more stats

This commit is contained in:
Bryan Stitt 2022-10-19 23:02:34 +00:00
parent 445ce9949e
commit 7b5d50a577
4 changed files with 159 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ These are roughly in order of completition
- [-] GET profile endpoint
- [-] POST profile endpoint
- [-] GET stats endpoint
- [ ] display requests per second per api key (only with authentication!)
- [ ] display concurrent requests per api key (only with authentication!)
- [-] display requests per second per api key (only with authentication!)
- [-] display concurrent requests per api key (only with authentication!)
- [ ] display distribution of methods per api key (eth_call, eth_getLogs, etc.) (only with authentication!)
- [x] get aggregate stats endpoint
- [ ] POST key endpoint
@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ These are roughly in order of completition
- need an flume::watch on unflushed stats that we can subscribe to. wait for it to flip to true
- [ ] include if archive query or not in the stats
- this is already partially done, but we need to double check it works. preferrably with tests
- [ ] [paginate responses](
- [ ] WARN http_request:request: web3_proxy::block_number: could not get block from params err=unexpected params length id=01GF4HTRKM4JV6NX52XSF9AYMW method=POST authorized_request=User(Some(SqlxMySqlPoolConnection), AuthorizedKey { ip:, origin: None, user_key_id: 4, log_revert_chance: 0.0000 })
- ERROR http_request:request:try_send_all_upstream_servers: web3_proxy::rpcs::request: bad response! err=JsonRpcClientError(JsonRpcError(JsonRpcError { code: -32000, message: "INTERNAL_ERROR: existing tx with same hash", data: None })) method=eth_sendRawTransaction rpc=local_erigon_alpha_archive id=01GF4HV03Y4ZNKQV8DW5NDQ5CG method=POST authorized_request=User(Some(SqlxMySqlPoolConnection), AuthorizedKey { ip:, origin: None, user_key_id: 4, log_revert_chance: 0.0000 }) self=Web3Connections { conns: {"local_erigon_alpha_archive_ws": Web3Connection { name: "local_erigon_alpha_archive_ws", blocks: "all", .. }, "local_geth_ws": Web3Connection { name: "local_geth_ws", blocks: 64, .. }, "local_erigon_alpha_archive": Web3Connection { name: "local_erigon_alpha_archive", blocks: "all", .. }}, .. } authorized_request=Some(User(Some(SqlxMySqlPoolConnection), AuthorizedKey { ip:, origin: None, user_key_id: 4, log_revert_chance: 0.0000 })) request=JsonRpcRequest { id: RawValue(39), method: "eth_sendRawTransaction", .. } request_metadata=Some(RequestMetadata { datetime: 2022-10-11T22:14:57.406829095Z, period_seconds: 60, request_bytes: 633, backend_requests: 0, no_servers: 0, error_response: false, response_bytes: 0, response_millis: 0 }) block_needed=None
- why is it failing to get the block from params when its set to None? That should be the simple case

View File

@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ pub async fn serve(port: u16, proxy_app: Arc<Web3ProxyApp>) -> anyhow::Result<()
.route("/user/balance/:txid", post(users::user_balance_post))
.route("/user/profile", get(users::user_profile_get))
.route("/user/profile", post(users::user_profile_post))
.route("/user/stats", get(users::user_stats_get))
.route("/user/stats/detailed", get(users::user_stats_detailed_get))
.route("/user/logout", post(users::user_logout_post))
.route("/status", get(status::status))
// TODO: make this optional or remove it since it is available on another port

