bug fixes

This commit is contained in:
Bryan Stitt 2022-11-03 22:16:27 +00:00
parent e8f2a13f5d
commit f3e9f6c387
5 changed files with 101 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -217,6 +217,9 @@ These are roughly in order of completition
- [x] instead of requests_per_minute on every key, have a "user_tier" that gets joined
- [x] document url params with examples
- [x] improve "docs/http routes.txt"
- [x] remove request per minute and concurrency limits from the keys. those are on the user tiers now.
- [x] revertLogs db table should have rpc_key_id on it
- [x] the relation in Relation is wrong now. it is called user_key_id, but point to the rpc key table
- [ ] include if archive query or not in the stats
- this is already partially done, but we need to double check it works. preferrably with tests
- [-] add configurable size limits to all the Caches

View File

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ volatile_redis_url = "redis://dev-vredis:6379/"
redirect_public_url = "https://llamanodes.com/free-rpc-stats"
redirect_user_url = "https://llamanodes.com/user-rpc-stats/{{user_id}}"
sentry_url = "https://YOURKEYA.ingest.sentry.io/YOURKEYB"
# 0 = block all public requests
public_max_concurrent_requests = 5
# 0 = block all public requests

View File

@ -236,14 +236,12 @@ impl Web3Connection {
/// TODO: this might be too simple. different nodes can prune differently
/// TODO: this might be too simple. different nodes can prune differently. its possible we will have a block range
pub fn block_data_limit(&self) -> U64 {
pub fn has_block_data(&self, needed_block_num: &U64) -> bool {
let block_data_limit: U64 = self.block_data_limit();
let head_block_id = self.head_block_id.read().clone();
let newest_block_num = match head_block_id {
@ -251,11 +249,18 @@ impl Web3Connection {
Some(x) => x.num,
if needed_block_num > &newest_block_num {
return false;
// if this is a pruning node, we might not actually have the block
let block_data_limit: U64 = self.block_data_limit();
let oldest_block_num = newest_block_num
needed_block_num >= &oldest_block_num && needed_block_num <= &newest_block_num
needed_block_num >= &oldest_block_num
/// reconnect to the provider. errors are retried forever with exponential backoff with jitter.

View File

@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ impl Web3Connections {
let mut earliest_retry_at = None;
// filter the synced rpcs
// TODO: we are going to be checking "has_block_data" a lot now. i think we pretty much always have min_block_needed now that we override "latest"
// TODO: we are going to be checking "has_block_data" a lot now
let mut synced_rpcs: Vec<Arc<Web3Connection>> =
if let Some(min_block_needed) = min_block_needed {
@ -527,6 +527,7 @@ impl Web3Connections {
// TODO: maximum retries? right now its the total number of servers
loop {
if skip_rpcs.len() == self.conns.len() {
// no servers to try
match self
@ -646,6 +647,7 @@ impl Web3Connections {
.store(true, Ordering::Release);
// TODO: what error code? 502?
Err(anyhow::anyhow!("all {} tries exhausted", skip_rpcs.len()))

