remove old file

This commit is contained in:
Bryan Stitt 2022-11-04 19:52:15 +00:00
parent 7127779182
commit bc317ef1e9

@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
use crate::frontend::authorization::{AuthorizedKey, RequestMetadata};
use crate::jsonrpc::JsonRpcForwardedResponse;
use anyhow::Context;
use chrono::{TimeZone, Utc};
use dashmap::mapref::entry::Entry;
use dashmap::DashMap;
use derive_more::From;
use entities::rpc_accounting;
use hdrhistogram::Histogram;
use moka::future::{Cache, CacheBuilder, ConcurrentCacheExt};
use sea_orm::{ActiveModelTrait, DatabaseConnection};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::sync::{broadcast, Mutex as AsyncMutex};
use tokio::task::JoinHandle;
use tracing::{error, info, trace};
/// TODO: where should this be defined?
/// TODO: can we use something inside sea_orm instead?
pub struct ProxyResponseStat {
rpc_key_id: u64,
method: String,
archive_request: bool,
period_seconds: u64,
period_timestamp: u64,
request_bytes: u64,
/// if backend_requests is 0, there was a cache_hit
backend_requests: u64,
error_response: bool,
response_bytes: u64,
response_millis: u64,
pub type TimeBucketTimestamp = u64;
pub struct ProxyResponseHistograms {
request_bytes: Histogram<u64>,
response_bytes: Histogram<u64>,
response_millis: Histogram<u64>,
impl Default for ProxyResponseHistograms {
fn default() -> Self {
// TODO: how many significant figures?
let request_bytes = Histogram::new(5).expect("creating request_bytes histogram");
let response_bytes = Histogram::new(5).expect("creating response_bytes histogram");
let response_millis = Histogram::new(5).expect("creating response_millis histogram");
Self {
// TODO: impl From for our database model
pub struct ProxyResponseAggregate {
// these are the key
// rpc_key_id: u64,
// method: String,
// error_response: bool,
// TODO: this is the grandparent key. get it from there somehow
period_timestamp: u64,
archive_request: bool,
frontend_requests: AtomicU64,
backend_requests: AtomicU64,
backend_retries: AtomicU64,
no_servers: AtomicU64,
cache_misses: AtomicU64,
cache_hits: AtomicU64,
sum_request_bytes: AtomicU64,
sum_response_bytes: AtomicU64,
sum_response_millis: AtomicU64,
histograms: AsyncMutex<ProxyResponseHistograms>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, From, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct UserProxyResponseKey {
rpc_key_id: u64,
method: String,
error_response: bool,
// TODO: think about nested maps more. does this need an arc?
pub type UserProxyResponseCache = Arc<DashMap<UserProxyResponseKey, Arc<ProxyResponseAggregate>>>;
/// key is the "time bucket's timestamp" (timestamp / period * period)
pub type TimeProxyResponseCache =
Cache<TimeBucketTimestamp, UserProxyResponseCache, hashbrown::hash_map::DefaultHashBuilder>;
pub struct StatEmitter {
chain_id: u64,
db_conn: DatabaseConnection,
period_seconds: u64,
/// the outer cache has a TTL and a handler for expiration
aggregated_proxy_responses: TimeProxyResponseCache,
save_rx: flume::Receiver<UserProxyResponseCache>,
/// A stat that we aggregate and then store in a database.
#[derive(Debug, From)]
pub enum Web3ProxyStat {
impl ProxyResponseStat {
// TODO: should RequestMetadata be in an arc? or can we handle refs here?
pub fn new(
method: String,
authorized_key: AuthorizedKey,
metadata: Arc<RequestMetadata>,
response: &JsonRpcForwardedResponse,
) -> Self {
// TODO: do this without serializing to a string. this is going to slow us down!
let response_bytes = serde_json::to_string(response)
.expect("serializing here should always work")
.len() as u64;
let archive_request = metadata.archive_request.load(Ordering::Acquire);
let backend_requests = metadata.backend_requests.load(Ordering::Acquire);
let period_seconds = metadata.period_seconds;
let period_timestamp =
(metadata.start_datetime.timestamp() as u64) / period_seconds * period_seconds;
let request_bytes = metadata.request_bytes;
let error_response = metadata.error_response.load(Ordering::Acquire);
// TODO: timestamps could get confused by leap seconds. need tokio time instead
let response_millis = metadata.start_instant.elapsed().as_millis() as u64;
Self {
rpc_key_id: authorized_key.rpc_key_id,
impl StatEmitter {
pub fn new(chain_id: u64, db_conn: DatabaseConnection, period_seconds: u64) -> Arc<Self> {
let (save_tx, save_rx) = flume::unbounded();
// this needs to be long enough that there are definitely no outstanding queries
// TODO: what should the "safe" multiplier be? what if something is late?
