Bryan Stitt 651f0fcad3 lint
2023-05-23 14:51:34 -07:00

592 lines
22 KiB

//! Handle admin helper logic
use super::authorization::login_is_authorized;
use super::errors::Web3ProxyResponse;
use crate::admin_queries::query_admin_modify_usertier;
use crate::app::Web3ProxyApp;
use crate::frontend::errors::{Web3ProxyError, Web3ProxyErrorContext};
use crate::user_token::UserBearerToken;
use crate::PostLogin;
use anyhow::Context;
use axum::{
extract::{Path, Query},
headers::{authorization::Bearer, Authorization},
Extension, Json, TypedHeader,
use axum_client_ip::InsecureClientIp;
use axum_macros::debug_handler;
use chrono::{TimeZone, Utc};
use entities::{
admin, admin_increase_balance_receipt, admin_trail, balance, login, pending_login, rpc_key,
user, user_tier,
use ethers::{prelude::Address, types::Bytes};
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use http::StatusCode;
use log::{debug, info, warn};
use migration::sea_orm::prelude::{Decimal, Uuid};
use migration::sea_orm::{
self, ActiveModelTrait, ColumnTrait, EntityTrait, IntoActiveModel, QueryFilter,
use migration::{Expr, OnConflict};
use serde_json::json;
use siwe::{Message, VerificationOpts};
use std::ops::Add;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use time::{Duration, OffsetDateTime};
use ulid::Ulid;
/// `GET /admin/increase_balance` -- As an admin, modify a user's user-tier
/// - user_address that is to credited balance
/// - user_role_tier that is supposed to be adapted
pub async fn admin_increase_balance(
Extension(app): Extension<Arc<Web3ProxyApp>>,
TypedHeader(Authorization(bearer)): TypedHeader<Authorization<Bearer>>,
Query(params): Query<HashMap<String, String>>,
) -> Web3ProxyResponse {
let (caller, _) = app.bearer_is_authorized(bearer).await?;
let caller_id = caller.id;
// Establish connections
let db_conn = app
.context("query_admin_modify_user needs a db")?;
// Check if the caller is an admin (if not, return early)
let admin_entry: admin::Model = admin::Entity::find()
// Get the user from params
let user_address: Address = params
.ok_or_else(|| {
Web3ProxyError::BadRequest("Unable to find user_address key in request".to_string())
.map_err(|_| {
Web3ProxyError::BadRequest("Unable to parse user_address as an Address".to_string())
let user_address_bytes: Vec<u8> = user_address.to_fixed_bytes().into();
let note: String = params
.ok_or_else(|| {
Web3ProxyError::BadRequest("Unable to find 'note' key in request".to_string())
.map_err(|_| {
Web3ProxyError::BadRequest("Unable to parse 'note' as a String".to_string())
// Get the amount from params
// Decimal::from_str
let amount: Decimal = params
.ok_or_else(|| {
Web3ProxyError::BadRequest("Unable to get the amount key from the request".to_string())
.map(|x| Decimal::from_str(x))?
.map_err(|err| {
Web3ProxyError::BadRequest(format!("Unable to parse amount from the request {:?}", err))
let user_entry: user::Model = user::Entity::find()
"No user with this id found".to_string(),
let increase_balance_receipt = admin_increase_balance_receipt::ActiveModel {
amount: sea_orm::Set(amount),
admin_id: sea_orm::Set(admin_entry.id),
deposit_to_user_id: sea_orm::Set(user_entry.id),
note: sea_orm::Set(note),
let mut out = HashMap::new();
serde_json::Value::String(format!("{:?}", user_address)),
out.insert("amount", serde_json::Value::String(amount.to_string()));
// Get the balance row
let balance_entry: balance::Model = balance::Entity::find()
.context("User does not have a balance row")?;
// Finally make the user premium if balance is above 10$
let premium_user_tier = user_tier::Entity::find()
.context("Premium tier was not found!")?;
let balance_entry = balance_entry.into_active_model();
// (
// balance::Column::Id,
// Expr::col(balance::Column::Id).add(self.frontend_requests),
// ),
// (
// balance::Column::Used,
// Expr::col(balance::Column::UsedBalance).add(self.backend_retries),
// ),
// (
// balance::Column::UserId,
// Expr::col(balance::Column::UserId).add(self.no_servers),
// ),
// TODO: Downgrade otherwise, right now not functioning properly
// Then read and save in one transaction
let response = (StatusCode::OK, Json(out)).into_response();
/// `GET /admin/modify_role` -- As an admin, modify a user's user-tier
/// - user_address that is to be modified
/// - user_role_tier that is supposed to be adapted
pub async fn admin_change_user_roles(
Extension(app): Extension<Arc<Web3ProxyApp>>,
bearer: Option<TypedHeader<Authorization<Bearer>>>,
Query(params): Query<HashMap<String, String>>,
) -> Web3ProxyResponse {
let response = query_admin_modify_usertier(&app, bearer, &params).await?;
/// `GET /admin/imitate-login/:admin_address/:user_address` -- Being an admin, login as a user in read-only mode
/// - user_address that is to be logged in by
/// We assume that the admin has already logged in, and has a bearer token ...
