Bryan Stitt 3bbbdd5596
Flush stats (#161)
* create buffer if mysql OR influx is set up

* this one flush should error

* it helps to set up the db in the db migration test

* comment
2023-07-05 19:24:21 -07:00

100 lines
2.9 KiB

mod common;
use crate::common::TestApp;
use ethers::prelude::U256;
use http::StatusCode;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::{
time::{sleep, Instant},
use web3_proxy::rpcs::blockchain::ArcBlock;
#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "tests-needing-docker"), ignore)]
async fn it_migrates_the_db() {
let x = TestApp::spawn(true).await;
// we call flush stats more to be sure it works than because we expect it to save any stats
async fn it_starts_and_stops() {
let x = TestApp::spawn(false).await;
let anvil_provider = &x.anvil_provider;
let proxy_provider = &x.proxy_provider;
let anvil_result = anvil_provider
.request::<_, Option<ArcBlock>>("eth_getBlockByNumber", ("latest", false))
let proxy_result = proxy_provider
.request::<_, Option<ArcBlock>>("eth_getBlockByNumber", ("latest", false))
assert_eq!(anvil_result, proxy_result);
// check the /health page
let proxy_url = x.proxy_provider.url();
let health_response = reqwest::get(format!("{}health", proxy_url)).await;
assert_eq!(health_response.unwrap().status(), StatusCode::OK);
// check the /status page
let status_response = reqwest::get(format!("{}status", proxy_url)).await;
assert_eq!(status_response.unwrap().status(), StatusCode::OK);
let first_block_num = anvil_result.number.unwrap();
// mine a block
let _: U256 = anvil_provider.request("evm_mine", ()).await.unwrap();
// make sure the block advanced
let anvil_result = anvil_provider
.request::<_, Option<ArcBlock>>("eth_getBlockByNumber", ("latest", false))
let second_block_num = anvil_result.number.unwrap();
assert_eq!(first_block_num, second_block_num - 1);
let mut proxy_result;
let start = Instant::now();
loop {
if start.elapsed() > Duration::from_secs(1) {
panic!("took too long to sync!");
proxy_result = proxy_provider
.request::<_, Option<ArcBlock>>("eth_getBlockByNumber", ("latest", false))
if let Some(ref proxy_result) = proxy_result {
if proxy_result.number == Some(second_block_num) {
assert_eq!(anvil_result, proxy_result.unwrap());
// this won't do anything since stats aren't tracked when there isn't a db
// most tests won't need to wait, but we should wait here to be sure all the shutdown logic works properly