2022-10-25 18:27:06 +00:00

596 lines
22 KiB

//! Utilities for authorization of logged in and anonymous users.
use super::errors::FrontendErrorResponse;
use crate::app::{UserKeyData, Web3ProxyApp};
use crate::jsonrpc::JsonRpcRequest;
use anyhow::Context;
use axum::headers::{Origin, Referer, UserAgent};
use axum::TypedHeader;
use chrono::Utc;
use deferred_rate_limiter::DeferredRateLimitResult;
use entities::user_keys;
use ipnet::IpNet;
use redis_rate_limiter::RedisRateLimitResult;
use sea_orm::{prelude::Decimal, ColumnTrait, DatabaseConnection, EntityTrait, QueryFilter};
use serde::Serialize;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU64};
use std::{net::IpAddr, str::FromStr, sync::Arc};
use tokio::sync::{OwnedSemaphorePermit, Semaphore};
use tokio::time::Instant;
use tracing::{error, trace};
use ulid::Ulid;
use uuid::Uuid;
/// This lets us use UUID and ULID while we transition to only ULIDs
/// TODO: include the key's description.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, serde::Serialize)]
pub enum UserKey {
pub enum RateLimitResult {
/// contains the IP of the anonymous user
/// TODO: option inside or outside the arc?
AllowedIp(IpAddr, Option<OwnedSemaphorePermit>),
/// contains the user_key_id of an authenticated user
AllowedUser(UserKeyData, Option<OwnedSemaphorePermit>),
/// contains the IP and retry_at of the anonymous user
RateLimitedIp(IpAddr, Option<Instant>),
/// contains the user_key_id and retry_at of an authenticated user key
RateLimitedUser(UserKeyData, Option<Instant>),
/// This key is not in our database. Deny access!
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct AuthorizedKey {
pub ip: IpAddr,
pub origin: Option<String>,
pub user_id: u64,
pub user_key_id: u64,
// TODO: just use an f32? even an f16 is probably fine
pub log_revert_chance: Decimal,
pub struct RequestMetadata {
pub start_datetime: chrono::DateTime<Utc>,
pub start_instant: tokio::time::Instant,
// TODO: better name for this
pub period_seconds: u64,
pub request_bytes: u64,
/// if this is 0, there was a cache_hit
pub backend_requests: AtomicU64,
pub no_servers: AtomicU64,
pub error_response: AtomicBool,
pub response_bytes: AtomicU64,
pub response_millis: AtomicU64,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum AuthorizedRequest {
/// Request from this app
/// Request from an anonymous IP address
Ip(IpAddr, Option<Origin>),
/// Request from an authenticated and authorized user
User(Option<DatabaseConnection>, AuthorizedKey),
impl RequestMetadata {
pub fn new(period_seconds: u64, request: &JsonRpcRequest) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
// TODO: how can we do this without turning it into a string first. this is going to slow us down!
let request_bytes = serde_json::to_string(request)
.context("finding request size")?
let new = Self {
start_instant: Instant::now(),
start_datetime: Utc::now(),
backend_requests: 0.into(),
no_servers: 0.into(),
error_response: false.into(),
response_bytes: 0.into(),
response_millis: 0.into(),
impl UserKey {
pub fn new() -> Self {
impl Display for UserKey {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
// TODO: do this without dereferencing
let ulid: Ulid = (*self).into();
impl Default for UserKey {
fn default() -> Self {
impl FromStr for UserKey {
type Err = anyhow::Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
if let Ok(ulid) = s.parse::<Ulid>() {
} else if let Ok(uuid) = s.parse::<Uuid>() {
} else {
// TODO: custom error type so that this shows as a 400
Err(anyhow::anyhow!("UserKey was not a ULID or UUID"))
impl From<Ulid> for UserKey {
fn from(x: Ulid) -> Self {
impl From<Uuid> for UserKey {
fn from(x: Uuid) -> Self {
impl From<UserKey> for Ulid {
fn from(x: UserKey) -> Self {
match x {
UserKey::Ulid(x) => x,
UserKey::Uuid(x) => Ulid::from(x.as_u128()),
impl From<UserKey> for Uuid {
fn from(x: UserKey) -> Self {
match x {
UserKey::Ulid(x) => Uuid::from_u128(x.0),
UserKey::Uuid(x) => x,
impl AuthorizedKey {
pub fn try_new(
ip: IpAddr,
origin: Option<Origin>,
referer: Option<Referer>,
user_agent: Option<UserAgent>,
user_key_data: UserKeyData,
) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
// check ip
match &user_key_data.allowed_ips {
None => {}
Some(allowed_ips) => {
if !allowed_ips.iter().any(|x| x.contains(&ip)) {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("IP is not allowed!"));
// check origin
// TODO: do this with the Origin type instead of a String?
