2022-08-16 23:05:23 +00:00

121 lines
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/// this should move into web3_proxy once the basics are working
mod errors;
mod http;
mod http_proxy;
mod rate_limit;
mod users;
mod ws_proxy;
use crate::app::Web3ProxyApp;
use ::http::{Request, StatusCode};
use axum::{
routing::{get, post},
Extension, Router,
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tower_http::trace::TraceLayer;
use tower_request_id::{RequestId, RequestIdLayer};
use tracing::{error_span, info};
// handle errors by converting them into something that implements
// `IntoResponse`
async fn handle_anyhow_error(err: anyhow::Error) -> (StatusCode, String) {
// TODO: i dont like this, but lets see if it works. need to moved to the errors module and replace the version that is there
format!("Something went wrong: {}", err),
/// http and websocket frontend for customers
pub async fn serve(port: u16, proxy_app: Arc<Web3ProxyApp>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// create a tracing span for each request
let request_tracing_layer =
TraceLayer::new_for_http().make_span_with(|request: &Request<Body>| {
// We get the request id from the extensions
let request_id = request
.unwrap_or_else(|| "unknown".into());
// And then we put it along with other information into the `request` span
id = %request_id,
// TODO: do we want these?
method = %request.method(),
// uri = %request.uri(),
let some_fallible_service = tower::service_fn(|_req| async {
// thing_that_might_fail().await?;
Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(Response::new(Body::empty()))
// build our application with a route
// order most to least common
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", post(http_proxy::public_proxy_web3_rpc))
.route("/", get(ws_proxy::public_websocket_handler))
.route("/u/:user_key", post(http_proxy::user_proxy_web3_rpc))
.route("/u/:user_key", get(ws_proxy::user_websocket_handler))
.route("/health", get(http::health))
.route("/status", get(http::status))
.route("/login/:user_address", get(users::get_login))
.route("/users", post(users::create_user))
// .route(
// "/foo",
// HandleError::new(some_fallible_service, handle_anyhow_error),
// )
// create a unique id for each request and add it to our tracing logs
// 404 for any unknown routes
// run our app with hyper
// TODO: allow only listening on localhost? top_config.app.host.parse()?
let addr = SocketAddr::from(([0, 0, 0, 0], port));
info!("listening on port {}", port);
// TODO: into_make_service is enough if we always run behind a proxy. make into_make_service_with_connect_info optional?
It sequentially looks for an IP in:
- x-forwarded-for header (de-facto standard)
- x-real-ip header
- forwarded header (new standard)
- axum::extract::ConnectInfo (if not behind proxy)
So we probably won't need into_make_service_with_connect_info, but it shouldn't hurt
let service = app.into_make_service_with_connect_info::<SocketAddr>();
// let service = app.into_make_service();
// `axum::Server` is a re-export of `hyper::Server`
// TODO: option to use with_connect_info. we want it in dev, but not when running behind a proxy, but not
/// Tokio signal handler that will wait for a user to press CTRL+C.
/// We use this in our hyper `Server` method `with_graceful_shutdown`.
async fn signal_shutdown() {
info!("ctrl-c to quit");
.expect("expect tokio signal ctrl-c");
info!("signal shutdown");