_rpcs.as_bool() && json_body.get("method") == Some(&eth_send_raw_transaction)
// there are private rpcs configured and the request is eth_sendSignedTransaction. send to all private rpcs
let upstream_servers = self.private_rpcs.get_upstream_servers().await;
if let Ok(result) = self
.try_send_requests(upstream_servers, None, &json_body)
return Ok(result);
loop {
// there are private rpcs configured and the request is eth_sendSignedTransaction. send to all private rpcs
match self.private_rpcs.get_upstream_servers().await {
Ok(upstream_servers) => {
if let Ok(result) = self
.try_send_requests(upstream_servers, None, &json_body)
return Ok(result);
Err(not_until) => {
// TODO: there should probably be a lock on this so that other queries wait
let deadline = not_until.wait_time_from(;
} else {
// this is not a private transaction (or no private relays are configured)
for balanced_rpcs in self.balanced_rpc_tiers.iter() {
if let Ok(upstream_server) = balanced_rpcs.get_upstream_server().await {
// TODO: capture any errors. at least log them
if let Ok(result) = self
return Ok(result);
loop {
let mut earliest_not_until = None;
for balanced_rpcs in self.balanced_rpc_tiers.iter() {
match balanced_rpcs.get_upstream_server().await {
Ok(upstream_server) => {
// TODO: capture any errors. at least log them
if let Ok(result) = self
return Ok(result);
Err(not_until) => {
// save the smallest not_until. if nothing succeeds, return an Err with not_until in it
if earliest_not_until.is_none() {
earliest_not_until = Some(not_until);
} else {
// TODO: do we need to unwrap this far? can we just compare the not_untils
let earliest_possible =
let new_earliest_possible = not_until.earliest_possible();
if earliest_possible > new_earliest_possible {
earliest_not_until = Some(not_until);
} else {
// TODO: if we got an error. save the ratelimit NotUntil so we can sleep until then before trying again
// we haven't returned an Ok, sleep and try again
// unwrap should be safe since we would have returned if it wasn't set
let deadline = earliest_not_until.unwrap().wait_time_from(;
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("all servers failed"));
async fn try_send_requests(
@ -287,6 +361,7 @@ async fn main() {
// TODO: support multiple chains in one process. then we could just point "" at this and caddy wouldn't need anything else
// TODO: i kind of want to make use of caddy's load balancing and health checking and such though
let listen_port = 8445;
// TODO: be smart about about using archive nodes?
let state = Web3ProxyState::new(