/// this should move into web3-proxy once the basics are working mod errors; mod http; mod http_proxy; mod users; mod ws_proxy; use axum::{ handler::Handler, response::IntoResponse, routing::{get, post}, Extension, Router, }; use entities::user_keys; use reqwest::StatusCode; use sea_orm::{ColumnTrait, EntityTrait, QueryFilter, QuerySelect}; use std::net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr}; use std::sync::Arc; use tracing::debug; use crate::app::Web3ProxyApp; use self::errors::handle_anyhow_error; pub async fn rate_limit_by_ip(app: &Web3ProxyApp, ip: &IpAddr) -> Result<(), impl IntoResponse> { let rate_limiter_key = format!("ip:{}", ip); rate_limit_by_key(app, &rate_limiter_key).await } /// if Ok(()), rate limits are acceptable /// if Err(response), rate limits exceeded pub async fn rate_limit_by_key( app: &Web3ProxyApp, user_key: &str, ) -> Result<(), impl IntoResponse> { let db = app.db_conn(); // query the db to make sure this key is active // TODO: probably want a cache on this match user_keys::Entity::find() .select_only() .column(user_keys::Column::UserId) .filter(user_keys::Column::ApiKey.eq(user_key)) .filter(user_keys::Column::Active.eq(true)) .one(db) .await { Ok(Some(_)) => { // user key is valid } Ok(None) => { // invalid user key // TODO: rate limit by ip here, too? maybe tarpit? return Err(handle_anyhow_error( Some(StatusCode::FORBIDDEN), None, anyhow::anyhow!("unknown api key"), ) .await .into_response()); } Err(e) => { return Err(handle_anyhow_error( Some(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), None, e.into(), ) .await .into_response()); } } if let Some(rate_limiter) = app.rate_limiter() { if rate_limiter.throttle_key(user_key).await.is_err() { // TODO: set headers so they know when they can retry // warn!(?ip, "public rate limit exceeded"); // TODO: use their id if possible return Err(handle_anyhow_error( Some(StatusCode::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS), None, anyhow::anyhow!("too many requests"), ) .await .into_response()); } } else { // TODO: if no redis, rate limit with a local cache? } Ok(()) } pub async fn run(port: u16, proxy_app: Arc) -> anyhow::Result<()> { // build our application with a route // order most to least common let app = Router::new() .route("/", post(http_proxy::public_proxy_web3_rpc)) .route("/", get(ws_proxy::public_websocket_handler)) .route("/u/:key", post(http_proxy::user_proxy_web3_rpc)) .route("/u/:key", get(ws_proxy::user_websocket_handler)) .route("/health", get(http::health)) .route("/status", get(http::status)) .route("/users", post(users::create_user)) .layer(Extension(proxy_app)); // 404 for any unknown routes let app = app.fallback(errors::handler_404.into_service()); // run our app with hyper // `axum::Server` is a re-export of `hyper::Server` // TODO: allow only listening on localhost? let addr = SocketAddr::from(([0, 0, 0, 0], port)); debug!("listening on port {}", port); // TODO: into_make_service is enough if we always run behind a proxy. make into_make_service_with_connect_info optional? axum::Server::bind(&addr) .serve(app.into_make_service_with_connect_info::()) .await .map_err(Into::into) }