put rate limit things into data

This commit is contained in:
Bryan Stitt 2023-08-24 13:25:14 -07:00
parent a32e2ddcad
commit e76bef272f

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@ -847,32 +847,26 @@ impl Web3ProxyError {
Self::RateLimited(authorization, retry_at) => {
// TODO: emit a stat
let retry_msg = if let Some(retry_at) = retry_at {
let retry_in = retry_at.duration_since(Instant::now()).as_secs();
format!(" Retry in {} seconds", retry_in)
let retry_after = if let Some(retry_at) = retry_at {
} else {
// TODO: what should we default to?
// create a string with either the IP or the rpc_key_id
let msg = if authorization.checks.rpc_secret_key_id.is_none() {
format!("too many requests from {}.{}", authorization.ip, retry_msg)
let retry_data = if authorization.checks.rpc_secret_key_id.is_none() {
json!({"retry_after": retry_after, "ip": authorization.ip})
} else {
"too many requests from rpc key #{}.{}",
json!({"retry_after": retry_after, "ip": authorization.ip, "key_id": authorization.checks.rpc_secret_key_id.unwrap()})
JsonRpcErrorData {
message: msg.into(),
message: "too many requests".into(),
code: StatusCode::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS.as_u16().into(),
// TODO: use a generic message with details in the data
data: None,
data: Some(retry_data),