add firewall file

This commit is contained in:
Bryan Stitt 2022-07-13 23:51:29 +00:00
parent 3d7a7a72e9
commit a996ffb441

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
//! transaction firewall
//! block any transactions interacting with known malicious contracts
//! this could be fancy and fetch abis and actually look for dangerous addresses
//! for now, it just checks a few commonly abused functions
use ethers::prelude::{Bytes, Transaction};
use ethers::utils::rlp;
use std::str::FromStr;
pub async fn check_firewall_raw(raw: &Bytes) -> anyhow::Result<bool> {
let tx = rlp::decode(raw.as_ref())?;
let is_allowed = check_firewall(tx).await;
pub async fn check_firewall(tx: Transaction) -> bool {
match {
None => return true,
Some(to) => {
// TODO: check our database for known malicious addresses
if false {
return false;
// TODO: do this better
let approve_method = Bytes::from_str("0x9999999999").unwrap();
let transfer_method = Bytes::from_str("0xa9059cbb").unwrap();
let transfer_from_method = Bytes::from_str("0x9999999999").unwrap();
let transfer_ownership_method = Bytes::from_str("0x9999999999").unwrap();
match &tx.input.as_ref()[..4] {
x if x == approve_method.as_ref() => {
// TODO: decode the calldata
if false {
return false;
x if x == transfer_method.as_ref() => {
// TODO: decode the calldata
if false {
return false;
x if x == transfer_from_method.as_ref() => {
// TODO: decode the calldata
if false {
return false;
x if x == transfer_ownership_method.as_ref() => {
// TODO: decode the calldata
if false {
return false;
_ => true,