use entities::{rpc_accounting, user, user_keys}; use hashbrown::HashMap; use num::Zero; use sea_orm::{ ColumnTrait, Condition, DatabaseConnection, EntityTrait, JoinType, QueryFilter, QuerySelect, RelationTrait, }; use tracing::{debug, info, trace}; pub async fn get_aggregate_rpc_stats( chain_id: u64, db: &DatabaseConnection, query_start: chrono::NaiveDateTime, user_id: u64, ) -> anyhow::Result> { trace!(?chain_id, %query_start, ?user_id, "get_aggregate_stats"); // TODO: how do we get count reverts compared to other errors? does it matter? what about http errors to our users? // TODO: how do we count uptime? let q = rpc_accounting::Entity::find() .select_only() .column_as( rpc_accounting::Column::FrontendRequests.sum(), "total_requests", ) .column_as( rpc_accounting::Column::CacheMisses.sum(), "total_cache_misses", ) .column_as(rpc_accounting::Column::CacheHits.sum(), "total_cache_hits") .column_as( rpc_accounting::Column::BackendRetries.sum(), "total_backend_retries", ) .column_as( rpc_accounting::Column::SumResponseBytes.sum(), "total_response_bytes", ) .column_as( // TODO: can we sum bools like this? rpc_accounting::Column::ErrorResponse.sum(), "total_error_responses", ) .column_as( rpc_accounting::Column::SumResponseMillis.sum(), "total_response_millis", ); let condition = Condition::all().add(rpc_accounting::Column::PeriodDatetime.gte(query_start)); let (condition, q) = if chain_id.is_zero() { // fetch all the chains. don't filter // TODO: wait. do we want chain id on the logs? we can get that by joining key let q = q .column(rpc_accounting::Column::ChainId) .group_by(rpc_accounting::Column::ChainId); (condition, q) } else { let condition = condition.add(rpc_accounting::Column::ChainId.eq(chain_id)); (condition, q) }; let (condition, q) = if user_id.is_zero() { // 0 means everyone. don't filter on user (condition, q) } else { // TODO: authentication here? or should that be higher in the stack? here sems safest // TODO: only join some columns // TODO: are these joins correct? // TODO: what about keys where they are the secondary users? let q = q .join( JoinType::InnerJoin, rpc_accounting::Relation::UserKeys.def(), ) .column(user_keys::Column::UserId) .group_by(user_keys::Column::UserId); let condition = condition.add(user_keys::Column::UserId.eq(user_id)); (condition, q) }; let q = q.filter(condition); // TODO: enum between searching on user_key_id on user_id // TODO: handle secondary users, too // log query here. i think sea orm has a useful log level for this let r = q.into_json().all(db).await?; Ok(r) } pub async fn get_user_stats(chain_id: u64) -> u64 { todo!(); } /// stats grouped by key_id and error_repsponse and method and key pub async fn get_detailed_stats( chain_id: u64, db_conn: &DatabaseConnection, query_start: chrono::NaiveDateTime, user_id: u64, ) -> anyhow::Result> { // aggregate stats, but grouped by method and error trace!(?chain_id, %query_start, ?user_id, "get_aggregate_stats"); let mut response = HashMap::new(); response.insert("chain_id", serde_json::to_value(chain_id)?); response.insert("query_start", serde_json::to_value(query_start)?); // TODO: how do we get count reverts compared to other errors? does it matter? what about http errors to our users? // TODO: how do we count uptime? let q = rpc_accounting::Entity::find() .select_only() // groups .column(rpc_accounting::Column::ErrorResponse) .group_by(rpc_accounting::Column::ErrorResponse) .column(rpc_accounting::Column::Method) .group_by(rpc_accounting::Column::Method) // aggregate columns .column_as( rpc_accounting::Column::FrontendRequests.sum(), "total_requests", ) .column_as( rpc_accounting::Column::CacheMisses.sum(), "total_cache_misses", ) .column_as(rpc_accounting::Column::CacheHits.sum(), "total_cache_hits") .column_as( rpc_accounting::Column::BackendRetries.sum(), "total_backend_retries", ) .column_as( rpc_accounting::Column::SumResponseBytes.sum(), "total_response_bytes", ) .column_as( // TODO: can we sum bools like this? rpc_accounting::Column::ErrorResponse.sum(), "total_error_responses", ) .column_as( rpc_accounting::Column::SumResponseMillis.sum(), "total_response_millis", ); let condition = Condition::all().add(rpc_accounting::Column::PeriodDatetime.gte(query_start)); let (condition, q) = if chain_id.is_zero() { // fetch all the chains. don't filter // TODO: wait. do we want chain id on the logs? we can get that by joining key let q = q .column(rpc_accounting::Column::ChainId) .group_by(rpc_accounting::Column::ChainId); (condition, q) } else { let condition = condition.add(rpc_accounting::Column::ChainId.eq(chain_id)); (condition, q) }; let (condition, q) = if user_id.is_zero() { // 0 means everyone. don't filter on user (condition, q) } else { // TODO: move authentication here? // TODO: what about keys where this user is a secondary user? let q = q .join( JoinType::InnerJoin, rpc_accounting::Relation::UserKeys.def(), ) .column(user_keys::Column::UserId) // no need to group_by user_id when we are grouping by key_id // .group_by(user_keys::Column::UserId) .column(user_keys::Column::Id) .group_by(user_keys::Column::Id); let condition = condition.add(user_keys::Column::UserId.eq(user_id)); (condition, q) }; let q = q.filter(condition); // TODO: enum between searching on user_key_id on user_id // TODO: handle secondary users, too // log query here. i think sea orm has a useful log level for this // TODO: transform this into a nested hashmap instead of a giant table? let r = q.into_json().all(db_conn).await?; response.insert("detailed_aggregate", serde_json::Value::Array(r)); // number of keys // number of secondary keys // avg and max concurrent requests per second per api key Ok(response) }