less transactions when handling uncles

This commit is contained in:
Bryan Stitt 2023-07-13 10:27:44 -07:00
parent 28e6be5d9b
commit 53877ed2e5

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@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
use crate::app::Web3ProxyApp;
use crate::balance::Balance;
use crate::errors::{Web3ProxyError, Web3ProxyErrorContext, Web3ProxyResponse, Web3ProxyResult};
use crate::frontend::authorization::{
login_is_authorized, Authorization as Web3ProxyAuthorization,
use crate::frontend::authorization::login_is_authorized;
use crate::frontend::users::authentication::register_new_user;
use crate::premium::{get_user_and_tier_from_address, grant_premium_tier};
use anyhow::Context;
@ -185,14 +183,12 @@ pub async fn user_balance_post(
Path(mut params): Path<HashMap<String, String>>,
bearer: Option<TypedHeader<Authorization<Bearer>>>,
) -> Web3ProxyResponse {
// TODO: think more about rate limits here. internal scripts should have no limits, but public entry should
// rate limit by bearer token **OR** IP address
let authorization = if let Some(TypedHeader(Authorization(bearer))) = bearer {
if let Some(TypedHeader(Authorization(bearer))) = bearer {
// TODO: is handling this as internal fine?
} else if let Some(InsecureClientIp(ip)) = ip {
login_is_authorized(&app, ip).await?
login_is_authorized(&app, ip).await?;
} else {
return Err(Web3ProxyError::AccessDenied("no bearer token or ip".into()));
@ -210,15 +206,9 @@ pub async fn user_balance_post(
let db_conn = app.db_conn()?;
let authorization = Arc::new(authorization);
// get the transaction receipt
let transaction_receipt = app
.authorized_request::<_, Option<TransactionReceipt>>(
.internal_request::<_, Option<TransactionReceipt>>("eth_getTransactionReceipt", (tx_hash,))
// check for uncles
@ -254,12 +244,12 @@ pub async fn user_balance_post(
let app = app.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
for uncle_hash in uncle_hashes.into_iter() {
match handle_uncle_block(&app, &authorization, uncle_hash).await {
match handle_uncle_block(&app, uncle_hash).await {
Ok(x) => {
info!(?x, "balance changes from uncle");
Err(err) => {
error!(?err, "handling uncle block");
error!(%uncle_hash, ?err, "handling uncle block");
@ -437,10 +427,19 @@ pub async fn user_balance_post(
pub async fn user_balance_uncle_post(
Extension(app): Extension<Arc<Web3ProxyApp>>,
InsecureClientIp(ip): InsecureClientIp,
ip: Option<InsecureClientIp>,
Path(mut params): Path<HashMap<String, String>>,
bearer: Option<TypedHeader<Authorization<Bearer>>>,
) -> Web3ProxyResponse {
let authorization = login_is_authorized(&app, ip).await?;
// TODO: think more about rate limits here. internal scripts should have no limits, but public entry should
// rate limit by bearer token **OR** IP address
if let Some(TypedHeader(Authorization(bearer))) = bearer {
} else if let Some(InsecureClientIp(ip)) = ip {
login_is_authorized(&app, ip).await?;
} else {
return Err(Web3ProxyError::AccessDenied("no bearer token or ip".into()));
// Get the transaction hash, and the amount that the user wants to top up by.
// Let's say that for now, 1 credit is equivalent to 1 dollar (assuming any stablecoin has a 1:1 peg)
@ -454,9 +453,7 @@ pub async fn user_balance_uncle_post(
Web3ProxyError::BadRequest(format!("unable to parse uncle_hash: {}", err).into())
let authorization = Arc::new(authorization);
if let Some(x) = handle_uncle_block(&app, &authorization, uncle_hash).await? {
if let Some(x) = handle_uncle_block(&app, uncle_hash).await? {
} else {
// TODO: is BadRequest the right error to use?
@ -466,49 +463,51 @@ pub async fn user_balance_uncle_post(
pub async fn handle_uncle_block(
app: &Arc<Web3ProxyApp>,
authorization: &Arc<Web3ProxyAuthorization>,
uncle_hash: H256,
) -> Web3ProxyResult<Option<HashMap<u64, Decimal>>> {
info!("handling uncle: {:?}", uncle_hash);
// cancel if uncle_hash is actually a confirmed block
if app
.authorized_request::<_, Option<Block<TxHash>>>(
(uncle_hash, false),
.internal_request::<_, Option<Block<TxHash>>>("eth_getBlockByHash", (uncle_hash, false))
.context("eth_getBlockByHash failed")?
debug!(?uncle_hash, "not an uncle");
return Ok(None);
debug!(?uncle_hash, "handling uncle");
// user_id -> balance that we need to subtract
let mut reversed_balances: HashMap<u64, Decimal> = HashMap::new();
let txn = app.db_transaction().await?;
let db_conn = app.db_conn()?;
// delete any deposit txids with uncle_hash
for reversed_deposit in increase_on_chain_balance_receipt::Entity::find()
let reversed_balance = reversed_balances
let user_id = reversed_deposit.deposit_to_user_id;
let reversed_balance = reversed_balances.entry(user_id).or_default();
*reversed_balance += reversed_deposit.amount;
// TODO: instead of delete, mark as uncled? seems like it would bloat the db unnecessarily. a stat should be enough
if let Err(err) = app
.invalidate(&user_id, db_conn, &app.rpc_secret_key_cache)
warn!(%user_id, ?err, "unable to invalidate caches");
debug!("removing balances: {:#?}", reversed_balances);
debug!(?reversed_balances, "removing balances");