msgid "<0>Tip:</0> Removing pool tokens converts your position back into underlying tokens at the current rate, proportional to your share of the pool. Accrued fees are included in the amounts you receive."
msgstr "<0> Tip:</0> Menghapus token kumpulan akan mengubah posisi Anda kembali menjadi token yang mendasari pada tarif saat ini, sebanding dengan bagian Anda dari kumpulan. Biaya yang masih harus dibayar termasuk dalam jumlah yang Anda terima."
msgid "<0>Tip:</0> When you add liquidity, you will receive pool tokens representing your position. These tokens automatically earn fees proportional to your share of the pool, and can be redeemed at any time."
msgstr "<0> Tip:</0> Saat Anda menambahkan likuiditas, Anda akan menerima token kumpulan yang mewakili posisi Anda. Token ini secara otomatis mendapatkan biaya yang sebanding dengan bagian Anda dari kumpulan, dan dapat ditebus kapan saja."
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "<0>Unlock voting</0> to prepare for the next proposal."
msgstr "<0> Buka pemungutan suara</0> untuk mempersiapkan proposal berikutnya."
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
msgid "<0>🎉 </0>Welcome to team Unicorn :) <1>🎉</1>"
msgstr "<0> 🎉</0> Selamat datang di tim Unicorn :) <1> 🎉</1>"
#: src/pages/Vote/index.tsx
msgid "A minimum threshold of 1% of the total UNI supply is required to submit proposals"
msgstr "Batas minimum 1% dari total pasokan UNI diperlukan untuk mengajukan proposal"
msgstr "Alamat tidak memiliki klaim yang tersedia"
#: src/pages/Vote/VotePage.tsx
msgid "Against"
msgstr "Melawan"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "Allow LP token migration"
msgstr "Izinkan migrasi token LP"
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Allow high price impact trades and skip the confirm screen. Use at your own risk."
msgstr "Izinkan perdagangan berdampak harga tinggi dan lewati layar konfirmasi. Gunakan dengan resiko Anda sendiri."
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "Allow the Uniswap Protocol to use your {0}"
msgstr "Izinkan Protokol Uniswap menggunakan {0}"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "Allowed"
msgstr "Diizinkan"
#: src/components/Header/URLWarning.tsx
msgid "Always make sure the URL is<0></0> - bookmark it to be safe."
msgstr "Selalu pastikan URL-nya adalah <0></0> - tandai agar aman."
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
msgid "Amount"
msgstr "Jumlah"
#: src/hooks/useSwapCallback.ts
msgid "An error occurred when trying to execute this swap. You may need to increase your slippage tolerance. If that does not work, there may be an incompatibility with the token you are trading. Note fee on transfer and rebase tokens are incompatible with Uniswap V3."
msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat mencoba menjalankan swap ini. Anda mungkin perlu meningkatkan toleransi selip Anda. Jika itu tidak berhasil, mungkin ada ketidakcocokan dengan token yang Anda perdagangkan. Catatan biaya transfer dan token rebase tidak sesuai dengan Uniswap V3."
#: src/components/Menu/index.tsx
msgid "Analytics"
msgstr "Analytics"
#: src/components/earn/StakingModal.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Approve"
msgstr "Menyetujui"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
msgid "Approve {0}"
msgstr "Setujui {0}"
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Approved"
msgstr "Disetujui"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Approving"
msgstr "Menyetujui"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
msgid "Approving {0}"
msgstr "Menyetujui {0}"
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Apakah kamu yakin"
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
msgid "As a member of the Uniswap community you may claim UNI to be used for voting and governance.<0/><1/><2>Read more about UNI</2>"
msgstr "Sebagai anggota komunitas Uniswap, Anda dapat mengklaim UNI digunakan untuk pemungutan suara dan pemerintahan. <0 /> <1 /> <2> Baca selengkapnya tentang UNI</2>"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "At least {0} {1} and {2} {3} will be refunded to your wallet due to selected price range."
msgstr "Setidaknya {0} {1} dan {2} {3} akan dikembalikan ke dompet Anda karena kisaran harga yang dipilih."
