DRY stats (#58)

* DRY functions for saving stats and batch tsdb stats

* move comments
This commit is contained in:
Bryan Stitt 2023-04-25 07:42:00 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent cc3c9462a3
commit a236f7364d
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use futures::stream;
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use influxdb2::api::write::TimestampPrecision;
use influxdb2::models::DataPoint;
use log::{error, info};
use log::{error, info, trace};
use migration::sea_orm::{self, DatabaseConnection, EntityTrait};
use migration::{Expr, OnConflict};
use std::num::NonZeroU64;
@ -114,9 +114,10 @@ impl RpcQueryStats {
/// all queries are aggregated
/// all rpc keys are aggregated in the global stats
/// TODO: should we store "anon" or "registered" as a key just to be able to split graphs?
fn global_timeseries_key(&self) -> RpcQueryKey {
// we include the method because that can be helpful for predicting load
let method = self.method.clone();
// we don't store origin in the timeseries db. its only used for optional accounting
let origin = None;
@ -133,15 +134,15 @@ impl RpcQueryStats {
fn opt_in_timeseries_key(&self) -> RpcQueryKey {
/// rpc keys can opt into more detailed tracking
fn opt_in_timeseries_key(&self) -> Option<RpcQueryKey> {
// we don't store origin in the timeseries db. its only optionaly used for accounting
let origin = None;
let (method, rpc_secret_key_id) = match self.authorization.checks.tracking_level {
TrackingLevel::None => {
// this RPC key requested no tracking. this is the default.
// we still want graphs though, so we just use None as the rpc_secret_key_id
(self.method.clone(), None)
return None;
TrackingLevel::Aggregated => {
// this RPC key requested tracking aggregated across all methods
@ -156,14 +157,16 @@ impl RpcQueryStats {
RpcQueryKey {
let key = RpcQueryKey {
response_timestamp: self.response_timestamp,
archive_needed: self.archive_request,
error_response: self.error_response,
@ -201,6 +204,10 @@ pub struct StatBuffer {
tsdb_save_interval_seconds: u32,
db_save_interval_seconds: u32,
billing_period_seconds: i64,
global_timeseries_buffer: HashMap<RpcQueryKey, BufferedRpcQueryStats>,
opt_in_timeseries_buffer: HashMap<RpcQueryKey, BufferedRpcQueryStats>,
accounting_db_buffer: HashMap<RpcQueryKey, BufferedRpcQueryStats>,
timestamp_precision: TimestampPrecision,
impl BufferedRpcQueryStats {
@ -310,18 +317,12 @@ impl BufferedRpcQueryStats {
// TODO: change this to return a DataPoint?
async fn save_timeseries(
async fn build_timeseries_point(
bucket: &str,
measurement: &str,
chain_id: u64,
influxdb2_clent: &influxdb2::Client,
key: RpcQueryKey,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// TODO: error if key.origin is set?
// TODO: what name?
) -> anyhow::Result<DataPoint> {
let mut builder = DataPoint::builder(measurement);
builder = builder.tag("chain_id", chain_id.to_string());
@ -347,16 +348,10 @@ impl BufferedRpcQueryStats {
.field("sum_response_bytes", self.sum_response_bytes as i64);
builder = builder.timestamp(key.response_timestamp);
let timestamp_precision = TimestampPrecision::Seconds;
let points = [builder.build()?];
let point = builder.build()?;
// TODO: bucket should be an enum so that we don't risk typos
.write_with_precision(bucket, stream::iter(points), timestamp_precision)
@ -423,6 +418,7 @@ impl StatBuffer {
let (stat_sender, stat_receiver) = flume::unbounded();
let timestamp_precision = TimestampPrecision::Seconds;
let mut new = Self {
@ -430,6 +426,10 @@ impl StatBuffer {
global_timeseries_buffer: Default::default(),
opt_in_timeseries_buffer: Default::default(),
accounting_db_buffer: Default::default(),
// any errors inside this task will cause the application to exit
@ -452,11 +452,6 @@ impl StatBuffer {
let mut db_save_interval =
interval(Duration::from_secs(self.db_save_interval_seconds as u64));
// TODO: this is used for rpc_accounting_v2 and influxdb. give it a name to match that? "stat" of some kind?
