use crate::app::Web3ProxyApp; use crate::errors::{Web3ProxyError, Web3ProxyResponse}; use crate::frontend::authorization::login_is_authorized; use crate::frontend::users::authentication::register_new_user; use anyhow::Context; use axum::{ extract::Path, headers::{authorization::Bearer, Authorization}, response::IntoResponse, Extension, Json, TypedHeader, }; use axum_client_ip::InsecureClientIp; use axum_macros::debug_handler; use entities::{balance, increase_on_chain_balance_receipt, rpc_key, user}; use ethbloom::Input as BloomInput; use ethers::abi::AbiEncode; use ethers::types::{Address, TransactionReceipt, ValueOrArray, H256}; use hashbrown::HashMap; use http::StatusCode; use log::{debug, info, trace}; use migration::sea_orm::prelude::Decimal; use migration::sea_orm::{ self, ActiveModelTrait, ColumnTrait, EntityTrait, QueryFilter, TransactionTrait, }; use migration::{Expr, OnConflict}; use payment_contracts::ierc20::IERC20; use payment_contracts::payment_factory::{self, PaymentFactory}; use serde_json::json; use std::num::NonZeroU64; use std::sync::Arc; /// Implements any logic related to payments /// Removed this mainly from "user" as this was getting clogged /// /// `GET /user/balance` -- Use a bearer token to get the user's balance and spend. /// /// - show balance in USD /// - show deposits history (currency, amounts, transaction id) #[debug_handler] pub async fn user_balance_get( Extension(app): Extension>, TypedHeader(Authorization(bearer)): TypedHeader>, ) -> Web3ProxyResponse { let (_user, _semaphore) = app.bearer_is_authorized(bearer).await?; let db_replica = app.db_replica().context("Getting database connection")?; // Just return the balance for the user let user_balance = balance::Entity::find() .filter(balance::Column::UserId.eq( .one(db_replica.as_ref()) .await? .map(|x| x.total_deposits - x.total_spent_outside_free_tier) .unwrap_or_default(); let response = json!({ "balance": user_balance, }); // TODO: Gotta create a new table for the spend part Ok(Json(response).into_response()) } /// `GET /user/deposits` -- Use a bearer token to get the user's balance and spend. /// /// - shows a list of all deposits, including their chain-id, amount and tx-hash #[debug_handler] pub async fn user_deposits_get( Extension(app): Extension>, TypedHeader(Authorization(bearer)): TypedHeader>, ) -> Web3ProxyResponse { let (user, _semaphore) = app.bearer_is_authorized(bearer).await?; let db_replica = app.db_replica().context("Getting database connection")?; // Filter by user ... let receipts = increase_on_chain_balance_receipt::Entity::find() .filter(increase_on_chain_balance_receipt::Column::DepositToUserId.eq( .all(db_replica.as_ref()) .await?; // Return the response, all except the user ... let mut response = HashMap::new(); let receipts = receipts .into_iter() .map(|x| { let mut out = HashMap::new(); out.insert("amount", serde_json::Value::String(x.amount.to_string())); out.insert("chain_id", serde_json::Value::Number(x.chain_id.into())); out.insert("tx_hash", serde_json::Value::String(x.tx_hash)); // TODO: log_index out }) .collect::>(); response.insert( "user", json!(format!("{:?}", Address::from_slice(&user.address))), ); response.insert("deposits", json!(receipts)); Ok(Json(response).into_response()) } /// `POST /user/balance/:tx_hash` -- Manually process a confirmed txid to update a user's balance. /// /// We will subscribe to events to watch for any user deposits, but sometimes events can be missed. /// TODO: change this. just have a /tx/:txhash that is open to anyone. rate limit like we rate limit /login #[debug_handler] pub async fn user_balance_post( Extension(app): Extension>, InsecureClientIp(ip): InsecureClientIp, Path(mut params): Path>, ) -> Web3ProxyResponse { // I suppose this is ok / good, so people don't spam this endpoint as it is not "cheap" // we rate limit by ip instead of bearer token so transactions are easy to submit from scripts // TODO: if ip is a 10. or a 172., allow unlimited login_is_authorized(&app, ip).await?; // Get the transaction hash, and the amount that the user wants to top up by. // Let's say that for now, 1 credit is equivalent to 1 dollar (assuming any stablecoin has a 1:1 peg) let tx_hash: H256 = params .remove("tx_hash") .ok_or(Web3ProxyError::BadRequest( "You have not provided a tx_hash".into(), ))? .parse() .map_err(|err| { Web3ProxyError::BadRequest(format!("unable to parse tx_hash: {}", err).into()) })?; let db_conn = app.db_conn().context("query_user_stats needs a db")?; // Return early if the tx was already added if increase_on_chain_balance_receipt::Entity::find() .filter(increase_on_chain_balance_receipt::Column::TxHash.eq(tx_hash.encode_hex())) .one(&db_conn) .await? .is_some() { // TODO: double check that the transaction is still seen as "confirmed" if it is NOT, we need to remove credits! // this will be status code 200, not 204 let response = Json(json!({ "result": "success", "message": "this transaction was already in the database", })) .into_response(); return Ok(response); }; // get the transaction receipt let transaction_receipt = app .internal_request::<_, Option>("eth_getTransactionReceipt", (tx_hash,)) .await? .ok_or(Web3ProxyError::BadRequest( format!("transaction receipt not found for {}", tx_hash,).into(), ))?; trace!("Transaction receipt: {:#?