
249 lines
8.3 KiB

use crate::rpcs::blockchain::BlockHashesCache;
use crate::rpcs::connection::Web3Connection;
use crate::rpcs::request::OpenRequestHandleMetrics;
use crate::{app::AnyhowJoinHandle, rpcs::blockchain::ArcBlock};
use argh::FromArgs;
use derive_more::Constructor;
use ethers::prelude::TxHash;
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use sea_orm::DatabaseConnection;
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tokio::sync::broadcast;
use tracing::instrument;
pub type BlockAndRpc = (Option<ArcBlock>, Arc<Web3Connection>);
pub type TxHashAndRpc = (TxHash, Arc<Web3Connection>);
#[derive(Debug, FromArgs)]
/// Web3_proxy is a fast caching and load balancing proxy for web3 (Ethereum or similar) JsonRPC servers.
pub struct CliConfig {
/// path to a toml of rpc servers
#[argh(option, default = "\"./config/development.toml\".to_string()")]
pub config: String,
/// what port the proxy should listen on
#[argh(option, default = "8544")]
pub port: u16,
/// what port the proxy should expose prometheus stats on
#[argh(option, default = "8543")]
pub prometheus_port: u16,
/// number of worker threads. Defaults to the number of logical processors
#[argh(option, default = "0")]
pub workers: usize,
/// path to a binary file used to encrypt cookies. Should be at least 64 bytes.
#[argh(option, default = "\"./data/development_cookie_key\".to_string()")]
pub cookie_key_filename: String,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct TopConfig {
pub app: AppConfig,
pub balanced_rpcs: HashMap<String, Web3ConnectionConfig>,
pub private_rpcs: Option<HashMap<String, Web3ConnectionConfig>>,
/// shared configuration between Web3Connections
// TODO: no String, only &str
#[derive(Debug, Default, Deserialize)]
pub struct AppConfig {
/// Request limit for allowed origins for anonymous users.
/// These requests get rate limited by IP.
pub allowed_origin_requests_per_period: HashMap<String, u64>,
/// EVM chain id. 1 for ETH
/// TODO: better type for chain_id? max of `u64::MAX / 2 - 36` <https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/2294>
pub chain_id: u64,
/// Database is used for user data.
/// Currently supports mysql or compatible backend.
pub db_url: Option<String>,
/// minimum size of the connection pool for the database.
/// If none, the number of workers are used.
pub db_min_connections: Option<u32>,
/// maximum size of the connection pool for the database.
/// If none, the minimum * 2 is used.
pub db_max_connections: Option<u32>,
/// Default request limit for registered users.
/// 0 = block all requests
/// None = allow all requests
pub default_user_max_requests_per_period: Option<u64>,
/// Restrict user registration.
/// None = no code needed
pub invite_code: Option<String>,
/// Rate limit for bearer token authenticated entrypoints.
/// This is separate from the rpc limits.
#[serde(default = "default_bearer_token_max_concurrent_requests")]
pub bearer_token_max_concurrent_requests: u64,
/// Rate limit for the login entrypoint.
/// This is separate from the rpc limits.
#[serde(default = "default_login_rate_limit_per_period")]
pub login_rate_limit_per_period: u64,
/// The soft limit prevents thundering herds as new blocks are seen.
#[serde(default = "default_min_sum_soft_limit")]
pub min_sum_soft_limit: u32,
/// Another knob for preventing thundering herds as new blocks are seen.
#[serde(default = "default_min_synced_rpcs")]
pub min_synced_rpcs: usize,
/// Concurrent request limit for anonymous users.
/// Some(0) = block all requests
/// None = allow all requests
#[serde(default = "default_public_max_concurrent_requests")]
pub public_max_concurrent_requests: Option<usize>,
/// Request limit for anonymous users.
/// Some(0) = block all requests
/// None = allow all requests
#[serde(default = "default_public_requests_per_period")]
pub public_requests_per_period: Option<u64>,
/// RPC responses are cached locally
#[serde(default = "default_response_cache_max_bytes")]
pub response_cache_max_bytes: usize,
/// the stats page url for an anonymous user.
pub redirect_public_url: Option<String>,
/// the stats page url for a logged in user. if set, must contain "{rpc_key_id}"
pub redirect_rpc_key_url: Option<String>,
/// Optionally send errors to <https://sentry.io>
pub sentry_url: Option<String>,
/// Track rate limits in a redis (or compatible backend)
/// It is okay if this data is lost.
pub volatile_redis_url: Option<String>,
/// maximum size of the connection pool for the cache
/// If none, the minimum * 2 is used
pub volatile_redis_max_connections: Option<usize>,
/// This might cause a thundering herd!
fn default_min_sum_soft_limit() -> u32 {
/// Only require 1 server. This might cause a thundering herd!
fn default_min_synced_rpcs() -> usize {
/// 0 blocks anonymous requests.
/// None allows unlimited concurrent requests
// TODO: what is a reasonable default?
fn default_public_max_concurrent_requests() -> Option<usize> {
/// 0 blocks anonymous requests by default.
fn default_public_requests_per_period() -> Option<u64> {
/// Having a low amount of concurrent requests for bearer tokens keeps us from hammering the database.
fn default_bearer_token_max_concurrent_requests() -> u64 {
/// Having a low amount of requests per period (usually minute) for login is safest.
fn default_login_rate_limit_per_period() -> u64 {
fn default_response_cache_max_bytes() -> usize {
// TODO: default to some percentage of the system?
// 100 megabytes
/// Configuration for a backend web3 RPC server
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Constructor)]
pub struct Web3ConnectionConfig {
/// simple way to disable a connection without deleting the row
pub disabled: bool,
/// websocket (or http if no websocket)
pub url: String,
/// the requests per second at which the server starts slowing down
pub soft_limit: u32,
/// the requests per second at which the server throws errors (rate limit or otherwise)
pub hard_limit: Option<u64>,
/// All else equal, a server with a lower weight receives requests
pub weight: u32,
/// Subscribe to the firehose of pending transactions
/// Don't do this with free rpcs
pub subscribe_txs: Option<bool>,
impl Web3ConnectionConfig {
/// Create a Web3Connection from config
/// TODO: move this into Web3Connection (just need to make things pub(crate))
#[instrument(level = "trace", skip(redis_pool))]
pub async fn spawn(
name: String,
db_conn: Option<DatabaseConnection>,
redis_pool: Option<redis_rate_limiter::RedisPool>,
chain_id: u64,
http_client: Option<reqwest::Client>,
http_interval_sender: Option<Arc<broadcast::Sender<()>>>,
block_map: BlockHashesCache,
block_sender: Option<flume::Sender<BlockAndRpc>>,
tx_id_sender: Option<flume::Sender<TxHashAndRpc>>,
open_request_handle_metrics: Arc<OpenRequestHandleMetrics>,
) -> anyhow::Result<(Arc<Web3Connection>, AnyhowJoinHandle<()>)> {
let hard_limit = match (self.hard_limit, redis_pool) {
(None, None) => None,
(Some(hard_limit), Some(redis_client_pool)) => Some((hard_limit, redis_client_pool)),
(None, Some(_)) => None,
(Some(_hard_limit), None) => {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
"no redis client pool! needed for hard limit"
let tx_id_sender = if self.subscribe_txs.unwrap_or(false) {
} else {