let mut global_timeseries_buffer = HashMap::<RpcQueryKey, BufferedRpcQueryStats>::new();
let mut opt_in_timeseries_buffer = HashMap::<RpcQueryKey, BufferedRpcQueryStats>::new();
let mut accounting_db_buffer = HashMap::<RpcQueryKey, BufferedRpcQueryStats>::new();
// TODO: Somewhere here we should probably be updating the balance of the user
// And also update the credits used etc. for the referred user
@ -472,15 +467,15 @@ impl StatBuffer {
let global_timeseries_key = stat.global_timeseries_key();
let opt_in_timeseries_key = stat.opt_in_timeseries_key();
if let Some(opt_in_timeseries_key) = stat.opt_in_timeseries_key() {
if self.db_conn.is_some() {
Err(err) => {
@ -491,34 +486,16 @@ impl StatBuffer {
_ = db_save_interval.tick() => {
// info!("DB save internal tick");
let db_conn = self.db_conn.as_ref().expect("db connection should always exist if there are buffered stats");
// TODO: batch saves
for (key, stat) in accounting_db_buffer.drain() {
// TODO: i don't like passing key (which came from the stat) to the function on the stat. but it works for now
if let Err(err) = stat.save_db(self.chain_id, db_conn, key).await {
error!("unable to save accounting entry! err={:?}", err);
let count = self.save_relational_stats().await;
if count > 0 {
trace!("Saved {} stats to the relational db", count);
_ = tsdb_save_interval.tick() => {
// info!("TSDB save internal tick");
// TODO: batch saves
// TODO: better bucket names
let influxdb_client = self.influxdb_client.as_ref().expect("influxdb client should always exist if there are buffered stats");
for (key, stat) in global_timeseries_buffer.drain() {
// TODO: i don't like passing key (which came from the stat) to the function on the stat. but it works for now
if let Err(err) = stat.save_timeseries(bucket.clone().as_ref(), "global_proxy", self.chain_id, influxdb_client, key).await {
error!("unable to save global stat! err={:?}", err);
for (key, stat) in opt_in_timeseries_buffer.drain() {
// TODO: i don't like passing key (which came from the stat) to the function on the stat. but it works for now
if let Err(err) = stat.save_timeseries(bucket.clone().as_ref(), "opt_in_proxy", self.chain_id, influxdb_client, key).await {
error!("unable to save opt-in stat! err={:?}", err);
let count = self.save_tsdb_stats(&bucket).await;
if count > 0 {
trace!("Saved {} stats to the tsdb", count);
x = shutdown_receiver.recv() => {
@ -534,62 +511,102 @@ impl StatBuffer {
// TODO: dry
if let Some(db_conn) = self.db_conn.as_ref() {
"saving {} buffered accounting entries",
let saved_relational = self.save_relational_stats().await;
for (key, stat) in accounting_db_buffer.drain() {
if let Err(err) = stat.save_db(self.chain_id, db_conn, key).await {
"Unable to save accounting entry while shutting down! err={:?}",
info!("saved {} pending relational stats", saved_relational);
// TODO: dry
if let Some(influxdb_client) = self.influxdb_client.as_ref() {
"saving {} buffered global stats",
let saved_tsdb = self.save_tsdb_stats(&bucket).await;
for (key, stat) in global_timeseries_buffer.drain() {
if let Err(err) = stat
.save_timeseries(&bucket, "global_proxy", self.chain_id, influxdb_client, key)
"Unable to save global stat while shutting down! err={:?}",
"saving {} buffered opt-in stats",
for (key, stat) in opt_in_timeseries_buffer.drain() {
if let Err(err) = stat
.save_timeseries(&bucket, "opt_in_proxy", self.chain_id, influxdb_client, key)
"unable to save opt-in stat while shutting down! err={:?}",
info!("saved {} pending tsdb stats", saved_tsdb);
info!("accounting and stat save loop complete");
async fn save_relational_stats(&mut self) -> usize {
let mut count = 0;
if let Some(db_conn) = self.db_conn.as_ref() {
count = self.accounting_db_buffer.len();
for (key, stat) in self.accounting_db_buffer.drain() {
// TODO: batch saves
// TODO: i don't like passing key (which came from the stat) to the function on the stat. but it works for now
if let Err(err) = stat.save_db(self.chain_id, db_conn, key).await {
error!("unable to save accounting entry! err={:?}", err);
// TODO: bucket should be an enum so that we don't risk typos
async fn save_tsdb_stats(&mut self, bucket: &str) -> usize {
let mut count = 0;
if let Some(influxdb_client) = self.influxdb_client.as_ref() {
// TODO: use stream::iter properly to avoid allocating this Vec
let mut points = vec![];
for (key, stat) in self.global_timeseries_buffer.drain() {
// TODO: i don't like passing key (which came from the stat) to the function on the stat. but it works for now
match stat
.build_timeseries_point("global_proxy", self.chain_id, key)
Ok(point) => {
Err(err) => {
error!("unable to build global stat! err={:?}", err);
for (key, stat) in self.opt_in_timeseries_buffer.drain() {
// TODO: i don't like passing key (which came from the stat) to the function on the stat. but it works for now
match stat
.build_timeseries_point("opt_in_proxy", self.chain_id, key)
Ok(point) => {
Err(err) => {
// TODO: if this errors, we throw away some of the pending stats! we should probably buffer them somewhere to be tried again
error!("unable to build opt-in stat! err={:?}", err);
count = points.len();
if count > 0 {
// TODO: put max_batch_size in config?
// TODO: i think the real limit is the byte size of the http request. so, a simple line count won't work very well
let max_batch_size = 100;
let mut num_left = count;
while num_left > 0 {
let batch_size = num_left.min(max_batch_size);
let p = points.split_off(batch_size);
num_left -= batch_size;
if let Err(err) = influxdb_client
.write_with_precision(bucket, stream::iter(p), self.timestamp_precision)
// TODO: if this errors, we throw away some of the pending stats! we should probably buffer them somewhere to be tried again
error!("unable to save {} tsdb stats! err={:?}", batch_size, err);