// TODO: in most cases this delays more than necessary. think of how to do this without dashmap which might let us proceed
let ttl_seconds = period_seconds * 3;
let aggregated_proxy_responses = CacheBuilder::default()
.eviction_listener_with_queued_delivery_mode(move |_, v, _| {
// this function must not panic!
if let Err(err) = save_tx.send(v) {
error!(?err, "unable to save. sender closed!");
let s = Self {
pub async fn spawn(
self: Arc<Self>,
shutdown_receiver: broadcast::Receiver<()>,
) -> anyhow::Result<(
)> {
let (aggregate_tx, aggregate_rx) = flume::unbounded::<Web3ProxyStat>();
let (finished_tx, finished_rx) = flume::bounded(1);
let aggregate_handle = tokio::spawn(self.clone().aggregate_stats_loop(
let save_handle = tokio::spawn(self.save_stats_loop(finished_tx));
Ok((aggregate_tx, aggregate_handle, save_handle))
/// simple future that reads the channel and aggregates stats in a local cache.
async fn aggregate_stats_loop(
self: Arc<Self>,
aggregate_rx: flume::Receiver<Web3ProxyStat>,
mut shutdown_receiver: broadcast::Receiver<()>,
finished_rx: flume::Receiver<()>,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
loop {
tokio::select! {
x = aggregate_rx.recv_async() => {
match x {
Ok(x) => {
trace!(?x, "aggregating stat");
// TODO: increment global stats (in redis? in local cache for prometheus?)
// TODO: batch stats?
// TODO: where can we wait on this handle?
let clone = self.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move { clone.aggregate_stat(x).await });
Err(err) => {
error!(?err, "aggregate_rx");
x = shutdown_receiver.recv() => {
match x {
Ok(_) => {
info!("aggregate stats loop shutting down");
// TODO: call aggregate_stat for all the
Err(err) => error!(?err, "shutdown receiver"),
// shutting down. force a save of any pending stats
// we do not use invalidate_all because that is done on a background thread
// TODO: i don't think this works
for (key, _) in self.aggregated_proxy_responses.into_iter() {
// TODO: call drain or remove or something instead?
todo!("drop self.aggregated_proxy_responses");
// TODO: timeout on this?
info!("aggregate stats loop finished");
async fn save_stats_loop(
self: Arc<Self>,
finished_tx: flume::Sender<()>,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
while let Ok(x) = self.save_rx.recv_async().await {
// TODO: batch these
// TODO: i'm not seeing these on shutdown
for x in x.iter() {
let k = x.key();
let v = x.value();
// TODO: this is a lot of variables
let period_datetime = Utc.timestamp(v.period_timestamp as i64, 0);
let frontend_requests = v.frontend_requests.load(Ordering::Acquire);
let backend_requests = v.backend_requests.load(Ordering::Acquire);
let backend_retries = v.backend_retries.load(Ordering::Acquire);
let no_servers = v.no_servers.load(Ordering::Acquire);
let cache_misses = v.cache_misses.load(Ordering::Acquire);
let cache_hits = v.cache_hits.load(Ordering::Acquire);
let sum_request_bytes = v.sum_request_bytes.load(Ordering::Acquire);
let sum_response_millis = v.sum_response_millis.load(Ordering::Acquire);
let sum_response_bytes = v.sum_response_bytes.load(Ordering::Acquire);
let histograms = v.histograms.lock().await;
let request_bytes = &histograms.request_bytes;
let min_request_bytes = request_bytes.min();
let mean_request_bytes = request_bytes.mean();
let p50_request_bytes = request_bytes.value_at_quantile(0.50);
let p90_request_bytes = request_bytes.value_at_quantile(0.90);
let p99_request_bytes = request_bytes.value_at_quantile(0.99);
let max_request_bytes = request_bytes.max();
let response_millis = &histograms.response_millis;
let min_response_millis = response_millis.min();
let mean_response_millis = response_millis.mean();
let p50_response_millis = response_millis.value_at_quantile(0.50);
let p90_response_millis = response_millis.value_at_quantile(0.90);
let p99_response_millis = response_millis.value_at_quantile(0.99);
let max_response_millis = response_millis.max();
let response_bytes = &histograms.response_bytes;
let min_response_bytes = response_bytes.min();
let mean_response_bytes = response_bytes.mean();
let p50_response_bytes = response_bytes.value_at_quantile(0.50);
let p90_response_bytes = response_bytes.value_at_quantile(0.90);
