David 34ed450fab
User Balance + Referral Logic (#44)
* will implement balance topup endpoint

* will quickly fix other PR reviews

* merging from master

* will finish up godmoe

* will finish up login

* added logic to top up balance (first iteration)

* should implement additional columns soon (currency, amount, tx-hash), as well as a new table for spend

* updated migrations, will account for spend next

* get back to this later

* will merge PR from stats-v2

* stats v2

rebased all my commits and squashed them down to one

* cargo upgrade

* added migrtation for spend in accounting table. will run test-deposit next

* trying to get request from polygon

* first iteration /user/balance/:tx_hash works, needs to add accepted tokens next

* creating the referral code seems to work

* will now check if spending enough credits will lead to both parties receiving credits

* rpcstats takes care of accounting for spend data

* removed track spend from table

* Revert "removed track spend from table"

This reverts commit a50802d6ae75f786864c5ec42d0ceb2cb27124ed.

* Revert "rpcstats takes care of accounting for spend data"

This reverts commit 1cec728bf241e4cfd24351134637ed81c1a5a10b.

* removed rpc request table entity

* updated referral code to use ulid s

* credits used are aggregated

* added a bunch of fields to referrer

* added database logic whenever an aggregate stats is added. will have to iterate over this a couple times i think. go to (1) detecting accepted stables next, (2) fix influxdb bug and (3) start to write test

* removed track spend as this will occur in the database

* will first work on "balance", then referral. these should really be treated as two separate PRs (although already convoluted)

* balance logic initial commit

* breaking WIP, changing the RPC call logic functions

* will start testing next

* got rid of warnings & lint

* will proceed with subtracting / adding to balance

* added decimal points, balance tracking seems to work

* will beautify code a bit

* removed deprecated dependency, and added topic + deposit contract to app.yaml

* brownie test suite does not rely on local contract files it pulls all from polygonscan

* will continue with referral

* should perhaps (in a future revision) recordhow much the referees got for free. marking referrals seems to work rn

* user is upgraded to premium if they deposit more than 10$. we dont accept more than $10M in a single tx

* will start PR, referral seems to be fine so far, perhaps up to some numbers that still may need tweaking

* will start PR

* removed rogue comments, cleaned up payments a bit

* changes before PR

* apply stats

* added unique constraint

* some refactoring such that the user file is not too bloated

* compiling

* progress with subusers, creating a table entry seems to work

* good response type is there as well now, will work on getters from primary user and secondary user next

* subuser logic also seems fine now

* downgrade logic

* fixed bug influxdb does not support different types in same query (which makes sense)

* WIP temporary commit

* merging with PR

* Delete daemon.rs

there are multiple daemons now, so this was moved to `proxyd`

* will remove request clone to &mut

* multiple request handles for payment

* making requests still seem fine

* removed redundant commented out bits

* added deposit endpoint, added deposit amount and deposit user, untested yet

* small bug with downgrade tier id

* will add authorization so balance can be received for users

* balance history should be set now too

* will check balance over time again

* subususer can see rpc key balance if admin or owner

* stats also seems to work fine now with historical balance

* things seem to be building and working

* removed clone from  OpenRequestHandle

* removed influxdb from workspace members

* changed config files

* reran sea-orm generate entities, added a foreign key, should be proper now

* removed contract from commit

* made deposit contract optional

* added topic in polygon dev

* changed deposit contract to deposit factory contract

* added selfrelation on user_tier

* added payment required

* changed chain id to u64

* add wss in polygon llamarpc

* removed origin and method from the table

* added onchain transactions naming (and forgot to add a migration before)

* changed foreign key to be the referrer (id), not the code itself

* forgot to add id as the target foreign key

* WIP adding cache to update role

* fixed merge conflicts


Co-authored-by: Bryan Stitt <bryan@llamanodes.com>
Co-authored-by: Bryan Stitt <bryan@stitthappens.com>
2023-05-12 09:45:15 -07:00

