Bryan Stitt aeb30787dd more openssl and no rmp
i like rustls, but we can't use it on everything and so our compile times are bad
2023-10-07 00:35:22 -07:00

34 lines
599 B

pub use anyhow;
pub use argh;
pub use chrono;
pub use entities;
pub use ethers;
pub use ethers::prelude::rand;
pub use fdlimit;
pub use futures;
pub use glob;
pub use hashbrown;
pub use http;
pub use influxdb2;
pub use migration;
pub use migration::sea_orm;
pub use moka;
pub use num;
pub use ordered_float;
pub use pagerduty_rs;
pub use parking_lot;
pub use rdkafka;
pub use reqwest;
pub use rust_decimal;
pub use sentry;
pub use sentry_tracing;
pub use serde;
pub use serde_inline_default;
pub use serde_json;
pub use tokio;
pub use toml;
pub use tracing;
pub use ulid;
pub use url;
pub use uuid;