use serde_json::Value; use std::{str::FromStr, time::Duration}; use tokio::{ task::yield_now, time::{sleep, Instant}, }; use tracing::info; use web3_proxy::prelude::ethers::{ prelude::{Block, Transaction, TxHash, U256, U64}, providers::{Http, JsonRpcClient, Quorum, QuorumProvider, WeightedProvider}, }; use web3_proxy::prelude::http::StatusCode; use web3_proxy::prelude::reqwest; use web3_proxy::rpcs::blockchain::ArcBlock; use web3_proxy_cli::test_utils::{TestAnvil, TestApp, TestMysql}; #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "tests-needing-docker"), ignore)] #[test_log::test(tokio::test)] async fn it_migrates_the_db() { let a = TestAnvil::spawn(31337).await; let db = TestMysql::spawn().await; let x = TestApp::spawn(&a, Some(&db), None, None).await; // we call flush stats more to be sure it works than because we expect it to save any stats x.flush_stats().await.unwrap(); // drop x first to avoid spurious warnings about anvil/influx/mysql shutting down before the app drop(x); } #[test_log::test(tokio::test)] async fn it_starts_and_stops() { let a = TestAnvil::spawn(31337).await; let x = TestApp::spawn(&a, None, None, None).await; let anvil_provider = &a.provider; let proxy_provider = &x.proxy_provider; let anvil_result = anvil_provider .request::<_, Option>("eth_getBlockByNumber", ("latest", false)) .await .unwrap() .unwrap(); let proxy_result = proxy_provider .request::<_, Option>("eth_getBlockByNumber", ("latest", false)) .await .unwrap() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(anvil_result, proxy_result); // check the /health page let proxy_url = x.proxy_provider.url(); let health_response = reqwest::get(format!("{}health", proxy_url)).await; dbg!(&health_response); assert_eq!(health_response.unwrap().status(), StatusCode::OK); // check the /status page let status_response = reqwest::get(format!("{}status", proxy_url)).await; dbg!(&status_response); assert_eq!(status_response.unwrap().status(), StatusCode::OK); let first_block_num = anvil_result.number.unwrap(); // mine a block let _: U256 = anvil_provider.request("evm_mine", ()).await.unwrap(); // make sure the block advanced let anvil_result = anvil_provider .request::<_, Option>("eth_getBlockByNumber", ("latest", false)) .await .unwrap() .unwrap(); let second_block_num = anvil_result.number.unwrap(); assert_eq!(first_block_num, second_block_num - 1); yield_now().await; let mut proxy_result; let start = Instant::now(); loop { if start.elapsed() > Duration::from_secs(1) { panic!("took too long to sync!"); } proxy_result = proxy_provider .request::<_, Option>("eth_getBlockByNumber", ("latest", false)) .await .unwrap(); if let Some(ref proxy_result) = proxy_result { if proxy_result.number == Some(second_block_num) { break; } } sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; } assert_eq!(anvil_result, proxy_result.unwrap()); // this won't do anything since stats aren't tracked when there isn't a db let flushed = x.flush_stats().await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(flushed.relational, 0); assert_eq!(flushed.timeseries, 0); // most tests won't need to wait, but we should wait here to be sure all the shutdown logic works properly x.wait_for_stop(); } /// TODO: have another test that queries mainnet so the state is more interesting /// TODO: have another test that makes sure error codes match #[test_log::test(tokio::test)] async fn it_matches_anvil() { let a = TestAnvil::spawn(31337).await; // TODO: send some test transactions a.provider.request::<_, U64>("evm_mine", ()).await.unwrap(); let x = TestApp::spawn(&a, None, None, None).await; let weighted_anvil_provider = WeightedProvider::new(Http::from_str(&a.instance.endpoint()).unwrap()); let weighted_proxy_provider = WeightedProvider::new(Http::from_str(x.proxy_provider.url().as_str()).unwrap()); let quorum_provider = QuorumProvider::builder() .add_providers([weighted_anvil_provider, weighted_proxy_provider]) .quorum(Quorum::All) .build(); let chain_id: U64 = quorum_provider.request("eth_chainId", ()).await.unwrap(); info!(%chain_id); let block_number: U64 = quorum_provider .request("eth_blockNumber", ()) .await .unwrap(); info!(%block_number); let block_without_tx: Option> = quorum_provider .request("eth_getBlockByNumber", (block_number, false)) .await .unwrap(); info!(?block_without_tx); let block_with_tx: Option> = quorum_provider .request("eth_getBlockByNumber", (block_number, true)) .await .unwrap(); info!(?block_with_tx); let fee_history: Value = quorum_provider .request("eth_feeHistory", (4, "latest", [25, 75])) .await .unwrap(); info!(?fee_history); let gas_price: U256 = quorum_provider.request("eth_gasPrice", ()).await.unwrap(); info!(%gas_price); let balance: U256 = quorum_provider .request( "eth_getBalance", (block_with_tx.unwrap().author.unwrap(), "latest"), ) .await .unwrap(); info!(%balance); // todo!("lots more requests"); // todo!("compare batch requests"); }