
120 lines
4.4 KiB

use crate::app::Web3ProxyApp;
use crate::frontend::errors::FrontendErrorResponse;
use crate::user_queries::get_user_id_from_params;
use anyhow::Context;
use axum::{
headers::{authorization::Bearer, Authorization},
use axum::response::{IntoResponse, Response};
use entities::{admin, login, user, user_tier};
use ethers::prelude::Address;
use ethers::types::Bytes;
use ethers::utils::keccak256;
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use http::StatusCode;
use migration::sea_orm::{self, ActiveModelTrait, ColumnTrait, EntityTrait, IntoActiveModel, QueryFilter};
use log::{info, debug};
use redis_rate_limiter::redis::AsyncCommands;
// TODO: Add some logic to check if the operating user is an admin
// If he is, return true
// If he is not, return false
// This function is used to give permission to certain users
pub async fn query_admin_modify_usertier<'a>(
app: &'a Web3ProxyApp,
bearer: Option<TypedHeader<Authorization<Bearer>>>,
params: &'a HashMap<String, String>
) -> Result<Response, FrontendErrorResponse> {
// Quickly return if any of the input tokens are bad
let user_address: Vec<u8> = params
.ok_or_else(|| FrontendErrorResponse::BadRequest("Unable to find user_address key in request".to_string()))?
.map_err(|_| FrontendErrorResponse::BadRequest("Unable to parse user_address as an Address".to_string()))?
let user_tier_title = params
.ok_or_else(||FrontendErrorResponse::BadRequest("Unable to get the user_tier_title key from the request".to_string()))?;
// Prepare output body
let mut response_body = HashMap::new();
// Establish connections
let db_conn = app.db_conn().context("query_admin_modify_user needs a db")?;
let db_replica = app
.context("query_user_stats needs a db replica")?;
let mut redis_conn = app
.context("query_admin_modify_user had a redis connection error")?
.context("query_admin_modify_user needs a redis")?;
// Try to get the user who is calling from redis (if existent) / else from the database
// TODO: Make a single query, where you retrieve the user, and directly from it the secondary user (otherwise we do two jumpy, which is unnecessary)
// get the user id first. if it is 0, we should use a cache on the app
let caller_id = get_user_id_from_params(&mut redis_conn, &db_conn, &db_replica, bearer, &params).await?;
debug!("Caller id is: {:?}", caller_id);
// Check if the caller is an admin (i.e. if he is in an admin table)
let admin: admin::Model = admin::Entity::find()
// If we are here, that means an admin was found, and we can safely proceed
// Fetch the admin, and the user
let user: user::Model = user::Entity::find()
.ok_or(FrontendErrorResponse::BadRequest("No user with this id found".to_string()))?;
// Return early if the target user_tier_id is the same as the original user_tier_id
// Now we can modify the user's tier
let new_user_tier: user_tier::Model = user_tier::Entity::find()
.ok_or(FrontendErrorResponse::BadRequest("User Tier name was not found".to_string()))?;
if user.user_tier_id == new_user_tier.id {
info!("user already has that tier");
} else {
let mut user = user.clone().into_active_model();
user.user_tier_id = sea_orm::Set(new_user_tier.id);
info!("user's tier changed");
// Query the login table, and get all bearer tokens by this user
let bearer_tokens = login::Entity::find()
// Now delete these tokens ...