mod common; use crate::common::TestApp; use ethers::abi::AbiEncode; use ethers::prelude::Signer; use ethers::types::Signature; use rust_decimal::Decimal; use std::str::FromStr; use tracing::{debug, info, trace, warn}; use web3_proxy::frontend::admin::AdminIncreaseBalancePost; use web3_proxy::frontend::users::authentication::{LoginPostResponse, PostLogin}; use web3_proxy::relational_db::get_db; use web3_proxy::sub_commands::ChangeAdminStatusSubCommand; // #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "tests-needing-docker"), ignore)] #[ignore = "under construction"] #[test_log::test(tokio::test)] async fn test_admin_imitate_user() { let x = TestApp::spawn(true).await; todo!(); } #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "tests-needing-docker"), ignore)] #[test_log::test(tokio::test)] async fn test_admin_grant_credits() { info!("Starting admin grant credits test"); let x = TestApp::spawn(true).await; let r = reqwest::Client::new(); // Setup variables that will be used let login_post_url = format!("{}user/login", x.proxy_provider.url()); let increase_balance_post_url = format!("{}admin/increase_balance", x.proxy_provider.url()); // TODO: I should make a wallet an admin wallet first ... let admin_wallet = x.wallet(1); let user_wallet = x.wallet(2); // Login the admin let admin_login_get_url = format!( "{}user/login/{:?}", x.proxy_provider.url(), admin_wallet.address() ); let admin_login_message = r.get(admin_login_get_url).send().await.unwrap(); let admin_login_message = admin_login_message.text().await.unwrap(); // Sign the message and POST it to login as admin let admin_signed: Signature = admin_wallet .sign_message(&admin_login_message) .await .unwrap(); info!(?admin_signed); let admin_post_login_data = PostLogin { msg: admin_login_message, sig: admin_signed.to_string(), referral_code: None, }; info!(?admin_post_login_data); let admin_login_response = r .post(&login_post_url) .json(&admin_post_login_data) .send() .await .unwrap() .json::() .await .unwrap(); info!(?admin_login_response); // Also login the user (to create the user) let user_login_get_url = format!( "{}user/login/{:?}", x.proxy_provider.url(), user_wallet.address() ); let user_login_message = r.get(user_login_get_url).send().await.unwrap(); let user_login_message = user_login_message.text().await.unwrap(); // Sign the message and POST it to login as admin let user_signed: Signature = user_wallet.sign_message(&user_login_message).await.unwrap(); info!(?user_signed); let user_post_login_data = PostLogin { msg: user_login_message, sig: user_signed.to_string(), referral_code: None, }; info!(?user_post_login_data); let user_login_response = r .post(login_post_url) .json(&user_post_login_data) .send() .await .unwrap() .json::() .await .unwrap(); info!(?user_login_response); // Now I need to make the user an admin ... info!("Make the user an admin ..."); // Change Admin SubCommand struct let admin_status_changer = ChangeAdminStatusSubCommand { address: format!("{:?}", admin_wallet.address()), should_be_admin: true, }; info!("Admin status changer object is: "); info!(?admin_status_changer); // I suppose I gotta create a new database connection // Connect to the database using the connection getter info!("Establishing the database connection"); let db_conn = get_db( x.db.as_ref().unwrap().url.as_ref().unwrap().to_string(), 1, 1, ) .await .unwrap(); info!("Changing the status of the admin_wallet to be an admin"); // Pass on the database into it ... let _ = admin_status_changer.main(&db_conn).await.unwrap(); // Make the admin user an admin info!("Increasing balance"); // Login the user // Use the bearer token of admin to increase user balance let increase_balance_data = AdminIncreaseBalancePost { user_address: user_wallet.address(), // set user address to increase balance amount: Decimal::from(100), // set amount to increase note: Some("Test increasing balance".to_string()), }; let increase_balance_response = r .post(increase_balance_post_url) .json(&increase_balance_data) .bearer_auth(admin_login_response.bearer_token) .send() .await .unwrap(); info!("Passed second checkpoint"); info!(?increase_balance_response); // let increase_balance_response = increase_balance_response // .json::() // .await // .unwrap(); // info!(?increase_balance_response); // // Check if the response is as expected // // assert_eq!(increase_balance_response["user"], user_wallet.address()); // assert_eq!( // Decimal::from_str(increase_balance_response["amount"].as_str().unwrap()).unwrap(), // Decimal::from(100) // ); // // x.wait().await; } // #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "tests-needing-docker"), ignore)] #[ignore = "under construction"] #[test_log::test(tokio::test)] async fn test_admin_change_user_tier() { let x = TestApp::spawn(true).await; todo!(); }