}", transaction_receipt); // TODO: if the transaction doesn't have enough confirmations yet, add it to a queue to try again later let payment_factory_address = app .config .deposit_factory_contract .context("A deposit_contract must be provided in the config to parse payments")?; let payment_factory_contract = PaymentFactory::new(payment_factory_address, app.internal_provider().clone()); debug!( "Payment Factory Filter: {:?}", payment_factory_contract.payment_received_filter() ); // check bloom filter to be sure this transaction contains any relevant logs // TODO: This does not work properly right now, get back this eventually // TODO: compare to code in llamanodes/web3-this-then-that // if let Some(ValueOrArray::Value(Some(x))) = payment_factory_contract // .payment_received_filter() // .filter // .topics[0] // { // debug!("Bloom input bytes is: {:?}", x); // debug!("Bloom input bytes is: {:?}", x.as_fixed_bytes()); // debug!("Bloom input as hex is: {:?}", hex!(x)); // let bloom_input = BloomInput::Raw(hex!(x)); // debug!( // "Transaction receipt logs_bloom: {:?}", // transaction_receipt.logs_bloom // ); // // // do a quick check that this transaction contains the required log // if !transaction_receipt.logs_bloom.contains_input(x) { // return Err(Web3ProxyError::BadRequest("no matching logs found".into())); // } // } // the transaction might contain multiple relevant logs. collect them all let mut response_data = vec![]; // all or nothing let txn = db_conn.begin().await?; // parse the logs from the transaction receipt for log in transaction_receipt.logs { if let Some(true) = log.removed { todo!("delete this transaction from the database"); } // Create a new transaction that will be used for joint transaction if let Ok(event) = payment_factory_contract .decode_event::( "PaymentReceived", log.topics,, ) { let recipient_account = event.account; let payment_token_address = event.token; let payment_token_wei = event.amount; // there is no need to check that payment_token_address is an allowed token // the smart contract already reverts if the token isn't accepted // we used to skip here if amount is 0, but that means the txid wouldn't ever show up in the database which could be confusing // its irrelevant though because the contract already reverts for 0 value let log_index = log .log_index .context("no log_index. transaction must not be confirmed")?; // the internal provider will handle caching of requests let payment_token = IERC20::new(payment_token_address, app.internal_provider().clone()); // get the decimals for the token // hopefully u32 is always enough, because the Decimal crate doesn't accept a larger scale // uses uint8, but i've seen pretty much every int in practice let payment_token_decimals = payment_token.decimals().call().await?.as_u32(); let mut payment_token_amount = Decimal::from_str_exact(&payment_token_wei.to_string())?; // Setting the scale already does the decimal shift, no need to divide a second time payment_token_amount.set_scale(payment_token_decimals)?; info!( "Found deposit transaction for: {:?} {:?} {:?}", recipient_account, payment_token_address, payment_token_amount ); let recipient = match user::Entity::find() .filter(user::Column::Address.eq(recipient_account.to_fixed_bytes().as_slice())) .one(&db_conn) .await? { Some(x) => x, None => { let (user, _, _) = register_new_user(&db_conn, recipient_account).await?; user } }; // For now we only accept stablecoins // And we hardcode the peg (later we would have to depeg this, for example // 1$ = Decimal(1) for any stablecoin // TODO: Let's assume that people don't buy too much at _once_, we do support >$1M which should be fine for now debug!( "Arithmetic is: {:?} / 10 ^ {:?} = {:?}", payment_token_wei, payment_token_decimals, payment_token_amount ); // create or update the balance let balance_entry = balance::ActiveModel { id: sea_orm::NotSet, total_deposits: sea_orm::Set(payment_token_amount), user_id: sea_orm::Set(, ..Default::default() }; info!("Trying to insert into balance entry: {:?}", balance_entry); balance::Entity::insert(balance_entry) .on_conflict( OnConflict::new() .values([( balance::Column::TotalDeposits, Expr::col(balance::Column::TotalDeposits).add(payment_token_amount), )]) .to_owned(), ) .exec(&txn) .await?; debug!("Saving tx_hash: {:?}", tx_hash); let receipt = increase_on_chain_balance_receipt::ActiveModel { tx_hash: sea_orm::ActiveValue::Set(tx_hash.encode_hex()), chain_id: sea_orm::ActiveValue::Set(app.config.chain_id), // TODO: need a migration that adds log_index // TODO: need a migration that adds payment_token_address. will be useful for stats amount: sea_orm::ActiveValue::Set(payment_token_amount), deposit_to_user_id: sea_orm::ActiveValue::Set(, ..Default::default() }; info!("Trying to insert receipt {:?}", receipt);; // Remove all RPC-keys owned by this user from the cache, s.t. rate limits are re-calculated let rpc_keys = rpc_key::Entity::find() .filter(rpc_key::Column::UserId.eq( .all(&txn) .await?; match NonZeroU64::try_from( { Err(_) => {} Ok(x) => { app.user_balance_cache.invalidate(&x).await; } }; for rpc_key_entity in rpc_keys { app.rpc_secret_key_cache .invalidate(&rpc_key_entity.secret_key.into()) .await; } let x = json!({ "tx_hash": tx_hash, "log_index": log_index, "token": payment_token_address, "amount": payment_token_amount, }); response_data.push(x); } } txn.commit().await?; debug!("Saved to db"); let response = (StatusCode::CREATED, Json(json!(response_data))).into_response(); Ok(response) }