#: src/components/TransactionSettings/index.tsx
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Mobil"
#: src/components/earn/StakingModal.tsx
msgid "Available to deposit: {0}"
msgstr "Tersedia untuk deposit: {0}"
#: src/components/WalletModal/index.tsx
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Kembali"
#: src/components/Header/UniBalanceContent.tsx
msgid "Balance:"
msgstr "Keseimbangan:"
#: src/components/CurrencyInputPanel/index.tsx
msgid "Balance: {0} {1}"
msgstr "Saldo: {0} {1}"
#: src/components/FeeSelector/index.tsx
msgid "Best for exotic pairs."
msgstr "Terbaik untuk pasangan eksotis."
#: src/components/FeeSelector/index.tsx
msgid "Best for most pairs."
msgstr "Terbaik untuk sebagian besar pasangan."
#: src/components/FeeSelector/index.tsx
msgid "Best for stable pairs."
msgstr "Terbaik untuk pasangan stabil."
#: src/components/Blocklist/index.tsx
msgid "Blocked address"
msgstr "Alamat diblokir"
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
msgid "By adding liquidity you'll earn 0.3% of all trades on this pair proportional to your share of the pool. Fees are added to the pool, accrue in real time and can be claimed by withdrawing your liquidity."
msgstr "Dengan menambahkan likuiditas, Anda akan mendapatkan 0,3% dari semua perdagangan pada pasangan ini sebanding dengan bagian pool Anda. Biaya ditambahkan ke kumpulan, bertambah secara real time dan dapat diklaim dengan menarik likuiditas Anda."
#: src/components/SearchModal/ImportList.tsx
msgid "By adding this list you are implicitly trusting that the data is correct. Anyone can create a list, including creating fake versions of existing lists and lists that claim to represent projects that do not have one."
msgstr "Dengan menambahkan daftar ini Anda secara implisit mempercayai bahwa datanya benar. Siapa pun dapat membuat daftar, termasuk membuat versi palsu dari daftar yang sudah ada dan daftar yang mengklaim mewakili proyek yang tidak memilikinya."
#: src/components/WalletModal/index.tsx
msgid "By connecting a wallet, you agree to Uniswap Labs’ <0>Terms of Service</0> and acknowledge that you have read and understand the <1>Uniswap protocol disclaimer</1>."
msgstr "Dengan menghubungkan dompet, Anda menyetujui Persyaratan Layanan <0> Uniswap Labs</0> dan mengakui bahwa Anda telah membaca dan memahami <1> penafian protokol Uniswap</1> ."
#: src/components/AccountDetails/index.tsx
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Perubahan"
#: src/components/Header/index.tsx
msgid "Charts"
msgstr "Grafik"
#: src/pages/Pool/CTACards.tsx
msgid "Check out our v3 LP walkthrough and migration guides."
msgstr "Lihat panduan migrasi dan panduan v3 LP kami."
msgid "Enter an address to trigger a UNI claim. If the address has any claimable UNI it will be sent to them on submission."
msgstr "Masukkan alamat untuk memicu klaim UNI. Jika alamat tersebut memiliki UNI yang dapat diklaim, alamat tersebut akan dikirimkan kepada mereka saat diserahkan."
msgid "Error connecting. Try refreshing the page."
msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat menyambungkan. Coba segarkan halaman."
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageLists.tsx
msgid "Error importing list"
msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengimpor daftar"
#: src/components/SearchModal/CurrencyList.tsx
msgid "Expanded results from inactive Token Lists"
msgstr "Hasil yang diperluas dari Daftar Token yang tidak aktif"
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Expert mode turns off the confirm transaction prompt and allows high slippage trades that often result in bad rates and lost funds."
msgstr "Mode ahli mematikan permintaan konfirmasi transaksi dan memungkinkan perdagangan selip tinggi yang sering kali mengakibatkan suku bunga buruk dan dana hilang."
#: src/pages/Pool/CTACards.tsx
msgid "Explore popular pools on Uniswap Analytics."
msgstr "Jelajahi kumpulan populer di Uniswap Analytics."
msgid "For each pool shown below, click migrate to remove your liquidity from Uniswap V2 and deposit it into Uniswap V3."
msgstr "Untuk setiap kumpulan yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini, klik bermigrasi untuk menghapus likuiditas Anda dari Uniswap V2 dan menyimpannya ke Uniswap V3."