213 lines
5.7 KiB

chain_id = 137
# a database is optional. it is used for user authentication and accounting
# TODO: how do we find the optimal db_max_connections? too high actually ends up being slower
db_max_connections = 20
# development runs cargo commands on the host and so uses "mysql://root:dev_web3_proxy@" for db_url
# production runs inside docker and so uses "mysql://root:web3_proxy@db:3306/web3_proxy" for db_url
db_url = "mysql://root:dev_web3_proxy@"
deposit_factory_contract = "0x4e3bc2054788de923a04936c6addb99a05b0ea36"
deposit_topic = "0x45fdc265dc29885b9a485766b03e70978440d38c7c328ee0a14fa40c76c6af54"
# a timeseries database is optional. it is used for making pretty graphs
influxdb_host = ""
influxdb_org = "dev_org"
influxdb_token = "dev_web3_proxy_auth_token"
influxdb_bucket = "dev_web3_proxy"
# thundering herd protection
# only mark a block as the head block if the sum of their soft limits is greater than or equal to min_sum_soft_limit
min_sum_soft_limit = 1_000
# only mark a block as the head block if the number of servers with it is great than or equal to min_synced_rpcs
min_synced_rpcs = 1
# redis is optional. it is used for rate limits set by `hard_limit`
# TODO: how do we find the optimal redis_max_connections? too high actually ends up being slower
volatile_redis_max_connections = 20
# development runs cargo commands on the host and so uses "redis://" for volatile_redis_url
# production runs inside docker and so uses "redis://redis:6379/" for volatile_redis_url
volatile_redis_url = "redis://"
# redirect_public_url is optional
redirect_public_url = "https://llamanodes.com/public-rpc"
# redirect_rpc_key_url is optional
# it only does something if db_url is set
redirect_rpc_key_url = "https://llamanodes.com/dashboard/keys?key={{rpc_key_id}}"
# sentry is optional. it is used for browsing error logs
# sentry_url = "https://SENTRY_KEY_A.ingest.sentry.io/SENTRY_KEY_B"
# public limits are when no key is used. these are instead grouped by ip
# 0 = block all public requests
# Not defined = allow all requests
#public_max_concurrent_requests =
# 0 = block all public requests
# Not defined = allow all requests
#public_requests_per_period =
public_recent_ips_salt = ""
login_domain = "llamanodes.com"
# 1GB of cache
response_cache_max_bytes = 1_000_000_000
# allowed_origin_requests_per_period changes the min_sum_soft_limit for requests with the specified (AND SPOOFABLE) Origin header
# origins not in the list for requests without an rpc_key will use public_requests_per_period instead
"https://chainlist.org" = 1_000
disabled = false
display_name = "LlamaNodes"
http_url = "https://polygon.llamarpc.com"
ws_url = "wss://polygon.llamarpc.com"
soft_limit = 1_000
tier = 0
disabled = false
display_name = "Quicknode"
http_url = "https://rpc-mainnet.matic.quiknode.pro"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
disabled = false
display_name = "Maticvigil"
http_url = "https://rpc-mainnet.maticvigil.com"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
disabled = false
display_name = "Matic Network"
http_url = "https://rpc-mainnet.matic.network"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 1
disabled = false
http_url = "https://matic-mainnet.chainstacklabs.com"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
disabled = false
display_name = "Bware Labs"
http_url = "https://matic-mainnet-full-rpc.bwarelabs.com"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
disabled = false
display_name = "Bware Labs Archive"
http_url = "https://matic-mainnet-archive-rpc.bwarelabs.com"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
disabled = false
display_name = "Polygon API"
http_url = "https://polygonapi.terminet.io/rpc"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
disabled = false
display_name = "1RPC"
http_url = "https://1rpc.io/matic"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
disabled = false
display_name = "FastRPC"
http_url = "https://polygon-mainnet.rpcfast.com?api_key=xbhWBI1Wkguk8SNMu1bvvLurPGLXmgwYeC4S6g2H7WdwFigZSmPWVZRxrskEQwIf"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
disabled = false
display_name = "Unifra"
http_url = "https://polygon-mainnet-public.unifra.io"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
disabled = false
display_name = "Onfinality"
http_url = "https://polygon.api.onfinality.io/public"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
disabled = false
display_name = "Alchemy"
heept_url = "https://polygon-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/demo"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
disabled = false
display_name = "Blockpi"
http_url = "https://polygon.blockpi.network/v1/rpc/public"
soft_limit = 100
tier = 2
backup = true
disabled = false
display_name = "Polygon"
http_url = "https://polygon-rpc.com"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
disabled = false
display_name = "Pokt"
http_url = "https://poly-rpc.gateway.pokt.network"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
backup = true
disabled = false
display_name = "Ankr"
http_url = "https://rpc.ankr.com/polygon"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
backup = true
disabled = true
display_name = "Blast"
http_url = "https://polygon-mainnet.public.blastapi.io"
hard_limit = 10
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
disabled = true
display_name = "Omnia"
http_url = "https://endpoints.omniatech.io/v1/matic/mainnet/public"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
disabled = true
http_url = "https://polygon-bor.publicnode.com"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2
disabled = false
http_url = "https://polygon.rpc.blxrbdn.com"
soft_limit = 10
tier = 2