View File

@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ use axum::{
use chrono::NaiveDateTime;
use entities::{rpc_accounting, rpc_key};
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use migration::Expr;
use migration::{Expr, SimpleExpr};
use num::Zero;
use redis_rate_limiter::{redis::AsyncCommands, RedisConnection};
use sea_orm::{
ColumnTrait, Condition, EntityTrait, JoinType, PaginatorTrait, QueryFilter, QueryOrder,
QuerySelect, RelationTrait,
use tracing::{instrument, trace};
use tracing::{instrument, warn};
use crate::{app::Web3ProxyApp, user_token::UserBearerToken};
@ -52,12 +52,16 @@ async fn get_user_id_from_params(
// 0 means all
(None, Some(_)) => {
(None, Some(x)) => {
// they do not have a bearer token, but requested a specific id. block
// TODO: proper error code
// TODO: maybe instead of this sharp edged warn, we have a config value?
// TODO: check config for if we should deny or allow this
Err(anyhow::anyhow!("permission denied"))
// Err(anyhow::anyhow!("permission denied"))
// TODO: make this a flag
warn!("allowing without auth during development!");
@ -161,7 +165,8 @@ pub fn get_query_window_seconds_from_params(
/// stats aggregated across a large time period
/// stats aggregated across a time period
/// TODO: aggregate on everything, or let the caller decide?
#[instrument(level = "trace")]
pub async fn get_aggregate_rpc_stats_from_params(
app: &Web3ProxyApp,
@ -171,33 +176,15 @@ pub async fn get_aggregate_rpc_stats_from_params(
let db_conn = app.db_conn().context("connecting to db")?;
let redis_conn = app.redis_conn().await.context("connecting to redis")?;
let user_id = get_user_id_from_params(redis_conn, bearer, &params).await?;
let chain_id = get_chain_id_from_params(app, &params)?;
let query_start = get_query_start_from_params(&params)?;
let query_window_seconds = get_query_window_seconds_from_params(&params)?;
let page = get_page_from_params(&params)?;
// TODO: warn if unknown fields in params
// TODO: page size from config
let page_size = 200;
trace!(?chain_id, %query_start, ?user_id, "get_aggregate_stats");
// TODO: minimum query_start of 90 days?
let mut response = HashMap::new();
let page = get_page_from_params(&params)?;
response.insert("page", serde_json::to_value(page)?);
response.insert("page_size", serde_json::to_value(page_size)?);
response.insert("chain_id", serde_json::to_value(chain_id)?);
serde_json::to_value(query_start.timestamp() as u64)?,
// TODO: how do we get count reverts compared to other errors? does it matter? what about http errors to our users?
// TODO: how do we count uptime?
// TODO: page size from param with a max from the config
let page_size = 200;
response.insert("page_size", serde_json::to_value(page_size)?);
let q = rpc_accounting::Entity::find()
@ -225,17 +212,18 @@ pub async fn get_aggregate_rpc_stats_from_params(
// TODO: DRYer
let q = if query_window_seconds != 0 {
let query_start_timestamp: u64 = query_start
.context("query_start to timestamp")?;
let condition = Condition::all();
// TODO: DRYer! move this onto query_window_seconds_from_params?
let query_window_seconds = get_query_window_seconds_from_params(&params)?;
let q = if query_window_seconds.is_zero() {
// TODO: order by more than this?
// query_window_seconds is not set so we aggregate all records
// TODO: i am pretty sure we need to filter by something
} else {
// TODO: is there a better way to do this? how can we get "period_datetime" into this with types?
// TODO: how can we get the first window to start at query_start_timestamp
let expr = Expr::cust_with_values(
@ -248,61 +236,70 @@ pub async fn get_aggregate_rpc_stats_from_params(
q.column_as(expr, "query_window_seconds")
} else {
// TODO: order by more than this?
// query_window_seconds is not set so we aggregate all records
q.column_as(expr, "query_window")
// TODO: is there a simpler way to order_by?
let condition = Condition::all().add(rpc_accounting::Column::PeriodDatetime.gte(query_start));
// aggregate stats after query_start
// TODO: minimum query_start of 90 days?
let query_start = get_query_start_from_params(&params)?;
// TODO: if no query_start, don't add to response or condition
serde_json::to_value(query_start.timestamp() as u64)?,
let condition = condition.add(rpc_accounting::Column::PeriodDatetime.gte(query_start));
// filter on chain_id
let chain_id = get_chain_id_from_params(app, &params)?;
let (condition, q) = if chain_id.is_zero() {
// fetch all the chains. don't filter
// TODO: wait. do we want chain id on the logs? we can get that by joining key
let q = q
// fetch all the chains. don't filter or aggregate
(condition, q)
} else {
let condition = condition.add(rpc_accounting::Column::ChainId.eq(chain_id));
response.insert("chain_id", serde_json::to_value(chain_id)?);
(condition, q)
// filter on user_id
// TODO: what about filter on rpc_key_id?
// get_user_id_from_params checks that the bearer is connected to this user_id
let user_id = get_user_id_from_params(redis_conn, bearer, &params).await?;
let (condition, q) = if user_id.is_zero() {
// 0 means everyone. don't filter on user
(condition, q)
} else {
// TODO: authentication here? or should that be higher in the stack? here sems safest
// TODO: only join some columns
// TODO: are these joins correct?
// TODO: what about keys where they are the secondary users?
// TODO: are these joins correct? do we need these columns?
// TODO: also join on on keys where user is a secondary user?
let q = q
.join(JoinType::InnerJoin, rpc_accounting::Relation::RpcKey.def())
.join(JoinType::InnerJoin, rpc_key::Relation::User.def())
let condition = condition.add(rpc_key::Column::UserId.eq(user_id));
(condition, q)
// now that all the conditions are set up. add them to the query
let q = q.filter(condition);
// TODO: enum between searching on rpc_key_id on user_id
// TODO: handle secondary users, too
// log query here. i think sea orm has a useful log level for this
// TODO: trace log query here? i think sea orm has a useful log level for this
// query the database
let aggregate = q
.paginate(&db_conn, page_size)
// add the query response to the response
response.insert("aggregate", serde_json::Value::Array(aggregate));
@ -326,7 +323,7 @@ pub async fn get_detailed_stats(
let page = get_page_from_params(&params)?;
// TODO: handle secondary users, too
// TODO: page size from config
// TODO: page size from config? from params with a max in the config?
let page_size = 200;
// TODO: minimum query_start of 90 days?
@ -350,6 +347,9 @@ pub async fn get_detailed_stats(
// chain id is added later
// aggregate columns
@ -396,16 +396,32 @@ pub async fn get_detailed_stats(
(condition, q)
let (condition, q) = if user_id == 0 {
// 0 means everyone. don't filter on user
let (condition, q) = if user_id != 0 || rpc_key_id != 0 {
// if user id or rpc key id is specified, we need to join on at least rpc_key_id
let q = q
.join(JoinType::InnerJoin, rpc_accounting::Relation::RpcKey.def())
// .group_by(rpc_key::Column::Id);
let condition = condition.add(rpc_key::Column::UserId.eq(user_id));
(condition, q)
} else {
// TODO: move authentication here?
// both user_id and rpc_key_id are 0, show aggregate stats
(condition, q)
let (condition, q) = if user_id == 0 {
// 0 means everyone. don't filter on user_key_id
(condition, q)
} else {
// TODO: add authentication here! make sure this user_id is owned by the authenticated user
// TODO: what about keys where this user is a secondary user?
let q = q
.join(JoinType::InnerJoin, rpc_accounting::Relation::RpcKey.def())
let condition = condition.add(rpc_key::Column::UserId.eq(user_id));