pub async fn admin_login_get(
Extension(app): Extension<Arc<Web3ProxyApp>>,
InsecureClientIp(ip): InsecureClientIp,
Path(mut params): Path<HashMap<String, String>>,
) -> Web3ProxyResponse {
// First check if the login is authorized
login_is_authorized(&app, ip).await?;
// create a message and save it in redis
// TODO: how many seconds? get from config?
// Same parameters as when someone logs in as a user
let expire_seconds: usize = 20 * 60;
let nonce = Ulid::new();
let issued_at = OffsetDateTime::now_utc();
let expiration_time = issued_at.add(Duration::new(expire_seconds as i64, 0));
// The admin user is the one that basically logs in, on behalf of the user
// This will generate a login id for the admin, which we will be caching ...
// I suppose with this, the admin can be logged in to one session at a time
// let (caller, _semaphore) = app.bearer_is_authorized(bearer_token).await?;
// Finally, check if the user is an admin. If he is, return "true" as the third triplet.
// TODO: consider wrapping the output in a struct, instead of a triplet
// TODO: Could try to merge this into the above query ...
// This query will fail if it's not the admin...
// get the admin field ...
let admin_address: Address = params
.ok_or_else(|| {
Web3ProxyError::BadRequest("Unable to find admin_address key in request".to_string())
.map_err(|_err| {
Web3ProxyError::BadRequest("Unable to parse admin_address as an Address".to_string())
// Fetch the user_address parameter from the login string ... (as who we want to be logging in ...)
let user_address: Vec<u8> = params
.ok_or_else(|| {
Web3ProxyError::BadRequest("Unable to find user_address key in request".to_string())
.map_err(|_err| {
Web3ProxyError::BadRequest("Unable to parse user_address as an Address".to_string())
// We want to login to llamanodes.com
let login_domain = app
// Also there must basically be a token, that says that one admin logins _as a user_.
// I'm not yet fully sure how to handle with that logic specifically ...
// TODO: get most of these from the app config
// TODO: Let's check again who the message needs to be signed by;
// if the message does not have to be signed by the user, include the user ...
let message = Message {
// TODO: don't unwrap
// TODO: accept a login_domain from the request?
domain: login_domain.parse().unwrap(),
// In the case of the admin, the admin needs to sign the message, so we include this logic ...
address: admin_address.to_fixed_bytes(), // user_address.to_fixed_bytes(),
// TODO: config for statement
statement: Some("🦙🦙🦙🦙🦙".to_string()),
// TODO: don't unwrap
uri: format!("https://{}/", login_domain).parse().unwrap(),
version: siwe::Version::V1,
chain_id: 1,
expiration_time: Some(expiration_time.into()),
issued_at: issued_at.into(),
nonce: nonce.to_string(),
not_before: None,
request_id: None,
resources: vec![],
let admin_address: Vec<u8> = admin_address.to_fixed_bytes().into();
let db_conn = app.db_conn().web3_context("login requires a database")?;
let db_replica = app
.web3_context("login requires a replica database")?;
// Get the user that we want to imitate from the read-only database (their id ...)