let origin = origin.map(|x| x.to_string());
match (&origin, &user_key_data.allowed_origins) {
(None, None) => {}
(Some(_), None) => {}
(None, Some(_)) => return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Origin required")),
(Some(origin), Some(allowed_origins)) => {
let origin = origin.to_string();
if !allowed_origins.contains(&origin) {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("IP is not allowed!"));
// check referer
match (referer, &user_key_data.allowed_referers) {
(None, None) => {}
(Some(_), None) => {}
(None, Some(_)) => return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Referer required")),
(Some(referer), Some(allowed_referers)) => {
if !allowed_referers.contains(&referer) {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Referer is not allowed!"));
// check user_agent
match (user_agent, &user_key_data.allowed_user_agents) {
(None, None) => {}
(Some(_), None) => {}
(None, Some(_)) => return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("User agent required")),
(Some(user_agent), Some(allowed_user_agents)) => {
if !allowed_user_agents.contains(&user_agent) {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("User agent is not allowed!"));
Ok(Self {
user_id: user_key_data.user_id,
user_key_id: user_key_data.user_key_id,
log_revert_chance: user_key_data.log_revert_chance,
impl AuthorizedRequest {
/// Only User has a database connection in case it needs to save a revert to the database.
pub fn db_conn(&self) -> Option<&DatabaseConnection> {
match self {
Self::User(x, _) => x.as_ref(),
_ => None,
impl Display for &AuthorizedRequest {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
AuthorizedRequest::Internal => f.write_str("int"),
AuthorizedRequest::Ip(x, _) => f.write_str(&format!("ip-{}", x)),
AuthorizedRequest::User(_, x) => f.write_str(&format!("uk-{}", x.user_key_id)),
pub async fn login_is_authorized(
app: &Web3ProxyApp,
ip: IpAddr,
) -> Result<AuthorizedRequest, FrontendErrorResponse> {
let (ip, _semaphore) = match app.rate_limit_login(ip).await? {
RateLimitResult::AllowedIp(x, semaphore) => (x, semaphore),
RateLimitResult::RateLimitedIp(x, retry_at) => {
return Err(FrontendErrorResponse::RateLimitedIp(x, retry_at));
// TODO: don't panic. give the user an error
x => unimplemented!("rate_limit_login shouldn't ever see these: {:?}", x),
Ok(AuthorizedRequest::Ip(ip, None))
pub async fn ip_is_authorized(
app: &Web3ProxyApp,
ip: IpAddr,
origin: Option<TypedHeader<Origin>>,
) -> Result<(AuthorizedRequest, Option<OwnedSemaphorePermit>), FrontendErrorResponse> {
let origin = origin.map(|x| x.0);
// TODO: i think we could write an `impl From` for this
// TODO: move this to an AuthorizedUser extrator
let (ip, semaphore) = match app.rate_limit_by_ip(ip, origin.as_ref()).await? {
RateLimitResult::AllowedIp(ip, semaphore) => (ip, semaphore),
RateLimitResult::RateLimitedIp(x, retry_at) => {
return Err(FrontendErrorResponse::RateLimitedIp(x, retry_at));
// TODO: don't panic. give the user an error
x => unimplemented!("rate_limit_by_ip shouldn't ever see these: {:?}", x),
// semaphore won't ever be None, but its easier if key auth and ip auth work the same way
Ok((AuthorizedRequest::Ip(ip, origin), semaphore))
pub async fn key_is_authorized(
app: &Web3ProxyApp,
user_key: UserKey,
ip: IpAddr,
origin: Option<Origin>,
referer: Option<Referer>,
user_agent: Option<UserAgent>,
) -> Result<(AuthorizedRequest, Option<OwnedSemaphorePermit>), FrontendErrorResponse> {
// check the rate limits. error if over the limit
let (user_data, semaphore) = match app.rate_limit_by_key(user_key).await? {
RateLimitResult::AllowedUser(x, semaphore) => (x, semaphore),
RateLimitResult::RateLimitedUser(x, retry_at) => {
return Err(FrontendErrorResponse::RateLimitedUser(x, retry_at));
RateLimitResult::UnknownKey => return Err(FrontendErrorResponse::UnknownKey),
// TODO: don't panic. give the user an error
x => unimplemented!("rate_limit_by_key shouldn't ever see these: {:?}", x),
let authorized_user = AuthorizedKey::try_new(ip, origin, referer, user_agent, user_data)?;
let db_conn = app.db_conn.clone();
Ok((AuthorizedRequest::User(db_conn, authorized_user), semaphore))
impl Web3ProxyApp {
pub async fn ip_semaphore(&self, ip: IpAddr) -> anyhow::Result<Option<OwnedSemaphorePermit>> {
if let Some(max_concurrent_requests) = self.config.public_max_concurrent_requests {
let semaphore = self
.get_with(ip, async move {
// TODO: set max_concurrent_requests dynamically based on load?