#: src/components/swap/SwapModalHeader.tsx
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "From"
msgstr "Dari"
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "From (at most)"
msgstr "Dari (paling banyak)"
#: src/components/ErrorBoundary/index.tsx
msgid "Get support on Discord"
msgstr "Dapatkan dukungan untuk Discord"
#: src/pages/Pool/index.tsx
msgid "Hide closed positions"
msgstr "Sembunyikan posisi tertutup"
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "High Price Impact"
msgstr "Dampak Harga Tinggi"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ImportList.tsx
msgid "I understand"
msgstr "saya mengerti"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ImportList.tsx
msgid "If you purchase a token from this list, you may not be able to sell it back."
msgstr "Jika Anda membeli token dari daftar ini, Anda mungkin tidak dapat menjualnya kembali."
msgid "Input is estimated. You will sell at most <0>{0} {1}</0> or the transaction will revert."
msgstr "Masukan diperkirakan. Anda akan menjual paling banyak <0>{0} {1}</0> atau transaksi akan dikembalikan."
#: src/components/WalletModal/index.tsx
msgid "Install Metamask"
msgstr "Instal Metamask"
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "Insufficient liquidity for this trade."
msgstr "Likuiditas tidak mencukupi untuk perdagangan ini."
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "Insufficient liquidity for this trade. Try enabling multi-hop trades."
msgstr "Likuiditas tidak mencukupi untuk perdagangan ini. Coba aktifkan perdagangan multi-hop."
#: src/state/mint/hooks.ts
#: src/state/mint/hooks.ts
#: src/state/mint/v3/hooks.ts
#: src/state/mint/v3/hooks.ts
#: src/state/swap/hooks.ts
msgid "Insufficient {0} balance"
msgstr "Saldo {0} tidak mencukupi"
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Interface Settings"
msgstr "Pengaturan Antarmuka"
#: src/state/mint/hooks.ts
#: src/state/mint/v3/hooks.ts
msgid "Invalid pair"
msgstr "Pasangan tidak valid"
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
msgid "Invalid pair."
msgstr "Pasangan tidak valid."
#: src/state/mint/v3/hooks.ts
msgid "Invalid price input"
msgstr "Masukan harga tidak valid"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "Invalid range selected. The min price must be lower than the max price."
msgstr "Rentang yang tidak valid dipilih. Harga min harus lebih rendah dari harga maks."
#: src/state/swap/hooks.ts
msgid "Invalid recipient"
msgstr "Penerima tidak valid"
#: src/pages/Pool/index.tsx
msgid "Learn"
msgstr "Belajar"
#: src/components/claim/ClaimModal.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Liquidity"
msgstr "Likuiditas"
#: src/components/swap/AdvancedSwapDetails.tsx
msgid "Liquidity Provider Fee"
msgstr "Biaya Penyedia Likuiditas"
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
msgid "Liquidity provider rewards"
msgstr "Imbalan penyedia likuiditas"
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
msgid "Liquidity providers earn a 0.3% fee on all trades proportional to their share of the pool. Fees are added to the pool, accrue in real time and can be claimed by withdrawing your liquidity."
msgstr "Penyedia likuiditas mendapatkan biaya 0,3% pada semua perdagangan yang sebanding dengan bagian pool mereka. Biaya ditambahkan ke kumpulan, bertambah secara real time dan dapat diklaim dengan menarik likuiditas Anda."
#: src/components/SearchModal/Manage.tsx
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "Daftar"
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageLists.tsx
msgid "Loaded"
msgstr "Sarat"
#: src/components/PositionCard/Sushi.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/V2.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/index.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Memuat"
#: src/components/Header/URLWarning.tsx
msgid "Make sure the URL is<0></0>"
msgstr "Pastikan URL-nya adalah <0></0>"
#: src/components/PositionCard/V2.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/V2.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
#: src/components/SearchModal/Manage.tsx
#: src/components/earn/PoolCard.tsx
msgid "Manage"
msgstr "Mengelola"
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
msgid "Manage Liquidity in Rewards Pool"
msgstr "Kelola Likuiditas di Pool Hadiah"
#: src/components/SearchModal/CurrencySearch.tsx
msgid "Manage Token Lists"
msgstr "Kelola Daftar Token"
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
msgid "Manage this pool."
msgstr "Kelola pangkalan ini."
