pub mod authorization; mod errors; mod rpc_proxy_http; mod rpc_proxy_ws; mod status; mod users; use crate::app::Web3ProxyApp; use axum::{ body::Body, handler::Handler, routing::{get, post}, Extension, Router, }; use http::header::AUTHORIZATION; use http::Request; use std::iter::once; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::sync::Arc; use tower_http::cors::CorsLayer; use tower_http::sensitive_headers::SetSensitiveRequestHeadersLayer; use tower_http::trace::TraceLayer; use tower_request_id::{RequestId, RequestIdLayer}; use tracing::{error_span, info}; /// http and websocket frontend for customers pub async fn serve(port: u16, proxy_app: Arc) -> anyhow::Result<()> { // create a tracing span for each request with a random request id and the method // GET: websocket or static pages // POST: http rpc or login let request_tracing_layer = TraceLayer::new_for_http().make_span_with(|request: &Request| { // We get the request id from the extensions let request_id = request .extensions() .get::() .map(ToString::to_string) .unwrap_or_else(|| "unknown".into()); // And then we put it along with other information into the `request` span error_span!( "http_request", id = %request_id, // TODO: do we want these? method = %request.method(), // uri = %request.uri(), ) }); // build our axum Router // TODO: these should probbably all start with /rpc. then / can be the static site let app = Router::new() // routes should be order most to least common .route("/rpc", post(rpc_proxy_http::proxy_web3_rpc)) .route("/rpc", get(rpc_proxy_ws::websocket_handler)) .route( "/rpc/:user_key", post(rpc_proxy_http::proxy_web3_rpc_with_key), ) .route( "/rpc/:user_key", get(rpc_proxy_ws::websocket_handler_with_key), ) .route("/rpc/health", get(status::health)) .route("/rpc/status", get(status::status)) // TODO: make this optional or remove it since it is available on another port .route("/rpc/prometheus", get(status::prometheus)) .route("/rpc/user/login/:user_address", get(users::get_login)) .route( "/rpc/user/login/:user_address/:message_eip", get(users::get_login), ) .route("/rpc/user/login", post(users::post_login)) .route("/rpc/user", post(users::post_user)) .route("/rpc/user/logout", get(users::get_logout)) // layers are ordered bottom up // the last layer is first for requests and last for responses // Mark the `Authorization` request header as sensitive so it doesn't show in logs .layer(SetSensitiveRequestHeadersLayer::new(once(AUTHORIZATION))) // add the request id to our tracing logs .layer(request_tracing_layer) // handle cors .layer(CorsLayer::very_permissive()) // create a unique id for each request .layer(RequestIdLayer) // application state .layer(Extension(proxy_app)) // 404 for any unknown routes .fallback(errors::handler_404.into_service()); // run our app with hyper // TODO: allow only listening on localhost? let addr = SocketAddr::from(([0, 0, 0, 0], port)); info!("listening on port {}", port); // TODO: into_make_service is enough if we always run behind a proxy. make into_make_service_with_connect_info optional? /* It sequentially looks for an IP in: - x-forwarded-for header (de-facto standard) - x-real-ip header - forwarded header (new standard) - axum::extract::ConnectInfo (if not behind proxy) */ let service = app.into_make_service_with_connect_info::(); // let service = app.into_make_service(); // `axum::Server` is a re-export of `hyper::Server` axum::Server::bind(&addr) // TODO: option to use with_connect_info. we want it in dev, but not when running behind a proxy, but not .serve(service) .with_graceful_shutdown(signal_shutdown()) .await .map_err(Into::into) } /// Tokio signal handler that will wait for a user to press CTRL+C. /// We use this in our hyper `Server` method `with_graceful_shutdown`. async fn signal_shutdown() { info!("ctrl-c to quit"); tokio::signal::ctrl_c() .await .expect("expect tokio signal ctrl-c"); info!("signal shutdown"); }