let p99_response_bytes = response_bytes.value_at_quantile(0.99);
let max_response_bytes = response_bytes.max();
let stat = rpc_accounting::ActiveModel {
id: sea_orm::NotSet,
rpc_key_id: sea_orm::Set(k.rpc_key_id),
chain_id: sea_orm::Set(self.chain_id),
method: sea_orm::Set(k.method.clone()),
archive_request: sea_orm::Set(v.archive_request),
error_response: sea_orm::Set(k.error_response),
period_datetime: sea_orm::Set(period_datetime),
frontend_requests: sea_orm::Set(frontend_requests),
backend_requests: sea_orm::Set(backend_requests),
backend_retries: sea_orm::Set(backend_retries),
no_servers: sea_orm::Set(no_servers),
cache_misses: sea_orm::Set(cache_misses),
cache_hits: sea_orm::Set(cache_hits),
sum_request_bytes: sea_orm::Set(sum_request_bytes),
min_request_bytes: sea_orm::Set(min_request_bytes),
mean_request_bytes: sea_orm::Set(mean_request_bytes),
p50_request_bytes: sea_orm::Set(p50_request_bytes),
p90_request_bytes: sea_orm::Set(p90_request_bytes),
p99_request_bytes: sea_orm::Set(p99_request_bytes),
max_request_bytes: sea_orm::Set(max_request_bytes),
sum_response_millis: sea_orm::Set(sum_response_millis),
min_response_millis: sea_orm::Set(min_response_millis),
mean_response_millis: sea_orm::Set(mean_response_millis),
p50_response_millis: sea_orm::Set(p50_response_millis),
p90_response_millis: sea_orm::Set(p90_response_millis),
p99_response_millis: sea_orm::Set(p99_response_millis),
max_response_millis: sea_orm::Set(max_response_millis),
sum_response_bytes: sea_orm::Set(sum_response_bytes),
min_response_bytes: sea_orm::Set(min_response_bytes),
mean_response_bytes: sea_orm::Set(mean_response_bytes),
p50_response_bytes: sea_orm::Set(p50_response_bytes),
p90_response_bytes: sea_orm::Set(p90_response_bytes),
p99_response_bytes: sea_orm::Set(p99_response_bytes),
max_response_bytes: sea_orm::Set(max_response_bytes),
// TODO: if this fails, what should we do?
if let Err(err) = stat
.context("Saving rpc_accounting stat")
error!(?err, "unable to save aggregated stats");
} else {
trace!("stat saved");
info!("stat saver exited");
pub async fn aggregate_stat(&self, stat: Web3ProxyStat) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
match stat {
Web3ProxyStat::Response(stat) => {
// TODO: move this whole closure to another function?
debug_assert_eq!(stat.period_seconds, self.period_seconds);
// get the user cache for the current period
// TODO: i don't think this works right. maybe do DashMap entry api as the outer variable
let user_cache = self
.get_with(stat.period_timestamp, async move { Default::default() })
let key = (stat.rpc_key_id, stat.method, stat.error_response).into();
let user_aggregate = match user_cache.entry(key) {
Entry::Occupied(x) => x.get().clone(),
Entry::Vacant(y) => {
let histograms = ProxyResponseHistograms::default();
// TODO: create a counter here that we use to tell when it is safe to flush these? faster than waiting 3 periods
let aggregate = ProxyResponseAggregate {
period_timestamp: stat.period_timestamp,
archive_request: stat.archive_request,
// start most things at 0 because we add outside this getter
frontend_requests: 0.into(),
backend_requests: 0.into(),
backend_retries: 0.into(),
no_servers: 0.into(),
cache_misses: 0.into(),
cache_hits: 0.into(),
sum_request_bytes: 0.into(),
sum_response_bytes: 0.into(),
sum_response_millis: 0.into(),
histograms: AsyncMutex::new(histograms),
let aggregate = Arc::new(aggregate);
// a stat always come from just 1 frontend request
.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Acquire);
if stat.backend_requests == 0 {
// no backend request. cache hit!
user_aggregate.cache_hits.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Acquire);
} else {
// backend requests! cache miss!
user_aggregate.cache_misses.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Acquire);
// a stat might have multiple backend requests
.fetch_add(stat.backend_requests, Ordering::Acquire);
.fetch_add(stat.request_bytes, Ordering::Release);
.fetch_add(stat.response_bytes, Ordering::Release);
.fetch_add(stat.response_millis, Ordering::Release);
let mut histograms = user_aggregate.histograms.lock().await;
// TODO: use `record_correct`?