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
msgid "Max"
msgstr "Max"
#: src/components/PositionPreview/index.tsx
#: src/components/RangeSelector/index.tsx
msgid "Max Price"
msgstr "Harga Maks"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Max price"
msgstr "Harga maks"
#: src/components/PositionListItem/index.tsx
msgid "Max:"
msgstr "Max:"
#: src/components/swap/AdvancedSwapDetails.tsx
msgid "Maximum sent"
msgstr "Pengiriman maksimum"
#: src/components/PositionCard/Sushi.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/V2.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/index.tsx
msgid "Migrate"
msgstr "Migrasi"
#: src/pages/Pool/index.tsx
msgid "Migrate Liquidity"
msgstr "Migrasi Likuiditas"
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
msgid "Migrate Liquidity to V3"
msgstr "Migrasi Likuiditas ke V3"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/index.tsx
msgid "Migrate V2 Liquidity"
msgstr "Migrasikan Likuiditas V2"
#: src/pages/Pool/index.tsx
msgid "Migrate V2 liquidity"
msgstr "Migrasikan likuiditas V2"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/index.tsx
msgid "Migrate your liquidity tokens from Uniswap V2 to Uniswap V3."
msgstr "Migrasikan token likuiditas Anda dari Uniswap V2 ke Uniswap V3."
msgid "Some assets are not available through this interface because they may not work well with the smart contracts or we are unable to allow trading for legal reasons."
msgstr "Beberapa aset tidak tersedia melalui antarmuka ini karena mereka mungkin tidak bekerja dengan baik dengan kontrak pintar atau kami tidak dapat mengizinkan perdagangan karena alasan hukum."
msgid "The Uniswap invariant x*y=k was not satisfied by the swap. This usually means one of the tokens you are swapping incorporates custom behavior on transfer."
msgstr "Invarian Uniswap x * y = k tidak dipenuhi oleh swap. Ini biasanya berarti salah satu token yang Anda tukar menggabungkan perilaku khusus saat transfer."
#: src/hooks/useSwapCallback.ts
msgid "The input token cannot be transferred. There may be an issue with the input token."
msgstr "Token masukan tidak dapat ditransfer. Mungkin ada masalah dengan token masukan."
#: src/components/CurrencyInputPanel/index.tsx
msgid "The market price is outside your specified price range. Single-asset deposit only."
msgstr "Harga pasar di luar kisaran harga yang Anda tentukan. Hanya setoran aset tunggal."
#: src/hooks/useSwapCallback.ts
msgid "The output token cannot be transferred. There may be an issue with the output token."
msgstr "Token keluaran tidak dapat ditransfer. Mungkin ada masalah dengan token keluaran."
#: src/hooks/useSwapCallback.ts
msgid "The output token cannot be transferred. There may be an issue with the output token. Note fee on transfer and rebase tokens are incompatible with Uniswap V3."
msgstr "Token keluaran tidak dapat ditransfer. Mungkin ada masalah dengan token keluaran. Catatan biaya transfer dan token rebase tidak sesuai dengan Uniswap V3."
#: src/components/Badge/RangeBadge.tsx
msgid "The price of this pool is outside of your selected range. Your position is not currently earning fees."
msgstr "Harga kolam ini di luar kisaran yang Anda pilih. Posisi Anda saat ini tidak menghasilkan biaya."
#: src/components/Badge/RangeBadge.tsx
msgid "The price of this pool is within your selected range. Your position is currently earning fees."
msgstr "Harga kolam ini berada dalam kisaran yang Anda pilih. Posisi Anda saat ini mendapatkan bayaran."
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
msgid "The ratio of tokens you add will set the price of this pool."
msgstr "Rasio token yang Anda tambahkan akan menetapkan harga kumpulan ini."
#: src/hooks/useSwapCallback.ts
msgid "The transaction could not be sent because the deadline has passed. Please check that your transaction deadline is not too low."
msgstr "Transaksi tidak dapat dikirim karena tenggat waktu telah berlalu. Harap periksa bahwa tenggat waktu transaksi Anda tidak terlalu rendah."
#: src/components/SearchModal/CommonBases.tsx
msgid "These tokens are commonly paired with other tokens."
msgstr "Token ini biasanya dipasangkan dengan token lain."
msgid "This tool will safely migrate your {0} liquidity to V3. The process is completely trustless thanks to the"
msgstr "Alat ini akan memindahkan {0} likuiditas Anda ke V3 dengan aman. Prosesnya benar-benar tidak dapat dipercaya berkat"
#: src/hooks/useSwapCallback.ts
msgid "This transaction will not succeed due to price movement. Try increasing your slippage tolerance. Note fee on transfer and rebase tokens are incompatible with Uniswap V3."
msgstr "Transaksi ini tidak akan berhasil karena pergerakan harga. Coba tingkatkan toleransi selip Anda. Catatan biaya transfer dan token rebase tidak sesuai dengan Uniswap V3."