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
use super::authorization::{login_is_authorized, UserKey};
use super::errors::FrontendResult;
use crate::app::Web3ProxyApp;
use crate::user_stats::get_aggregate_stats;
use crate::user_stats::{get_aggregate_rpc_stats, get_detailed_stats};
use anyhow::Context;
use axum::{
extract::{Path, Query},
@ -416,38 +416,57 @@ pub async fn user_profile_get(
/// `GET /user/stats` -- Use a bearer token to get the user's key stats such as bandwidth used and methods requested.
/// `GET /user/stats/detailed` -- Use a bearer token to get the user's key stats such as bandwidth used and methods requested.
/// If no bearer is provided, detailed stats for all users will be shown
/// - show number of requests used (so we can calculate average spending over a month, burn rate for a user etc, something like "Your balance will be depleted in xx days)
/// TODO: one key per request? maybe /user/stats/:api_key?
/// TODO: this will change as we add better support for secondary users.
pub async fn user_stats_get(
pub async fn user_stats_detailed_get(
// TODO: turn this back on when done debugging. maybe add a path field for this
// TypedHeader(Authorization(bearer)): TypedHeader<Authorization<Bearer>>,
bearer: Option<TypedHeader<Authorization<Bearer>>>,
Extension(app): Extension<Arc<Web3ProxyApp>>,
Query(params): Query<HashMap<String, String>>,
) -> FrontendResult {
// TODO: how is db_conn supposed to be used?
let db = app.db_conn.clone().context("connecting to db")?;
// get the attached address from redis for the given auth_token.
let mut redis_conn = app.redis_conn().await?;
let mut redis_conn = app.redis_conn().await.context("connecting to redis")?;
// check for the bearer cache key
// TODO: move this to a helper function
let bearer_cache_key = format!("bearer:{}", bearer.token());
let user_id = redis_conn
.get::<_, u64>(bearer_cache_key)
// TODO: this should be a 403
.context("fetching user_key_id from redis with bearer_cache_key")?;
let user_id = match (bearer, params.get("user_id")) {
(Some(bearer), Some(params)) => {
// check for the bearer cache key
// TODO: move this to a helper function
let bearer_cache_key = format!("bearer:{}", bearer.token());
// TODO: remove this and get the user id that matches the bearer
let user_id = params.get("user_id").unwrap().parse().unwrap();
let db = app.db_conn.clone().context("no db")?;
// get the user id that is attached to this bearer token
.get::<_, u64>(bearer_cache_key)
// TODO: this should be a 403
.context("fetching user_key_id from redis with bearer_cache_key")?
(_, None) => {
// they have a bearer token. we don't care about it on public pages
// 0 means all
(None, Some(x)) => {
// they do not have a bearer token, but requested a specific id. block
// TODO: proper error code
// TODO: maybe instead of this sharp edged warn, we have a config value?
warn!("this should maybe be an access denied");
x.parse().context("Parsing user_id param")?
let chain_id = params
.map_or_else::<anyhow::Result<u64>, _, _>(
@ -459,6 +478,7 @@ pub async fn user_stats_get(
let query_start = params
.map_or_else::<anyhow::Result<NaiveDateTime>, _, _>(
@ -480,7 +500,7 @@ pub async fn user_stats_get(
let x = get_aggregate_stats(chain_id, &db, query_start, user_id).await?;
let x = get_detailed_stats(chain_id, &db, query_start, user_id).await?;
@ -560,7 +580,7 @@ pub async fn user_stats_aggregate_get(
// TODO: optionally no chain id?
let x = get_aggregate_stats(chain_id, &db, query_start, user_id).await?;
let x = get_aggregate_rpc_stats(chain_id, &db, query_start, user_id).await?;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
use entities::{rpc_accounting, user, user_keys};
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use num::Zero;
use sea_orm::{
ColumnTrait, Condition, DatabaseConnection, EntityTrait, JoinType, QueryFilter, QuerySelect,
@ -6,15 +7,7 @@ use sea_orm::{
use tracing::{debug, info, trace};
pub async fn get_rpc_stats(chain_id: u64) -> u64 {
pub async fn get_user_stats() -> u64 {
pub async fn get_aggregate_stats(
pub async fn get_aggregate_rpc_stats(
chain_id: u64,
db: &DatabaseConnection,
query_start: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
@ -101,3 +94,116 @@ pub async fn get_aggregate_stats(
pub async fn get_user_stats(chain_id: u64) -> u64 {
/// stats grouped by key_id and error_repsponse and method and key
pub async fn get_detailed_stats(
chain_id: u64,
db_conn: &DatabaseConnection,
query_start: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
user_id: u64,
) -> anyhow::Result<HashMap<&str, serde_json::Value>> {
// aggregate stats, but grouped by method and error
trace!(?chain_id, %query_start, ?user_id, "get_aggregate_stats");
let mut response = HashMap::new();
response.insert("chain_id", serde_json::to_value(chain_id)?);
response.insert("query_start", serde_json::to_value(query_start)?);
// TODO: how do we get count reverts compared to other errors? does it matter? what about http errors to our users?
// TODO: how do we count uptime?
let q = rpc_accounting::Entity::find()
// groups
// aggregate columns
.column_as(rpc_accounting::Column::CacheHits.sum(), "total_cache_hits")
// TODO: can we sum bools like this?
let condition = Condition::all().add(rpc_accounting::Column::PeriodDatetime.gte(query_start));
let (condition, q) = if chain_id.is_zero() {
// fetch all the chains. don't filter
// TODO: wait. do we want chain id on the logs? we can get that by joining key
let q = q
(condition, q)
} else {
let condition = condition.add(rpc_accounting::Column::ChainId.eq(chain_id));
(condition, q)
let (condition, q) = if user_id.is_zero() {
// 0 means everyone. don't filter on user
(condition, q)
} else {
// TODO: move authentication here?
// TODO: what about keys where this user is a secondary user?
let q = q
// no need to group_by user_id when we are grouping by key_id
// .group_by(user_keys::Column::UserId)
let condition = condition.add(user_keys::Column::UserId.eq(user_id));
(condition, q)
let q = q.filter(condition);
// TODO: enum between searching on user_key_id on user_id
// TODO: handle secondary users, too
// log query here. i think sea orm has a useful log level for this
// TODO: transform this into a nested hashmap instead of a giant table?
let r = q.into_json().all(db_conn).await?;
response.insert("detailed_aggregate", serde_json::Value::Array(r));
// number of keys
// number of secondary keys
// avg and max concurrent requests per second per api key