let s = Semaphore::new(max_concurrent_requests);
// if semaphore.available_permits() == 0 {
// // TODO: concurrent limit hit! emit a stat? less important for anon users
// // TODO: there is probably a race here
// }
let semaphore_permit = semaphore.acquire_owned().await?;
} else {
pub async fn user_key_semaphore(
user_data: &UserKeyData,
) -> anyhow::Result<Option<OwnedSemaphorePermit>> {
if let Some(max_concurrent_requests) = user_data.max_concurrent_requests {
let semaphore = self
.get_with(user_data.user_key_id, async move {
let s = Semaphore::new(max_concurrent_requests as usize);
trace!("new semaphore for user_key_id {}", user_data.user_key_id);
// if semaphore.available_permits() == 0 {
// // TODO: concurrent limit hit! emit a stat
// }
let semaphore_permit = semaphore.acquire_owned().await?;
} else {
pub async fn rate_limit_login(&self, ip: IpAddr) -> anyhow::Result<RateLimitResult> {
// TODO: dry this up with rate_limit_by_key
// TODO: do we want a semaphore here?
if let Some(rate_limiter) = &self.login_rate_limiter {
match rate_limiter.throttle_label(&ip.to_string(), None, 1).await {
Ok(RedisRateLimitResult::Allowed(_)) => Ok(RateLimitResult::AllowedIp(ip, None)),
Ok(RedisRateLimitResult::RetryAt(retry_at, _)) => {
// TODO: set headers so they know when they can retry
// TODO: debug or trace?
// this is too verbose, but a stat might be good
trace!(?ip, "login rate limit exceeded until {:?}", retry_at);
Ok(RateLimitResult::RateLimitedIp(ip, Some(retry_at)))
Ok(RedisRateLimitResult::RetryNever) => {
// TODO: i don't think we'll get here. maybe if we ban an IP forever? seems unlikely
trace!(?ip, "login rate limit is 0");
Ok(RateLimitResult::RateLimitedIp(ip, None))
Err(err) => {
// internal error, not rate limit being hit
// TODO: i really want axum to do this for us in a single place.
error!(?err, "login rate limiter is unhappy. allowing ip");
Ok(RateLimitResult::AllowedIp(ip, None))
} else {
// TODO: if no redis, rate limit with a local cache? "warn!" probably isn't right
todo!("no rate limiter");
pub async fn rate_limit_by_ip(
ip: IpAddr,
origin: Option<&Origin>,
) -> anyhow::Result<RateLimitResult> {
// TODO: dry this up with rate_limit_by_key
let semaphore = self.ip_semaphore(ip).await?;
if let Some(rate_limiter) = &self.frontend_ip_rate_limiter {
let max_requests_per_period = origin
.map(|origin| {
match rate_limiter.throttle(ip, max_requests_per_period, 1).await {
Ok(DeferredRateLimitResult::Allowed) => {
Ok(RateLimitResult::AllowedIp(ip, semaphore))
Ok(DeferredRateLimitResult::RetryAt(retry_at)) => {
// TODO: set headers so they know when they can retry
// TODO: debug or trace?