#: src/hooks/useSwapCallback.ts
msgid "This transaction will not succeed either due to price movement or fee on transfer. Try increasing your slippage tolerance."
msgstr "Transaksi ini tidak akan berhasil baik karena pergerakan harga atau biaya transfer. Coba tingkatkan toleransi selip Anda."
#: src/components/SearchModal/ManageTokens.tsx
msgid "Tip: Custom tokens are stored locally in your browser"
msgstr "Tip: Token khusus disimpan secara lokal di browser Anda"
#: src/components/swap/SwapModalHeader.tsx
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "To"
msgstr "Untuk"
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "To (at least)"
msgstr "Untuk (setidaknya)"
#: src/components/Settings/index.tsx
msgid "Toggle Expert Mode"
msgstr "Alihkan Mode Pakar"
#: src/components/SearchModal/Manage.tsx
msgid "Tokens"
msgstr "Token"
#: src/components/SearchModal/CurrencyList.tsx
msgid "Tokens from inactive lists. Import specific tokens below or click Manage to activate more lists."
msgstr "Token dari daftar tidak aktif. Impor token tertentu di bawah atau klik Kelola untuk mengaktifkan lebih banyak daftar."
msgid "UNI tokens represent voting shares in Uniswap governance. You can vote on each proposal yourself or delegate your votes to a third party."
msgstr "Token UNI mewakili hak suara dalam tata kelola Uniswap. Anda dapat memberikan suara pada setiap proposal sendiri atau mendelegasikan suara Anda ke pihak ketiga."
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "UNI {0}/{1} Burned"
msgstr "UNI {0}/{1} Terbakar"
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "UNI-V2 LP tokens are required. Once you've added liquidity to the {0}-{1} pool you can stake your liquidity tokens on this page."
msgstr "Token UNI-V2 LP diperlukan. Setelah Anda menambahkan likuiditas ke {0}-{1} pool, Anda dapat mempertaruhkan token likuiditas Anda di halaman ini."
msgid "When you claim without withdrawing your liquidity remains in the mining pool."
msgstr "Ketika Anda mengklaim tanpa menarik, likuiditas Anda tetap berada di kolam penambangan."
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "When you withdraw, the contract will automagically claim UNI on your behalf!"
msgstr "Saat Anda menarik diri, kontrak akan secara otomatis mengklaim UNI atas nama Anda!"
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
msgid "When you withdraw, your UNI is claimed and your liquidity is removed from the mining pool."
msgstr "Saat Anda menarik, UNI Anda diklaim dan likuiditas Anda dihapus dari kumpulan penambangan."
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "Withdraw"
msgstr "Menarik"
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
msgid "Withdraw & Claim"
msgstr "Tarik & Klaim"
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
msgid "Withdraw deposited liquidity"
msgstr "Menarik likuiditas yang disimpan"
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
msgid "Withdrawing {0} UNI-V2"
msgstr "Penarikan {0} UNI-V2"
#: src/components/earn/UnstakingModal.tsx
msgid "Withdrew UNI-V2!"
msgstr "Menarik UNI-V2!"
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "Wrap"
msgstr "Membungkus"
#: src/components/WalletModal/index.tsx
#: src/components/Web3Status/index.tsx
msgid "Wrong Network"
msgstr "Jaringan Salah"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
msgid "You are creating a pool"
msgstr "Anda sedang membuat pangkalan"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "You are the first liquidity provider for this Uniswap V3 pool. Your liquidity will migrate at the current {0} price."
msgstr "Anda adalah penyedia likuiditas pertama untuk kumpulan Uniswap V3 ini. Likuiditas Anda akan bermigrasi pada harga {0} saat ini."
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
msgid "You are the first liquidity provider."
msgstr "Anda adalah penyedia likuiditas pertama."
#: src/components/vote/DelegateModal.tsx
msgid "You can either vote on each proposal yourself or delegate your votes to a third party."
msgstr "Anda dapat memilih sendiri setiap proposal atau mendelegasikan suara Anda ke pihak ketiga."
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "You can now trade {0}"
msgstr "Anda sekarang dapat berdagang {0}"
#: src/pages/PoolFinder/index.tsx
msgid "You don’t have liquidity in this pool yet."
msgstr "Anda belum memiliki likuiditas di kumpulan ini."
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "You must connect an account."
msgstr "Anda harus menghubungkan akun."
