slower but correct save_block

This commit is contained in:
Bryan Stitt 2022-09-02 21:35:03 +00:00
parent 010669cf81
commit 6f0ae1ec35

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@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ impl Display for BlockId {
impl Web3Connections {
/// add a block to our map and it's hash to our graphmap of the blockchain
pub fn save_block(&self, block: &ArcBlock, heaviest_chain: Option<bool>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// TODO: i think we can rearrange this function to make it faster on the hot path
let block_hash = block.hash.as_ref().context("no block hash")?;
let block_num = block.number.as_ref().context("no block num")?;
let _block_td = block
@ -46,21 +47,28 @@ impl Web3Connections {
.context("no block total difficulty")?;
// if self.block_hashes.contains_key(block_hash) {
// // this block is already included. no need to continue
// return Ok(());
// }
let mut blockchain = self.blockchain_graphmap.write();
// think more about heaviest_chain
if heaviest_chain.unwrap_or(true) {
match self.block_numbers.entry(*block_num) {
Entry::Occupied(mut x) => {
let old_hash = x.insert(*block_hash);
if block_hash == &old_hash {
// this block has already been saved
return Ok(());
// if block_hash == &old_hash {
// // this block has already been saved
// return Ok(());
// }
// TODO: what should we do?
// TODO: if old_hash's number is > block_num, we need to remove more entries
"do something with the old hash? we may need to update a bunch more block numbers"
"do something with the old hash ({}) for {}? we may need to update a bunch more block numbers", old_hash, block_num
Entry::Vacant(x) => {
@ -69,18 +77,11 @@ impl Web3Connections {
if self.block_hashes.contains_key(block_hash) {
// this block is already included. no need to continue
return Ok(());
let mut blockchain = self.blockchain_graphmap.write();
if blockchain.contains_node(*block_hash) {
// this hash is already included. we must have hit that race condition
// return now since this work was already done.
return Ok(());
// if blockchain.contains_node(*block_hash) {
// // this hash is already included. we must have hit that race condition
// // return now since this work was already done.
// return Ok(());
// }
// TODO: theres a small race between contains_key and insert
if let Some(_overwritten) = self.block_hashes.insert(*block_hash, block.clone()) {
@ -114,25 +115,25 @@ impl Web3Connections {
rpc: Option<&Arc<Web3Connection>>,
) -> anyhow::Result<ArcBlock> {
// first, try to get the hash from our cache
// the cache is set last, so if its here, its everywhere
if let Some(block) = self.block_hashes.get(hash) {
return Ok(block.clone());
// block not in cache. we need to ask an rpc for it
let request_params = (hash, false);
let get_block_params = (hash, false);
// TODO: if error, retry?
let block: Block<TxHash> = match rpc {
Some(rpc) => {
.request("eth_getBlockByHash", request_params)
.request("eth_getBlockByHash", get_block_params)
None => {
// TODO: helper for method+params => JsonRpcRequest
// TODO: does this id matter?
let request =
json!({ "id": "1", "method": "eth_getBlockByHash", "params": request_params });
let request = json!({ "id": "1", "method": "eth_getBlockByHash", "params": get_block_params });
let request: JsonRpcRequest = serde_json::from_value(request)?;
let response = self.try_send_best_upstream_server(request, None).await?;
@ -166,22 +167,10 @@ impl Web3Connections {
// maybe save them during save_block in a blocks_by_number DashMap<U64, Vec<ArcBlock>>
// if theres multiple, use petgraph to find the one on the main chain (and remove the others if they have enough confirmations)
// first, try to get the hash from our cache
if let Some(block_hash) = self.block_numbers.get(num) {
let block = self
.expect("block_numbers gave us this hash");
return Ok(block.clone());
// block not in cache. we need to ask an rpc for it
// but before we do any queries, be sure the requested block num exists
// be sure the requested block num exists
let head_block_num = self
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("no servers in sync"))?;
if num > &head_block_num {
// TODO: i'm seeing this a lot when using ethspam. i dont know why though. i thought we delayed publishing
// TODO: instead of error, maybe just sleep and try again?
@ -192,6 +181,14 @@ impl Web3Connections {
// try to get the hash from our cache
// deref to not keep the lock open
if let Some(block_hash) = self.block_numbers.get(num).map(|x| *x) {
// TODO: sometimes this needs to fetch the block. why? i thought block_numbers would only be set if the block hash was set
return self.block(&block_hash, None).await;
// block number not in cache. we need to ask an rpc for it
// TODO: helper for method+params => JsonRpcRequest
let request = json!({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "1", "method": "eth_getBlockByNumber", "params": (num, false) });
let request: JsonRpcRequest = serde_json::from_value(request)?;