Bryan Stitt aeb30787dd more openssl and no rmp
i like rustls, but we can't use it on everything and so our compile times are bad
2023-10-07 00:35:22 -07:00

24 lines
660 B

name = "migration"
version = "0.43.0"
edition = "2021"
publish = false
name = "migration"
path = "src/lib.rs"
tokio = { version = "1.32.0", features = ["full", "tracing"] }
chrono = "0.4.31"
sea-orm = "0.12.3"
version = "0.12.3"
features = [
# Enable at least one `ASYNC_RUNTIME` and `DATABASE_DRIVER` feature if you want to run migration via CLI.
# View the list of supported features at https://www.sea-ql.org/SeaORM/docs/install-and-config/database-and-async-runtime.
"runtime-tokio-native-tls", # `ASYNC_RUNTIME` feature
"sqlx-mysql", # `DATABASE_DRIVER` feature