// TODO: Only get the id, not the whole user object ...
let user = user::Entity::find()
"Could not find user in db".to_string(),
// TODO: Gotta check if encoding messes up things maybe ...
info!("Admin address is: {:?}", admin_address);
info!("Encoded admin address is: {:?}", admin_address);
let admin = user::Entity::find()
"Could not find admin in db".to_string(),
// Note that the admin is trying to log in as this user
let trail = admin_trail::ActiveModel {
caller: sea_orm::Set(admin.id),
imitating_user: sea_orm::Set(Some(user.id)),
endpoint: sea_orm::Set("admin_login_get".to_string()),
payload: sea_orm::Set(format!("{:?}", params)),
.web3_context("saving user's pending_login")?;
// Can there be two login-sessions at the same time?
// I supposed if the user logs in, the admin would be logged out and vice versa
// massage types to fit in the database. sea-orm does not make this very elegant
let uuid = Uuid::from_u128(nonce.into());
// we add 1 to expire_seconds just to be sure the database has the key for the full expiration_time
let expires_at = Utc
.timestamp_opt(expiration_time.unix_timestamp() + 1, 0)
// we do not store a maximum number of attempted logins. anyone can request so we don't want to allow DOS attacks
// add a row to the database for this user
let user_pending_login = pending_login::ActiveModel {
id: sea_orm::NotSet,
nonce: sea_orm::Set(uuid),
message: sea_orm::Set(message.to_string()),
expires_at: sea_orm::Set(expires_at),
imitating_user: sea_orm::Set(Some(user.id)),
.web3_context("saving an admin trail pre login")?;
// there are multiple ways to sign messages and not all wallets support them
// TODO: default message eip from config?
let message_eip = params
.unwrap_or_else(|| "eip4361".to_string());
let message: String = match message_eip.as_str() {
"eip191_bytes" => Bytes::from(message.eip191_bytes().unwrap()).to_string(),
"eip191_hash" => Bytes::from(&message.eip191_hash().unwrap()).to_string(),
"eip4361" => message.to_string(),
_ => {
// TODO: custom error that is handled a 401
return Err(Web3ProxyError::InvalidEip);
/// `POST /admin/login` - Register or login by posting a signed "siwe" message
/// It is recommended to save the returned bearer token in a cookie.
/// The bearer token can be used to authenticate other requests, such as getting user user's tats or modifying the user's profile
pub async fn admin_login_post(
Extension(app): Extension<Arc<Web3ProxyApp>>,
InsecureClientIp(ip): InsecureClientIp,
Json(payload): Json<PostLogin>,
) -> Web3ProxyResponse {
login_is_authorized(&app, ip).await?;
// Check for the signed bytes ..
// TODO: this seems too verbose. how can we simply convert a String into a [u8; 65]
let their_sig_bytes = Bytes::from_str(&payload.sig).web3_context("parsing sig")?;
if their_sig_bytes.len() != 65 {
return Err(Web3ProxyError::InvalidSignatureLength);
let mut their_sig: [u8; 65] = [0; 65];
for x in 0..65 {
their_sig[x] = their_sig_bytes[x]
// we can't trust that they didn't tamper with the message in some way. like some clients return it hex encoded
// TODO: checking 0x seems fragile, but I think it will be fine. siwe message text shouldn't ever start with 0x
let their_msg: Message = if payload.msg.starts_with("0x") {
let their_msg_bytes =
Bytes::from_str(&payload.msg).web3_context("parsing payload message")?;
// TODO: lossy or no?
.web3_context("parsing hex string message")?
} else {
.web3_context("parsing string message")?
// the only part of the message we will trust is their nonce
// TODO: this is fragile. have a helper function/struct for redis keys
let login_nonce = UserBearerToken::from_str(&their_msg.nonce)?;
// fetch the message we gave them from our database
let db_replica = app
.web3_context("Getting database connection")?;
// massage type for the db
let login_nonce_uuid: Uuid = login_nonce.clone().into();
// TODO: Here we will need to re-find the parameter where the admin wants to log-in as the user ...
let user_pending_login = pending_login::Entity::find()
.web3_context("database error while finding pending_login")?