#: src/pages/Swap/index.tsx
msgid "You must give the Uniswap smart contracts permission to use your {0}. You only have to do this once per token."
msgstr "Anda harus memberikan izin kontrak pintar Uniswap untuk menggunakan {0}Anda. Anda hanya perlu melakukan ini sekali per token."
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "You should only deposit liquidity into Uniswap V3 at a price you believe is correct. <0/>If the price seems incorrect, you can either make a swap to move the price or wait for someone else to do so."
msgstr "Anda hanya boleh menyetorkan likuiditas ke Uniswap V3 dengan harga yang Anda yakini benar. <0 /> Jika harga tampak salah, Anda dapat melakukan pertukaran untuk memindahkan harga atau menunggu orang lain melakukannya."
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/V3.tsx
msgid "You will also collect fees earned from this position."
msgstr "Anda juga akan memungut biaya yang diperoleh dari posisi ini."
#: src/pages/AddLiquidityV2/index.tsx
#: src/pages/RemoveLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "You will receive"
msgstr "Anda akan menerima"
#: src/components/Header/UniBalanceContent.tsx
msgid "Your UNI Breakdown"
msgstr "Rincian UNI Anda"
#: src/pages/Pool/v2.tsx
msgid "Your V2 liquidity"
msgstr "Likuiditas V2 Anda"
#: src/pages/Pool/index.tsx
msgid "Your V3 liquidity positions will appear here."
msgstr "Posisi likuiditas V3 Anda akan muncul di sini."
#: src/pages/Earn/Manage.tsx
msgid "Your liquidity deposits"
msgstr "Deposit likuiditas Anda"
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
msgid "Your liquidity will only earn fees when the market price of the pair is within your range. <0>Need help picking a range?</0>"
msgstr "Likuiditas Anda hanya akan mendapatkan biaya ketika harga pasar dari pasangan tersebut berada dalam jangkauan Anda. <0> Butuh bantuan memilih kisaran?</0>"
#: src/components/PositionCard/V2.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
msgid "Your pool share:"
msgstr "Bagian kolam Anda:"
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
msgid "Your position"
msgstr "Posisi kamu"
#: src/components/Badge/RangeBadge.tsx
msgid "Your position has 0 liquidity, and is not earning fees."
msgstr "Posisi Anda memiliki 0 likuiditas, dan tidak menghasilkan biaya."
#: src/components/PositionPreview/index.tsx
#: src/components/PositionPreview/index.tsx
msgid "Your position will be 100% composed of {0} at this price"
msgstr "Posisi Anda akan 100% terdiri dari {0} pada harga ini"
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
#: src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
msgid "Your position will be 100% {0} at this price."
msgstr "Posisi Anda akan 100% {0} pada harga ini."
#: src/pages/AddLiquidity/index.tsx
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "Your position will not earn fees or be used in trades until the market price moves into your range."
msgstr "Posisi Anda tidak akan menghasilkan biaya atau digunakan dalam perdagangan sampai harga pasar bergerak ke kisaran Anda."
#: src/components/PositionList/index.tsx
#: src/components/PositionList/index.tsx
msgid "Your positions"
msgstr "Posisi Anda"
#: src/components/earn/PoolCard.tsx
msgid "Your rate"
msgstr "Tarif Anda"
#: src/components/PositionCard/V2.tsx
#: src/components/PositionCard/index.tsx
msgid "Your total pool tokens:"
msgstr "Token total pool Anda:"
#: src/pages/MigrateV2/MigrateV2Pair.tsx
msgid "Your transaction cost will be much higher as it includes the gas to create the pool."
msgstr "Biaya transaksi Anda akan jauh lebih tinggi karena sudah termasuk gas untuk membuat kolam."
#: src/components/TransactionSettings/index.tsx
msgid "Your transaction may be frontrun"
msgstr "Transaksi Anda mungkin di depan"
#: src/components/TransactionSettings/index.tsx
msgid "Your transaction may fail"
msgstr "Transaksi Anda mungkin gagal"
#: src/components/TransactionSettings/index.tsx
msgid "Your transaction will revert if it is pending for more than this period of time."
msgstr "Transaksi Anda akan dikembalikan jika tertunda selama lebih dari jangka waktu ini."
#: src/components/TransactionSettings/index.tsx
msgid "Your transaction will revert if the price changes unfavorably by more than this percentage."
msgstr "Transaksi Anda akan dikembalikan jika harga berubah lebih dari persentase ini."