// this is too verbose, but a stat might be good
trace!(?ip, "rate limit exceeded until {:?}", retry_at);
Ok(RateLimitResult::RateLimitedIp(ip, Some(retry_at)))
Ok(DeferredRateLimitResult::RetryNever) => {
// TODO: i don't think we'll get here. maybe if we ban an IP forever? seems unlikely
trace!(?ip, "rate limit is 0");
Ok(RateLimitResult::RateLimitedIp(ip, None))
Err(err) => {
// internal error, not rate limit being hit
// TODO: i really want axum to do this for us in a single place.
error!(?err, "rate limiter is unhappy. allowing ip");
Ok(RateLimitResult::AllowedIp(ip, semaphore))
} else {
// TODO: if no redis, rate limit with a local cache? "warn!" probably isn't right
Ok(RateLimitResult::AllowedIp(ip, semaphore))
// check the local cache for user data, or query the database
pub(crate) async fn user_data(&self, user_key: UserKey) -> anyhow::Result<UserKeyData> {
let user_data: Result<_, Arc<anyhow::Error>> = self
.try_get_with(user_key.into(), async move {
trace!(?user_key, "user_cache miss");
let db_conn = self.db_conn().context("Getting database connection")?;
let user_uuid: Uuid = user_key.into();
// TODO: join the user table to this to return the User? we don't always need it
match user_keys::Entity::find()
Some(user_key_model) => {
let allowed_ips: Option<Vec<IpNet>> =
user_key_model.allowed_ips.map(|allowed_ips| {
.expect("allowed_ips should always parse")
// TODO: try_for_each
.map(|x| {
x.parse::<IpNet>().expect("ip address should always parse")
// TODO: should this be an Option<Vec<Origin>>?
let allowed_origins =
user_key_model.allowed_origins.map(|allowed_origins| {
.expect("allowed_origins should always parse")
let allowed_referers =
user_key_model.allowed_referers.map(|allowed_referers| {
.expect("allowed_referers should always parse")
// TODO: try_for_each
.map(|x| {
x.parse::<Referer>().expect("referer should always parse")
let allowed_user_agents =
.map(|allowed_user_agents| {
.expect("allowed_user_agents should always parse")
// TODO: try_for_each
.map(|x| {
.expect("user agent should always parse")
Ok(UserKeyData {
user_id: user_key_model.user_id,
user_key_id: user_key_model.id,
max_requests_per_period: user_key_model.requests_per_minute,
max_concurrent_requests: user_key_model.max_concurrent_requests,
log_revert_chance: user_key_model.log_revert_chance,
None => Ok(UserKeyData::default()),
// TODO: what's the best way to handle this arc? try_unwrap will not work
user_data.map_err(|err| anyhow::anyhow!(err))
pub async fn rate_limit_by_key(&self, user_key: UserKey) -> anyhow::Result<RateLimitResult> {
let user_data = self.user_data(user_key).await?;
if user_data.user_key_id == 0 {
return Ok(RateLimitResult::UnknownKey);
let semaphore = self.user_key_semaphore(&user_data).await?;
let user_max_requests_per_period = match user_data.max_requests_per_period {
None => {
return Ok(RateLimitResult::AllowedUser(user_data, semaphore));
Some(x) => x,
// user key is valid. now check rate limits
if let Some(rate_limiter) = &self.frontend_key_rate_limiter {
match rate_limiter
.throttle(user_key.into(), Some(user_max_requests_per_period), 1)
Ok(DeferredRateLimitResult::Allowed) => {
Ok(RateLimitResult::AllowedUser(user_data, semaphore))
Ok(DeferredRateLimitResult::RetryAt(retry_at)) => {
// TODO: set headers so they know when they can retry
// TODO: debug or trace?
// this is too verbose, but a stat might be good
// TODO: keys are secrets! use the id instead
// TODO: emit a stat
trace!(?user_key, "rate limit exceeded until {:?}", retry_at);
Ok(RateLimitResult::RateLimitedUser(user_data, Some(retry_at)))
Ok(DeferredRateLimitResult::RetryNever) => {
// TODO: keys are secret. don't log them!
trace!(?user_key, "rate limit is 0");
// TODO: emit a stat
Ok(RateLimitResult::RateLimitedUser(user_data, None))
Err(err) => {
// internal error, not rate limit being hit
// TODO: i really want axum to do this for us in a single place.
error!(?err, "rate limiter is unhappy. allowing ip");
Ok(RateLimitResult::AllowedUser(user_data, semaphore))
} else {
// TODO: if no redis, rate limit with just a local cache?
Ok(RateLimitResult::AllowedUser(user_data, semaphore))