.web3_context("login nonce not found")?;
let our_msg: siwe::Message = user_pending_login
.web3_context("parsing siwe message")?;
// default options are fine. the message includes timestamp and domain and nonce
let verify_config = VerificationOpts::default();
let db_conn = app
.web3_context("deleting expired pending logins requires a db")?;
if let Err(err_1) = our_msg
.verify(&their_sig, &verify_config)
.web3_context("verifying signature against our local message")
// verification method 1 failed. try eip191
if let Err(err_191) = our_msg
.web3_context("verifying eip191 signature against our local message")
// delete ALL expired rows.
let now = Utc::now();
let delete_result = pending_login::Entity::delete_many()
// TODO: emit a stat? if this is high something weird might be happening
debug!("cleared expired pending_logins: {:?}", delete_result);
return Err(Web3ProxyError::EipVerificationFailed(
let imitating_user_id = user_pending_login
.web3_context("getting address of the imitating user")?;
// TODO: limit columns or load whole user?
// TODO: Right now this loads the whole admin. I assume we might want to load the user though (?) figure this out as we go along...
let admin = user::Entity::find()
.web3_context("getting admin address")?;
let imitating_user = user::Entity::find()
.web3_context("admin address was not found!")?;
// Add a message that the admin has logged in
// Note that the admin is trying to log in as this user
let trail = admin_trail::ActiveModel {
caller: sea_orm::Set(admin.id),
imitating_user: sea_orm::Set(Some(imitating_user.id)),
endpoint: sea_orm::Set("admin_login_post".to_string()),
payload: sea_orm::Set(format!("{:?}", payload)),
.web3_context("saving an admin trail post login")?;
// I supposed we also get the rpc_key, whatever this is used for (?).
// I think the RPC key should still belong to the admin though in this case ...
// the user is already registered
let admin_rpc_key = rpc_key::Entity::find()
.web3_context("failed loading user's key")?;
// create a bearer token for the user.
let user_bearer_token = UserBearerToken::default();
// json response with everything in it
// we could return just the bearer token, but I think they will always request api keys and the user profile
let response_json = json!({
"rpc_keys": admin_rpc_key
.map(|uk| (uk.id, uk))
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(),
"bearer_token": user_bearer_token,
"imitating_user": imitating_user,
"admin_user": admin,
let response = (StatusCode::OK, Json(response_json)).into_response();
// add bearer to the database
// expire in 2 days, because this is more critical (and shouldn't need to be done so long!)
let expires_at = Utc::now()
// TODO: Here, the bearer token should include a message
// TODO: Above, make sure that the calling address is an admin!
// TODO: Above, make sure that the signed is the admin (address field),
// but then in this request, the admin can pick which user to sign up as
let user_login = login::ActiveModel {
id: sea_orm::NotSet,
bearer_token: sea_orm::Set(user_bearer_token.uuid()),
user_id: sea_orm::Set(imitating_user.id), // Yes, this should be the user ... because the rest of the applications takes this item, from the initial user
expires_at: sea_orm::Set(expires_at),
read_only: sea_orm::Set(true),
.web3_context("saving user login")?;
if let Err(err) = user_pending_login
warn!("Failed to delete nonce:{}: {}", login_nonce.0, err);
// TODO: This is basically an exact copy of the user endpoint, I should probabl refactor this code ...
/// `POST /admin/imitate-logout` - Forget the bearer token in the `Authentication` header.
pub async fn admin_logout_post(
Extension(app): Extension<Arc<Web3ProxyApp>>,
TypedHeader(Authorization(bearer)): TypedHeader<Authorization<Bearer>>,
) -> Web3ProxyResponse {
let user_bearer = UserBearerToken::try_from(bearer)?;
let db_conn = app
.web3_context("database needed for user logout")?;
if let Err(err) = login::Entity::delete_many()
debug!("Failed to delete {}: {}", user_bearer.redis_key(), err);
let now = Utc::now();
// also delete any expired logins
let delete_result = login::Entity::delete_many()
debug!("Deleted expired logins: {:?}", delete_result);
// also delete any expired pending logins
let delete_result = login::Entity::delete_many()
debug!("Deleted expired pending logins: {:?}", delete_result);
// TODO: what should the response be? probably json something